Chapter Twenty-One

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*TRIGGER WARNING, Child birth. I know some people have that fear.*
GRAVE'S POV *six months later*
I woke up feeling extreme pain, and looked at the clock. It was 2am. I shook Chris awake, he turned to face me.

"Grave what's wrong?" He asked as he rubbed his eyes. I took a deep breath as the pain persisted.

"It's happening, it's fucking happening." I said through gritted teeth. He jumped out of bed and ran to my side to help me, and at that moment my water broke.

"It's okay, it's better here than in the car." He said as he grabbed the bag. He helped me walk downstairs and get in the car. The contractions were four minutes apart, so they were ready to admit me as soon as we got to the hospital. Chris stayed by my side through all of the needles and IVs. I was in so much pain that I started crying.

"Grave, I've never met a braver, stronger woman than you. You can do this." Chris assured me as he laid his forehead against mine. I shook my head, I was terrified and in pain.

"I can't do this, Chris." I said through tears. He brushed back my hair and held my face in his hands.

"Yes, you can. I promise." The nurse started aiding me in delivery, and I really thought I was going to black out. I pulled Chris down by his black t-shirt to my face.

"I swear to God, I will cut your dick off if you ever make me do this again!" I threatened through gritted teeth. He just smiled at me, and kissed my forehead. He had lots of patience for me, which, at that moment, drove me nuts.

"Grave, your going to have to give me one more good push. Just one more and we're done!" The nurse exclaimed. I was exhausted, and just wanted to sleep. "Chris, piss her off, say something to piss her off." Chris had to think for a hard minute, I was pretty easy going, and he told me everything.

"Hey, Grave, do you remember when one of your bugs from your collection went missing? Yeah, I actually broke it during the move and never told you." He confessed. I looked at him with bewilderment.

"YOU BROKE THE RED KNEE TARANTULA!?" I shouted. He nodded.

"Yeah, the frame shattered, and the tarantula just kind of fell apart. I was going to tell you, but I never got the chance." He told me. I clutched his arm tightly.

"I AM GOING TO FUCKING KILL YOU WHEN THIS BABY IS OUT!" I pushed harder, and we finally heard the cry. The nurse placed her on my chest, and handed Chris the scissors to cut the chord. He was, undoubtedly, the happiest man alive.
He filled out the birth certificate, then grabbed her from me so I could get some rest. Well, as much as I could anyways. Salem would wake up every two hours to be fed. We had decided on bottle feeding, so Chris got up and would feed her, insisting that I needed to rest.
I slept all through the night at the hospital, and when I woke up I noticed that Chris had moved Salems bassinet next to the couch in the hospital room. He was sleeping soundly on the couch, so I got up and grabbed Salem to get our skin to skin time. When I grabbed her, Chris woke up, like some dad alarm had gone off in his head.

"You make such a beautiful mother. I'd even go as far to say you're a MILF." He said as he stood next to the hospital bed. I scooted over and he sat on the edge, looking back and forth at Salem and me. His smile still hadn't faded. Chris leaned down and kissed my forehead, then my lips. We were interrupted by the band coming in. They all crowded around us.

"Guys, we'd like you to meet Cassie Elizabeth Cerulli." I told them as I smiled. They all admired her as I held her in my arms. She had Chris' eyes, and my natural blonde hair it seemed. Everything felt right, we were a family, and Chris was already an amazing father. The guys all took turns holding her, and Chris laid down on the small hospital bed with me with his long legs hanging off.

"We made that, we made that tiny cute human." He whispered as he watched closely. We were a whole family now, and I couldn't wait for the years ahead.

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