Chapter Ten

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Chris' POV
I had been in the waiting room for what felt like hours, hoping someone, anyone, would tell me some news. Grave and I had been through hell and back, literally, but I don't know how to help her with this. I saw her friend Vinny run in through the double doors, he looked just like the pictures she showed me. I knew it wasn't Vinny's fault, but something in me wanted to break him like a twig. He started walking up to me as I was pacing across the waiting room.

"Chris, I am so sorry, I got distracted and I thought she'd be okay." He apologized as tears were in his eyes. I held my fists back, and clenched my jaw.

"You left her alone at a party full of people she didn't know or hadn't seen in years, with enough alcohol in her system to run a brewery. What were you thinking! That nothing bad could possibly happen?" It was rhetorical, but Vinny answered anyways.

"I thought this type of shit just happened in movies and books, I didn't know it would happen to her with a bunch of people around!" I couldn't hold it back anymore, I punched him across the face, but instantly felt bad. He bent down and grabbed his nose, then looked at me and started nodding his head. "I deserved that, that was well deserved. Have you heard anything?" He asked. I shook my head, and we both sat down in silence.

"I'm sorry I punched you across the face. I just have a lot going on." I told him, breaking the silence. He looked over at me and let out a small laugh.

"Yeah, I can tell. You bleached your hair, your wife filed for divorce, then she got raped. Does that sum it up?" I shook my head.

"You have no idea, Vinny." After I said that, a doctor came out.

"Mr. Cerulli, Grave will be okay. She's sleeping off whatever was slipped to her. The officers have informed us that they have the suspect in custody. You can go in and be with Grave now." As soon as he said that I ran past him and straight to her room. She was sleeping peacefully on the hospital bed. I pulled a chair up next to her and just watched her as I grabbed her hand.
It felt like it had been hours since I got in there and she still wasn't awake. I felt a cold hand on my shoulder, and suddenly I felt like I was reliving the past, like I had been in this situation before with Grave.

"I may or may not have sent a few demons out after the prick responsible for this." Desi said as she sat down next to me. I laughed a little at the thought of that guy being torn apart limb by limb. It was what he deserved, after all. Grave started to flinch and her eyes started to flutter open. A smile came across my face as I saw her fully open her eyes and look around, then she looked over at me.

"Ch-Chris? What happened? Why am I here? And why do I hurt so much?" Hearing that she was hurting made me angrier.

"You were hurt badly and taken advantage of by some asshole. Do you remember anything?" I asked her. She thought for a few seconds, and then a tear rolled down her cheek.

"I just remember flashes of what happened, and I remember saying 'no' a lot." I pulled her hand up to my lips and kissed it. "Why are you here anyways? When did you get here?" Grave had a lot questions, and with good reason, but I felt like this wasn't the time or place to explain, so I just told her that the hospital called me so I hopped on the first flight out here. She smiled lightly at me and squeezed my hand.
The doctor finally came in and introduced himself then told her the results of everything. He then asked if she wanted to press charges to which she quickly said yes. He also asked if she had any pain.

"Actually I do, it almost feels my cervix was a punching bag." The doctor nodded his head.

"Well, you have some severe bruising, it was a lot of trauma for your body. The bruising and pain should subside in the next couple of weeks. Until then, take it easy. You may have to have help moving around until you heal completely and you may experience some bleeding. If the bleeding is excessive come back. But, I'd say you're good to go." I knew as soon as the doctor said that that I'd be staying with her for awhile out here.
I helped her into the car as soon as she was discharged from the hospital and drove her back to her dads house. Zak had been pacing the front porch waiting for me to pull up. I had left him several messages about the incident but he was asleep. We both helped her over to the couch and laid her down, where she proceeded to fall asleep again. Zak and I sat at the kitchen table, watching her.

"Chris, I don't even know what to say. You didn't have to come out here. She sent you divorce papers and you still leap  to make sure she's okay." Zak said as he looked over at me. I shook my head.

"I can't bare the thought of losing her ever again. These few weeks without her were hell. I lost band members, everyone moved out, and then it gets better. Desi comes back and informs me that Grave is in danger, but we don't know who or when they will come after her." I just let it all out. Zak gave me a pat on the back.

"I know what you mean. Believe me, I want your marriage to work. But you will have to start over from square one. I know you're tired of starting over, but trust me on it. Take her on dates, buy her flowers, and make sure she knows that what you said wasn't what was meant. Yeah, I know about it, and I could punch you but you have enough going on." Zak was right. I had to start from square one again and earn her heart back.

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