Chapter Nineteen

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It had been two whole months since the miscarriage, also meaning the tour was over. I was excited to get back home and get back to a normal life. A life that wasn't filled with meet and greets and shows, and late nights with early mornings. As soon as Chris and I walked through our front door it felt great to be home.

"Finally, we can have sex in our own room!" He shouted as he put the bags down. He then grabbed me, and lifted me up Bridal style.

"What are you doing, Mr. Cerulli?" I asked as I wrapped my arms around his neck. He gave me a passionate kiss as he grinned.

"I'm just enjoying you, Mrs. Cerulli." He couldn't even take the time to carry me to the bedroom, so he laid me down on the couch. He ripped off my shirt, and groped my breasts as he kissed me. Then, he kicked off his shoes and unbuckled his belt, then undid his jeans. He sat down on the couch, and looked over at me. I bit my lip, then crawled over to him.

"Get on your knees in front of me, and open your mouth." He demanded. I did just that, and he put his cock in my mouth. He pulled hair as I sucked and licked, and he started to moan and groan. "Fuck, Grave, that's right. Let me fuck that mouth." He moaned out. He guided my head up and down, then moved it faster. His head went back and he moaned out louder, then started to cum in my mouth as he pulled my hair. Chris yanked my head up, and his cum mixed with my saliva dribbled out of my mouth. When I stood up he pulled me down on to his lap.

"I'm not done with you yet, I have to make sure you get your pleasure, too." He whispered in my ear. It made me blush, and he positioned himself perfectly to slide in. I used my knees to bounce up and down, and he grabbed onto my hips and watched as my breasts bounced. I moaned out, and started to rock back and forth. I could feel him start cumming, so I picked up the pace. I reached my orgasm, and he thrust his hips to make himself go deeper. I stayed on a little longer after we had finished, just to make sure everything stayed in, with a small hope that maybe the five millionth time we had fucked would be the time I'd actually get pregnant and have a successful pregnancy. We were both out of breath, and breathing heavy as our foreheads rested on one another.

"Grave, I really do think we can do this. I think there's a chance for this." Chris whispered. He kissed my cheek, and I got up off of him. I hoped he was right.
We had sex that whole day we were back, just off and on. In the shower, in the kitchen, even while we were relaxing and watching TV.
As I was laying down on the couch with Chris, watching Halloween, I felt a presence behind us. I turned to look back and it was Desi.

"I just love these movies." She finally said. Chris jumped and turned around,

"How long have you been here?" He asked her. She shrugged.

"Long enough to know that you haven't given up on this kid thing. I think I help." She offered. Chris shook his head.

"No, no, sometimes when you help you make shit ten times worse. I don't need your help." He exclaimed as he crossed his arms. I stood up and and walked up to him.

"Well, let's hear her out. What do you mean, Desi?" I asked. She smiled.

"There's no deal to be made or anything, and I promise I will see to it that it's successful. I just, I feel bad and I want y'all to finally be happy. I don't foresee anymore danger, and you two deserve to have a peaceful, seminormal, life." She explained. Chris' brow furrowed as he looked at her, and he bit down on his lip as he thought about it.

"So, no deals or anything?" He asked. She shook her head. "And it will be a safe pregnancy for Grave?" He wanted to be assured. She nodded her head. He thought about for a minute more, then made his decision. "Deal, but only as long as she will be safe."

"Chris, everyone will be safe. I'm trying to make you a happy ending, I'm fixing everything that's been done wrong." Desi promised. He was still hesitant, but accepted her offer.

"Yay! For once I get to make someone happy! It's tough work ruling Hell, I mean everyone is miserable. Okay, I'm gonna go now. I can't wait to meet the tiny thing!" She was gone, just like she came in; suddenly.
Later that day Chris had gotten so excited that he ran to the store and grabbed pregnancy tests, then practically threw them at me. I took one and we both paced back and forth while waiting. Those few minutes felt like an eternity again, and I was so sure it'd just be negative. I couldn't bare the heartbreak, so when the timer went off I had Chris look at the test. I anxiously bounced my leg, and he fell speechless as he turned to face me. It was positive, but I was still in denial. That had to just be too soon, but thinking on it, time lines don't matter when you work with Desi, she's fast on her word and making things happen.

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