Seeing her-

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Landons pov-

He's with a girl.


I glance away from my phone when i hear my girlfriends voice call out my name.

She looks stunning. She has a red crop top that shows her bellybutton piercing with light washed blue jeans and her natural red hair is styles in a loose curl.

"Landon!" She says giggling and running up to me.

I instantly smile and place my phone back into my pocket opening my arms for her to jump into.

Once she reaches me i spin her around making her laugh even more.

Her giggles could cure death.

"Hello josie, my love," i say after i set her down with my hand still firm on her waist.

"I love it when you call me that," she says reaching up for a kiss.

I reach down to give her a peck or thats what she thought i take my hand off her waist and they fly to the back of her head to deepen the kiss.

She squeals in response and then moans.

I pull away to look at her swollen lips.

Once she's opened her eyes i pull away and open the passenger door for her.

She smiles and says a small thank you before getting into the car. I close the door and make my way over the drivers side looking both ways first because of the road.

Once ive started driving i head josie giggle from beside me.

"What's got you laughing like that? Not like im complaining though i could hear your laugh for hours on repeate," I ask and she makes a disgusted look thinking i cant see her.


"Nothing babe its just a funny picture i was looking at," she answers shrugging her shoulders and locking her phone placing it back into her back pocket.

I send a smile her way and place my hand on the top of her knee which she slaps off quickly.


"Are you ready for our date my love?" I open her side door extending my hand for her to take.

She accepts it with a smile. "Of course i am. But why did we have to come here? You know i suck at painting,"

I dont know why I chose here to be honest but it seemed fun.

"I dont know but I thought it would be a fun thing to do for the both us," I shoot her a small smile whist walking towards the front door hand in hand.

I open the door for her and make a gesture with my hand indicating her to go in first.

I book us in and the guy guy behind the counter shows us the door leading to the studio where everyone paints in.

"This is where you will go after you've placed all of your belongings in a locker."

Once he's finished and me and josie has placed all our belongings in a locker we make our way into the studio.

The smell of strong paint makes its way nostrils making me smile.

I catch a glance at josie who is smiling at a text she just got not even paying attention to what's around her.

I turn my attention to my canvas and walk over there pulling josie with me as ours were next to eachother.

I tell josie to look after my place and she nods.

Whilst walking to the paint section to get me and josie the balloons and paint brushes i see a face thats been burnt into my mind ever since ive saw her for the first time. Olive. Or should i say olivia.

She looks gorgeous with her hair in a messy bun framing her face.

Her earphones are in and she is humming to the song whilst staring at her painting. She has a small froun on her face and I wonder if she saw me walking in with josie. She stands up suddenly and I tare my eyes away from her reluctantly.

I pick up a range of different of sunrise colours for me and josie only asked for blue,pink and yellow.

I make my way back over and that's only when i realise that my canvas is in the middle of Olivia's and jocies.

I dont think olivia has noticed me sitting next to her yet because shes still brushing her paintbrush against the canvas in a peaceful way.


I was in the middle of painting whilst josie was still on her phone texting not bothering to engage in a convocation with me.

I met josie about a year ago when she was just a worker at my company but we stared to hang out and soon enough we developed feelings for one another.

I hear a low pitched vibrating noise and i turn towards where it is coming from and i see Olivia reach into the pocket of her white cargos.

She forms her mouth into a smile and gets up to walk outside to answer the call.

Once she fully out of the studio is when i look back to josie still on her phone.


About 5 minutes later the door slams open and im met with he face of a tear filled olivia.

She makes her way over to her stand to collect her shoes.

She wipes the tears from her cheeks and sniffles back a sob that was threatening to leave her mouth.

She puts her shoes back on and take off her protective layer off before leaving it folded up on her stool.

Her phone rings again and another tear falls from her eye.

"Yes, im on my way mama," she says

Mama? Did she get adopted again?

"Mama no i promise you shes going to be ok right she has to be ok." She says more in a questionable manner.

She pause and covers her mouth whilst a cry escapes from her lips.

"Mama im coming, please tell me thats not true, please tell me its a joke."

I hear a loud cry from the other side of the phone and olivia is just standing still looking at her painting.

I look away. I cant stand seeing her in this state it just makes me want to hug her and confort her in way I shouldn't want to.

She snaps out of her void moment and rips the canvas from its stand running out of the studio phone still attached to her ear.

I wonder what happend.

I wonder what happend

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I wonder what was on that call 🤔

(1086 words)

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