Chapter Seventeen

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When we got off the plane the guys rushed over to us.

"Thank fucking God everyone is okay, Chris called Rick and told him what was happening." Ryan stated as he grabbed my carry on bags from Chris. We waited at baggage claim for my bags to come through, and Chris pulled them off the belt. The airport was crowded and loud, all I wanted was to just be home. Chris wrapped his arm around my waist as we made our way through, and to the tour bus. They had a show to play tonight and I could tell Chris was nervous about having to leave me alone backstage.
Right before Chris went on I assured him I'd be okay, and that I was in great hands with the bands watching after me. I wasn't actually sure, considering the bands were Black Veil Brides and Ice Nine Kills, but I wasn't going to let him know that.

"So, Grave, what have you been up to lately? Are you still doing shows?" Andy asked, breaking the silence. I shook my head.

"No, I uh, I think want to pursue an education in entomology actually. You know, study insects and their habitats and such." I told him. He looked at me, confused.

"You went from being a rock star to wanting to pursue an entomology degree?" I laughed a little and nodded my head.

"We're about to have a family, both of us can't be out on the road all the time, and I need something to do in my downtime" I explained. Andy smiled, and tilted his head to the side.

"Chris Motionless is going to be a father, fuck I wonder what that's going to be like. That man is a huge teddy bear basically." Andy had known Chris for quite some time, and knew his personality. I always loved hearing others perception of Chris, whether he was the nicest person they'd ever met, or a complete hardass. "That man really loves you, Grave. I've never seen anyone drop everything so fast just to be with their wife for a sonogram. That decision was made from the moment he found out. He told all of us first, and then said he'd be at every sonogram and doctors appointment." Andy admitted. I blushed just thinking about how much he cared for me.  I had never felt so loved in my life, and he has stood by through everything. I just hoped the stress of having to look out for me and a baby now wouldn't be too much for him.
As soon as he got done with the show he ran right over to me and wrapped his arms around me.

"I'm ready to lay down in bed with you, and just hold you. Especially after the day we had." Chris stated. I hugged him back and laid my head on his chest.

"Can you shower first, though?" I asked him. He laughed and kissed my forehead, then nodded.

"Yes, Grave, I will shower first. Come on, the bus is gonna take us to the hotel." We walked to the bus, hand in hand. I felt like for some reason we were closer than we ever had been in all our time together.

"Hey, I'm gonna order pizza up to the room, so if you two love birds want y'all can join." Justin offered as we all checked in and got our room keys. Chris agreed, thinking it would be great to unwind with the band and joke around after the day we had.
We all sat around in Justin's room and joked and shared a few good laughs.

"Alright, so I was thinking, you know, because I'm the favorite and all, you should name the baby after me. It could be Ricky, II." Ricky suggested. I looked at Chris and we both started laughing.

"Absolutely fucking not, Ricky. No offense. Actually, we haven't talked about names." I told them. Ricky threw up his hands.

"It was just a suggestion! I see nothing wrong with it. I am the favorite. But really, what names are y'all thinking?" Ricky asked. Chris and I just looked at each and shrugged.

"You really haven't even thought about it?" Vinny asked. Chris and I shook our heads.

"Look man, I just knew I wanted a kid. I didn't think about naming the kid." Chris said as he grabbed another slice of pizza. He asked if I wanted another slice, but I had started to feel nauseous. Oh yes, all of the beautiful side effects of being pregnant. Chris could tell I wasn't feeling good, so he stood up and stretched then helped me up.

"Alright, I gotta get Mrs. Cerulli to bed. We will see you in the morning." Chris said his goodbyes, and I kept my mouth shut fearing I was going to vomit. That didn't help, though. I ended up throwing up in the hallway, just a few doors down from our room. Chris held back my hair as he rubbed my back. I figured he'd be embarrassed considering multiple people were around, but he took it like a champ. "She's pregnant, not drunk" is what he'd say to everyone who gave us a look.

"Baby Cerulli didn't like the pizza I guess." I said as I finished throwing up. He held onto my hand and laughed a little.

"Grave," he said as he started to open the hotel room door, "you have been faced with me leaving you, you getting attacked by a demon, and then throwing up because you're pregnant with my baby, and through all of that you maintain the most positive outlook. I couldn't ask for a better partner." I walked into the room behind him, and he had roses placed in a vase on the side of the bed I'd be on. They had a card attached that said, "For My Beautiful Wife; Even in Death".

"Chris, you didn't have to do this." I complimented his gesture. He hugged me from behind as I admired the roses.

"You had a long day, go get ready for bed." He said as he kissed my cheek. I slipped on one of his button up shirts, and put my hair in a messy bun, then curled up next to him. I placed my head on his chest as he wrapped his arms around me, and I dozed off. Sleep felt good after the day I had, but being in his arms felt better.

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