Chapter Nine

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Desi stared down at me, but something was different. Her eyes weren't as cold as they were when I saw her at Ghosts place. Her grin was genuine and not an evil one.

"Come on, get up. We gotta talk." She held out her hand and helped up off the ground. My brow furrowed, I was confused. It was a night and day difference. We walked over to the table and sat down. Desi ran her hands through her hair, frustrated.

"Wh-what happened to you?" I had to ask. Desi laughed a little and looked down, avoiding eye contact.

"Well, I'm not quite sure. Thanatos had me convinced you were the bad one, that he was good and was out for vengeance against you for killing me. When you killed him, I felt anger, an intense rage came over me. After you had said Thanatos killed me, something changed. I had this feeling that I needed to trust you. You did me a service by killing Thanatos." She admitted. I smiled and hopped up, this was great. That means Grave wasn't in danger, I could chase after her and try to fix this. Desi sat me down again. "Not so fast, lover boy. Grave is still in danger," it was almost like she could read my mind, "there are others out there to get her, demons that have gone rogue and won't listen to me. I don't know where the demons are, what the plan is, or anything. You have time to save her, Chris, but not much." My heart dropped.

"What do I need to do?" I asked. Desi shrugged. She was at a loss.

"Chris, have you ever thought that maybe saving her all the time is causing you more harm than good?" She questioned. My eyes started to well with tears. I shook my head.

"Every time I have saved her it has been well worth it. I love her, Desi. I love her like I loved you all those years ago. Maybe more. I have to do this." Desi smiled at me and grabbed my hand. She looked me in the eyes and kissed my cheek.

"Then we will save her together, Chris."

It had been days since I sent the papers to Chris, and I still hadn't heard back. He had tried to call me several times though and even tried to call my dad. I was staring into space, completely zoned out, when I heard a knock on my door.

"Grave, is it okay to come in?" It was Vinny, I had forgotten all about the party he invited me to. Since I had moved back in with my dad I had gotten in touch with a few friends from the past.

"Yeah come in, I just need to get ready." I shouted. He walked in and gave me a big hug.

"Dude, I haven't seen you in years! You look great!" He held me at arms lengths. I smiled and thanked him as I turned to walk to my closet. I picked out a small black dress and a pair of platform boots, then went into my bathroom to change. Once I was ready we hopped in my car and headed straight to the party.

"Grave did you ever start drinking?" Vinny asked as he handed me a beer. I shook my head and he clinked our glasses. "Loosen up, you're not with Chris anymore and you're still young. You're in your early 20s! Have fun!" I shrugged my shoulders and took a big swig. It was bitter, but a taste that I could get used to. Before I knew it I was on my second and then third beer. I had started to feel a little light headed eventually, which I guess was the feeling of being tipsy. At some point Vinny split up from me and was talking to a group of people. I was left on a porch swing, sipping my beer and thinking. All I could think about was Chris and whether or not I was doing the right thing. At some point someone had sat down next to me.

"Penny for your thoughts?" They asked. I looked over at them, not sure if I could trust them even. "Grave, right? We went to high school together and also you're well known in the rock community. I'm Collin, we never talked in high school." He explained. It came back to me. He was one of the high school jocks who thought I was weird.

"No offense, Collin, but I don't feel like talking right now. I kind of just want to sit here and drink my beer." I gave him a first warning. He muttered, "okay", and sat back. I took the last sip of my beer and sat it down on the ground.

"Do you want another one? I'll go grab it." Collin offered. I nodded and leaned back. He got up and went inside the house to grab another. It took him a couple minutes to come back, and he had opened it for me. Usually I wouldn't trust it, but for some reason I did this time. I took a sip and it tasted off, but I figured it was just because it was in a can instead of a bottle. I kept drinking it and eventually I started to feel a little funny. I felt like I was blacking in and out.

"I don't feel too good." I stated. Collin grabbed me and stood me up.

"Here, I'll help you go lay down in a room. This happens all the time at parties. I'm sure the host will be okay with you laying down in a guest room." He helped me walk into the house and into a room, then laid me down. Something still didn't feel right in my gut. I wanted to run, but I could barley move and hardly speak. Suddenly I felt a hand slip up my thigh, and then inside my panties. I tried to move my hands to slap the hand away, but my arms felt like noodles.

"No, stop." I muttered. He didn't listen it, and I laid there, thinking this was it, this is when I get raped and it's all because I went out against every belief I had on alcohol. He started to strip off my panties, and I continued to beg him to stop, hoping maybe he'd listen. He shoved his fingers in me, despite my begging not to.

"But you want this, see, your soaked for me." He kept going and I couldn't do anything. When he stopped I thought it was over, but it was far from over. At that point I was hoping I'd just pass out, but it never happened. He took his pants off and proceeded to shove his cock in me. I started crying, there was nothing I could do. He kept thrusting, and eventually I was able to build the voice to start screaming for help. He slapped me across the face, and then placed his hand over my mouth. When he was done he pulled out and put his pants back on, then spit on me.

"You were always a whore." With that he exited the room, and left me laying on the bed.

I pulled up to the house party that I had tracked her at and jumped out of the rental car. There was a crowd of people gathered in the front, and I pushed past them. I made my way into the house and I could smell her. Then I heard it. Someone was screaming for help, and there was a lot of banging sounds coming from upstairs. They screamed again, and I realized it was Grave. I ran up the stairs, pushing past everyone. I found the room the screaming was coming from, and right as I was about to bust in, the door opened.

"Sorry dude, she's all used up." The guy stated as he pushed past me, buttoning his pants. Then I saw it, Grave laying on the bed in the dark, almost unconscious. I ran right over to her.

"Grave? Grave, can you hear me? Wake up, Grave. You have to get up." I begged her. Her eyes would open slightly and then close. Desi came running into the room.

"Chris, what's going on?" She asked. I looked back at her with tears in my eyes.

"Call 911. Call 911, now!" I yelled. Desi did just that, grabbing my phone out of my hands. "Stay with her. I'm going to go find him." I pushed past Desi. She was explaining what had happened and I rushed through a crowd of people. I finally found him, bragging to a group of guys around a beer keg.

"Dude, I told you, she was no goo-" I cut him off by punching him in the face, knocking him to the ground. His friends all backed up.

"You think raping my wife is something to brag about? I'm gonna fucking kill you, you prick." I got on top of him and started banging his head on the ground, that's when Desi came out and pulled me off of him.

"Chris! Chris, listen to me! You can't kill him because he raped someone! The ambulance and cops are almost here." Desi held me back. I was fuming.

"He didn't just rape someone, he raped Grave! He raped my wife!" I spit in the guys face and broke from Desi's grip. I held him down on the ground and started punching him in the face again. I saw the lights and heard the sirens approaching, so I lifted him up and dragged him over to the cops by his hair. They put him in cuffs, and started asking questions, that's when I saw the ambulance wheel out Grave. I started following.

"Sir, you can't come in." The ambulance told me. I hopped in anyways.

"I'm her husband, I can." No one said anything after that. They strapped the oxygen mask on her and I grabbed her hand. He makeup was smeared and hair a mess, but she looked just as beautiful as ever. I could only hope she'd take me back and not go through with the divorce. I needed to protect her.

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