Chapter Sixteen

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'No, no this can't be happening' I thought to myself before even turning around. I was caught, in my own house, with nowhere to run.

"I thought I could bring you down with that whole rape thing, but somehow you made it through that. I really didn't want to kill you myself, and now I will feel even worse since you're with child." I took a deep breath and turned around. It was someone I had fought with in Hell, someone I thought I had destroyed. He was closest to Thanatos, I should have known one of his minions would try to avenge him.

"Abaddon, there's no way..." I whispered. He grinned, and shook his head. He stepped closer to me with his hands in his pockets. I backed up.

"I see you're little boy toy has turned you immortal. He always finds a fucking way to save you, but oh, not this time. He's not here. He's on the road. You, my dear Grave, are fucked." His eyes went from blue to red, making me jump back. I almost felt like I was paralyzed, like I had no way to defend myself. He grabbed me by the throat, and I mustered all the strength in me to grab his other arm and twist it until it snapped like a glow stick. He screamed and let go as he bent over in pain. "You fucking bitch!" He shouted through gritted teeth. What never occurred to me was that I had all of this immortal strength, and never used it. He lunged at me, and I grabbed him by the throat and threw him down, which only cracked my tile floor, but it sure was fun. Before I knew it I was the one on the ground again, though. He had both hands on my throat, and it started to get harder and harder to breath. He was going to snap my neck, and that was going to be it. Chris was going to come home after two months of tour and find his wife dead.

"Not today, fucker." It was Chris. I heard a snap, and the grip release from my throat. Chris immediately got down on the floor with me and helped me up as I gasped for air.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I asked him when I finally caught my breath. He held me close and kissed the top of my head.

"I was driving to the airport when Desi showed up in my car. She said some random demon was in our house, and had been there, lurking, and his plan was to attack today. She doesn't know how many more there are out there, but she's worried there's a lot, and with me gone it makes you more prone to attacks." He explained as he grabbed my suitcase out of the closet. He carried it into the bedroom and started throwing my clothes in it. "So, with that being said, you're going to be going on the road with us. I already cleared it with the doctor, they said it's okay this early in." I stood in the doorway, watching him quickly load everything into bags. He then carried everything downstairs quickly, and I saw Desi waiting down there. She grabbed my arm and I froze.

"Grave, I promise, I am working on this, but for now I need you to go with Chris. You will be safe." She assured me, I was so lost and so confused on everything that was happening, that I just started rolling with the punches. When we got in the car, my questions came rapidly.

"Desi's alive, and she's good? She wanted to kill me not long ago? And why the hell are they after me? Why now?" I started asking. Chris ran his hand through his hair, obviously frustrated.

"Grave, I don't know how to answer any of your questions. All I know, is somehow Desi started remembering things about Thanatos, bad things. So now we're good with her, but it was too late. She had already made her order." He explained.

"Then she needs to unmake it! She needs to tell them to stop!" I shouted. He hit his steering wheel.

"Damn it, Grave, it doesn't work like that! She tried! Some of them went rogue, they only accepted Thanatos. I don't know if it's something to do with Desi being a woman, or what, but they went rogue. Some retreated and stayed in Hell. Desi doesn't know how many went rogue, though. The only way she can fix this is by helping us battle through it." I stared forward, blankly. I had no thoughts, no more questions. I was silent. And then Desi appeared, making Chris jump.

"Sorry, I like to sneak in from time to time and keep you on your toes. Okay, y'all need to chill. Stay laid back, relax, and enjoy your time together. I'm out, kiddos, gotta go rally some demons, make sure they're behaving. I will come as you need me." With that, she was gone, and Chris turned up the music.
The plane ride was unsettling, between everything that had happened and just my general fear of heights, I was not ready for a plane ride. Chris grabbed my hand and squeezed it.

"Grave, look at me. I promise I am going to protect you every day of my entire life. I will risk my own life for you every day if that's what it means to keep you and little Baby Cerulli safe. You're my world, and I'm not going to lose you. Not this time." He promised. I was terrified of what was in store for us next, but I had this feeling that I was safe with him.

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