Why me?-

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Olivias pov-

I guess we just wernt ment to be.


Time skip 1 month.

I twist my paint brush around in between my fingers making it go around as i stare at my canvas thinking about what i was going to paint.

Ive been suffering with artists block lately and im wondering if it was ever going to end.

Because i dont know if anyone else has experienced it as bad as mine but this shit, sucks ass.

I huff in annoyances and put my paint brush back into its pot and fling my headphones off my head pausing the song.

In one quick movement i stand up and make my way over to my dresser to pull out an outfit for today as i was still wearing my pyjamas.

I was feeling lazy and because its my day off i just anted to lay in bed but oh well.

I pick out a navy blue crop top and some white low waisted cargo trousers with blue Jordan's and a cream shoulder bag to go with it.

I get dressed and lift my thong straps higher so they are on show.

I glance at my self in the mirror and i think to my self that i look hot. if i had a child i'd definitely be a milf.

I do some natural make up and style my hair putting on some jewellery to complete the outfit.

Walking to the door i pack my bag so it consists of my phone, my wallet, pepper spray [all ways be prepared],my earpods and my Keys.

I open the door of my apartment locking it on the way out and start to head towards the elevator down to the car park but i get interrupted with an unfamiliar face shouting for me to hold the doors open.

A girl with long brunet hair like mine running towards me with her jacket in her arms waving at me with her free hand.

I press the open door button and step aside for her to come in.

She smiles at me extending her hand for me to shake.

"I'm Liliana, new to this building actually moved in about a month ago."she says still with a smile on her face.

"Olivia, nice to meet you," i reply shaking her hand and smiling back.

"Where did you move from you have a slight accent?" She asks looking at me with eager eyes.

"I'm originally from england but i moved to New York when i was a young"

"Oh thats so cool! I wish i was from england its so beautiful there."

I do miss england its a beautiful place but it gets boring after a while. It's good if you are just visiting but if you live there you realise that there's nothing actually do do there.

"It is," i pause wondering to ask the question that was at the tip of my tong "hey what apartment number do you live in?"

"i was literally about to ask the same thing you seen like really chill and my kind of woman so i live in 89" she answers pressing the parking level which made me remember I hadn't pressed a floor yet.

I clap my hands together and say "oh my lord really! I live up in 88!"

She squeals and hugs me unexpectedly. I flinch back a little but then relax and I remember how long it had been since ive had a hug.

She pulls back and smiles at me holding out her hand and opening her mouth to say something.

"Pass me your phone you've just made a new best friend," she puts her other hand on her hip and i smile widely handing her my phone.

After some clicking and typing she hands me back my phone and i have a look she saved her name as 'Lilly 💐'

I laugh and turn my phone off sticking it back into my bag.

When the elevator door dings telling us that its out stops we both laugh at a joke that Liliana made and step out of the elevator and make our way to the parking spots because our apartments are next to eachother so are our parking spaces.

We say goodbye to eachother and i make a mentle note to my self to introduce Liliana to Eva.


When i arrive at the paint ball studio I walk in saying hello to the front desk worker and he waved back with a blush on his face.

I walk to my usual bench when I entered the studio and i smile at the smell of all different paints and water colours.

I put on my protective coat over my outfit and tie my hair up in a bun.

I set my shoes on my canvas stool so people know that its mine and i walk around with my plimsoles.

I swear all i could think off whilst looking for paints was how unbelievably uncontrollable these shoes are.

It's like they are made out of rough brick or something.

I place my headphones over my head and started playing my art playlist on shuffle play and sliver soul by beach house comes on and i smile.

I grab an orange full balloon along with a red, yellow and a pink.

I'm throw them onto my canvas one my one letting them drip down.

I inspect the canvas for a second then nod my head to myself before walking out the studio to go to the vending machine to pass time whilst the paint drys.


After a couple of minutes and 3 packs of magic stars later the paint is finally dry and ready to draw on.

I look at it once then again trying to figure out what i see.

When I've finally figured it out i smile and take the broken balloons off from the canvas and take out a sharpened pencil from the pot and start drawing out a girl without a face surrounded with a wonderland.

I smile but get caught of guard when i see a familiar face walk into the studio. Landon. And he's not alone.

He's with a girl.

He's with a girl

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Im back 🤭

Thoughts on lilliana?->

Anyways 🤭

(1040 words)

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