Chapter Twelve

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Grave's POV
I'm sure my silence was deafening to him, but I just didn't know what to possibly say. If I move back to Scranton with him I'd have to make for sure that this was a redo. There wouldn't be anymore band mates running around, there wouldn't be anymore fighting and harsh words, and no more of the roommate phase I had felt like we ran into. He reached over and squeezed my hand with desperation in his eyes.

"Grave, please. I promise it will be a new start. I'm working on a new album, you can work a new one, too, or you can start college and do what you want. I promise whole heartedly to support you, mentally, physically, financially, everything. I will be with you every day, every step of the way. Hell, if you want to get your degree in mortuary science and funeral directing, we will turn this new house into a funeral home. Just please come back to me." He begged and bargained. I was still silent. "Grave, I want to renew our vows. I want a fresh start, I want us to have a family and be whole again." I smiled, thinking about Chris and me renewing our vows, thinking about us raising a family at this beautiful lakeside Victorian home. Maybe we could be a normal family.

"Yes." I agreed finally, which I'm sure was music to his ears. He smiled real big, and started rambling about the house and how he's already contacted remodeling teams.

"It doesn't need much work at all, in fact, it's move in ready, but I wanted to add a few things and I may or may not have contracted interior designers and someone to design a nursery..." I stopped him mid sentence.

"A nursery?" I asked. He looked down.

"I was just thinking, ya know, after touring and after you figure out what you want to do, maybe we could, ya know, do the whole settle down and become parents thing. Or we could go ahead and do it." He continued to ramble, telling me his plan. I reached over and grabbed his hands.

"Chris, we have so much time to think about this. Let's get home, renew our vows, start working on what we want, and then we will discuss that. We have eternity together." I assured him. He came over to my side of the table, got down on one knee, and pulled out a black diamond ring.

"Grave Cerulli, will you please do me the honor of renewing our vows?" I leaned in and gave him a passionate kiss, and he slipped the ring on my finger. Crowds of people applauded, and many people took pictures, which instantly got uploaded and splashed all over the rock pages.

The next morning Chris started loading up my bags as I got ready for the flight and long day ahead of us. I walked downstairs, still a little sore from the accident a couple nights before. I knew I had to be independent, though. I had to start doing things for myself.

"Good morning, dad." I said as I grabbed a slice of toast. He smiled at me, and gave me a hug. "Thank you for talking to Chris." I gave him a hug back, and he pat me on the back.

"I know you two belong together, you're just young and have to figure this whole marriage thing out. That man loves you, Grave. He'd go to the ends of the earth to protect you, and you could even say hell and back. But if he hurts you again, I will kill him. That's not a threat, it's a promise." My dad smiled and handed me a second piece of toast, then saw us out the door.

Chris held my hand the whole drive to the airport, then the whole plane ride. He talked about everything he had planned for the future, like an excited child. I loved hearing him talk about and seeing how wide his eyes would get every time he talked about us having a kid or two, and how he wanted to be the best dad ever. It almost made me want to just go ahead and pop out a couple kids right then.

When the plane landed we walked out to his car, still hand in hand, with all of the luggage. He was still going on and on.

"And then every year for Halloween we're going to have the best Halloween parties, and invite all of our kids classmates and parents. Birthdays, though, those will be the big ones. I'm talking pool parties, cakes, all sorts of barbecues." He continued to talk. I looked up at him smiled, feeling like things were finally going to be okay, we were going to be a normal family. Well, as normal as we could get. Chris loaded our bags into the back of his car, then leaned down and hugged me tightly.

"Grave Cerulli, I promise I will make you the luckiest and happiest wife in all of Scranton. Let's get to our new home." He exclaimed as he started the car. He was so excited, it was almost like Christmas for him. As soon as we pulled up to the house he put his car in park and jumped out, then came to my side of the car to get me out. I took his hand and stepped out as a smile came across my face.

"Welcome to our new start, Mrs. Cerulli." The air was light, nothing dark in the air, not the thickness of constant bickering and bitterness. It was perfect. We walked up to the door, hand in hand. Everything was new, the furniture, the paint, even the kitchen.

"Chris, it's perfect." I whispered in awe as I looked around. He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me close.

"Come upstairs, I want to show you something." He said as he dragged me behind him. He was so excited, he was practically running. We came up to a door and he placed his hand on the knob, then opened it. "This will be our future baby's nursery." He stepped aside to let me in. It was perfect. The walls were gray, the crib was in the shape of a moon, it almost had Addam's Family vibes.

"Chris, I'm ready." Something changed in that moment for me. He looked over at me.

"Ready for what?" He asked. I smiled and walked up to him.

"I'm ready for us to be parents." After I said that he picked me up and spun me as he gave me a deep kiss. I was ready for this new life.

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