Chapter Twenty-Three

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After I called the cops and gave them my statement, they told me to go home and get some rest. It was the most ridiculous request I had ever heard. My wife is missing and I'm supposed to go home to our daughter and relax? I gave Ricky a quick call as I headed back to the house.

"The cops are on it, did you put Salem down for the night? Are all the doors locked? Did you make sure Salems windows in her room are locked?" I was in panic mode.

"Chris, calm down. I'm sitting in the rocking chair in her room right now. She's out cold. We watched some TV together, got her in her pajamas, and now she's cuddling with her five million bears you've bought her." He assured me. I took a deep breath, and pulled up in the drive way. My phone started ringing in my ear.

"Ricky, I'm coming in. I have a call coming through." I hung up on Ricky, and accepted the call. The caller ID said "Wifey" and I hoped I'd hear Grave, I was wrong, well, slightly. Grave was in the background screaming again, and that was it. It was like whoever had her just wanted to torture me. Fuck, where were you, Grave?

I woke up to someone slapping me across the face, hard. My cheek stung, and I opened my eyes to see who my taker was. I was surprised to see a man, and not the woman who I met at the store. Then I saw someone emerge from a shadow with their arms crossed. Their boots clicked as they walked into the sunlight shining through the broken window. It was the fan that greeted me at the store, but why? Why would they do this?

"We know what you are, Grave, and what your husband is." She said as she squat down. I was tied up to a chair, and defenseless. I couldn't do anything.

"Now, just as soon as your husband gets here the fun can begin, but for now," the guy said as he twisted a sharp dagger in his hands, "we're gonna play a game." My heart was racing and pounding out of my chest. He took the dagger and sliced one of my arms as I screamed in pain.

"Shocking, you can feel pain! I'd expect a monster like you to feel nothing." The woman shouted. The guy continued to cut my arm and I spit in his face, then he dug the dagger into my thigh, calling me a bitch through gritted teeth. I screamed more and begged for mercy.

"Please just stop! I didn't do anything to you! Just tell me what you want!" I shouted through tears. They laughed.

"Oh, honey, we never introduced ourselves. I'm Onyx, and my companion here is Vesper. Our family line has been made to illuminate your kind. We'd been chasing Chris for a long time, we love his music so it's a shame he has to go." Onyx explained as she stood in front of me. They seemed to be more than hunters, though. They got a thrill out of pain being inflicted, they didn't do this as a family line, they did it as sport. And I was the prey.

I was walking down a dark street, no street lights or anything. The area was abandoned completely, and I felt compelled to go into an old run down factory that had been closed for years. There was graffiti all along the brick walls, and everything smelled musty around it. Vines of ivy had grown up the sides of the building from lack of lawn and weed maintenance. I could smell Graves intoxicating scent nearby. She was in the building, but someone was with her, someone with a dark aura. I started running to the entrance of the building, but I felt like the more I ran the further the building was from me. I finally made it to the large metal doors and pulled them open. The abandoned warehouse smelled of dead animals that had been decaying, and mildew, mixed with Graves scent, but not any scent, her blood. I shouted her name and my voice bounced off the walls like a boomerang as I followed her scent. I found her, beaten, stabbed, bloodied... Dead.

"Chris! Chris wake up! It's fine everything is okay!" Ricky was sitting on the edge of the couch, and it scared the daylights out of me. I almost punched him, but he grabbed my wrists. "What's wrong? What did you dream?" He asked. I shot up and looked at my phone, it was 3am.

"I know where she is, Ricky." I told him as I stood up and rushed to my keys.

"Chris, calm down, you've had a long day. Just come sit in the kitchen and drink some coffee with me." Ricky urged as he grabbed my arm.

"No! I know where she is, I have to find her before something bad happens!" I shouted. I yanked my arm from him, and grabbed something I vowed to never use once our life was back to normal; the handgun that Grave always had on her. That is until we decided she could get rid of it. However, something in me told me to always keep that handgun, so I never threw it out. I kept it without her knowing.

"Chris, come back in. We can call the cops and let them know where to go!" Rocky shouted after me as I headed to the car. I shook my head.

"They're going to kill her! I can't lose her!" I slammed the car door and peeled out of the drive way. I knew exactly where to go.
When I pulled up it was the same building as in my dream. The smell, the vines, the graffiti. All of it. I hesitated to get out of the car, I knew it was all a trap, and I had a feeling I knew who it was. It was a sibling duo of vampire hunters that had been after me for years, it was a way to lure me in, but it was a chance I had to take. I couldn't lose Grave.

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