The Tsundere Delinquent Is Now My Boyfriend|| Part 2, besties || Jotaro x Reader

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y'all---we hit 700 reads! i'm literally quaking in my inuyasha shirt right now lmao; anyways, I love you all, and thank you for sticking around, even though my uploading schedule is whack. Thank you all so much, and I plan on sticking with this fanfiction and giving you your daily (more like weekly, maybe even bi-weekly) JoJo fantasies! ❤

Today, I'm back with more Jotaro freakin' Kujo; I saw a lot of you were interested in "The Tsundere Delinquent Is Now My Boyfriend" and I'm here to give you all what you deserve; some Jotaro content. 

Without further ado, I present to you seconda parte of "The Tsundere Delinquent Is Now My Boyfriend"!


Who: Jotaro freakin' Kujo (that's what I like to call him)

Storyline: Jotaro shows up at your house for dinner with your parents and sister and chaos ensues; your sisters are named Emily, Em for short, and Bella: your friend is named Rei; random, I know.)


"What?" Your friend asks, taking a bite of your sandwich. "Mom invited Jotaro to dinner tonight." You sigh, and Rei smiles. "Can I come tonight?" They ask, and you roll your eyes. "Ha, ha, Rei. Very funny." You sigh, and they laugh. "Sure, I'll tell my mom." Rei smiles, waves at you, and leaves the courtyard. You sigh, and watch them as they go. You still can't believe your Mother invited Jotaro Kujo to dinner at your house tonight.

What a stupid way to get yourself a ''boyfriend'', you think to yourself. All you had to do was trip over your own two feet, knock headfirst into Jotaro Kujo's chest, and pass out from the hard impact. The fact a seventeen-year-old has a chest as thick as a brick wall is beyond your comprehension. You take another sip of your apple juice box, and stand up, grabbing your books.

Better get to class. I don't want anything else happening; you think, and rush to the door, when you bump into someone's chest. You fall down, and your books spread everywhere. A hat flies off on to a table across the lunchroom, and you gasp. "Look where you're going." Jotaro sneers, and you scoff. "You?! Again?!" You yell, and Jotaro rolls his eyes, handing you your books in a perfect, untouched stack. How'd he do that so fast? I fell, and then stood up, and then my books are in a perfect stack?! 

"Hey." Jotaro says, and you snap out of your thoughts, coming back to reality. "What, Kujo?" You sneer, turning your face away from him. "Yare Yare Daze." He scoffs, and you roll your eyes. "What time's your dinner?" He asks, and you blink three times, trying to register what he just asked you. "What time's dinner? Why do you need to know that?" You ask, following Jotaro while he walks to get his hat.

"I'm coming to dinner, aren't I?" Jotaro asks, an annoyed tone to his voice. "I mean--yes." You say shyly, and you stare at him. His black hair is curly, and it matches well with his green eyes. He has thick, dark eyebrows, and his jawline is sharp. Whoever has kids with him will be lucky, he has perfect everything, you think, and blush deeply. Jotaro stares back at you, and you slap him. "Get your eyes off of me." You bite, and he shakes his head.

"You better not mess this up, Kujo; my mother is excited, and if you act like a delinquent, it's over." You point to his chest, and he stares down at you, his resting bitch face scaring you a bit. "And you don't act like a bratty bitch." He says, his deep voice rumbling. You blush, angry. You shouldn't be blushing because he called you a bitch, but you are, and you hate it. "Ugh!" You say, and storm away from him. "Six p.m., Kujo; don't be late!" You yell from across the lunchroom, and Jotaro rolls his eyes, grabbing his hat and walking away.

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