~Chapter 2 ~ | First day as a maid |

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Irene's POV:

I woke up by the dazzling light of the sun shining in the sky,which now was all clear.
I checked the clock and it was 7:05.Thank god I woke up in time.I decided to take a look at the maid dress which I was going to wear later on today.

I opened up the first drawer and got the dress.
It was black and white with french sleeves and a matching pleated skirt.

"Of course it had to be a two piece costume."I thought to myself,but overall it was not bad.It was long so I think it reached till my knees.Or at least I hope.

I couldn't complain so I got up and went to the bathroom.Surprisingly it had all the things that I needed: a toothbrush,toothpaste,a hairbrush and a white fluffy towel hanging on the white wall.

I decided to not take a shower today,I didn't have any other clothes to wear except the pj's and the maid outfit.
"I'll take one later,I have to take my stuff today"and hopefully I would.

I did my business and fixed myself.I wore the maid outfit and surprisingly it fit perfectly in my body,being not too loose and not too tight.
I didn't really know how to feel about it,I decided to put my hair up in a ponytail.It was now 7:40.I washed my hands one last time before I headed out to get the breakfast ready.

I opened the door and the whole building was almost quiet.I left the room and closed the door behind me.As I was walking down the stairs I spotted Ronald.

"Good morning Ronald"I said and he immediately looked at me but I didn't realise there was someone else with him.I didn't recognise that face.Was he a new worker or?

"Oh good morning Irene"Ronald said while smiling.He also whispered something in that man's ear but I couldn't hear it.

I reached the bottom of the stairs and that man was staring at me.
"Hi,uhh,who is...?"I said but he cleared his throat and presented me with this handsome man.

"Irene,this is your new boss,Sir Sebastian,Sir Sebastian this is the new maid I was talking to you about,Irene."

I was surprised he was my new boss.I got a good look at him,his hands were both in his pockets,he had brown eyes and brown curly-ish hair.He was wearing a black and grey suit and he had to be 6 foot tall.I'm not going to deny it,he looked very attractive.

"Well hello,Irene it's a pleasure to meet you"he said and took his hand out.
I was expecting a hand shake like usual,but instead he kissed it.

"Hello sir,it's a pleasure to meet you too"I said and tried to be more formal.

The room was silent for a while.He kept staring at me and I couldn't say a word.I finally got the courage to speak.
"Umm..what would you like to eat for breakfast,sir?"I asked him.
"Anything you make,it doesn't matter"he said."Well,I have an important meeting so I can't eat breakfast,can you bring it in my office amore?"he asked in a Italian accent.

"B-but sir,nobody is allowed on the second floor,let alone your office."Ronald interfered.

"But she's allowed,isn't she?"he said looking at me.

"Of course sir,I'll bring it once I'm done with breakfast"I said lowering my head a bit.

"Good"he said and I felt as he turned around and heard his footsteps one by one meaning he already climbed the stairs and left.

"Well,better get to work then,his office is on the last room at the right,about 2 rooms away from your room."Ronald said.
I looked at him and blinked twice a bit confused by his behaviour,and he just laughed.
"I'm just kidding,and I think you noticed by Sir Sebastian's accent,he's Italian,and you can call him just sir,it sound better for you.

"Okay,thanks Ronald"I said with a smile and then left to go to the kitchen.As I saw yesterday the kitchen was huge.I was afraid at one point to mess up the kitchen,it looked too beautiful for me to touch it.

I remembered  I had to make breakfast and started to cook.I was going to cook some pancakes.I make really good pancakes and I want to leave a very good first impression.

Usually I sing a melody when I cook to distract me a bit.


I made the pancakes and was headed my way to Sir Sebastian's office.
I arrived at his office door and knocked 3 times quick,I was a bit nervous.

"Come in"he said.

"I slowly open the door,careful not to drop anything.My jaw almost dropped at how beautiful his office was.

My jaw almost dropped at how beautiful his office was

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He had a round weirdly shaped table.On top was a small light,a phone,some flowers and his apple laptop which looked new.On the background he had a whole wall dedicated to books and some other decorations.

I closed the door behind him and headed to his desk.

"Place it here,thank you amore"he said and I could feel he was staring at me which gave me butterflies.Wait,butterflies?No,that's not possible.

"Enjoy your meal,sir"I said with my head still down."Now,excuse me"I said and with that I left the room.I felt his eyes on me the whole time and it was something about those eyes that made me feel...special? No,no way.Did he make me feel special?I was lost in thought and I caught myself smiling a bit.I quickly tried to knock it off and went down to eat my breakfast.

                   End of chapter two

Hellowwww!!!So this is the end of chapter two(I know it might seem a bit short) and here you have Sebastian Vitorio!!! I thought maybe to conclude him in chapter 3 but even I myself wasn't going to wait for that.😂
So,what do you guys think about Sebastian?Do you like him? 😩I hope you do as much as I do.Now do you think he has an interest in her???Also I added text to speech because why not?And I know I'm adding too much photos but it's just for the first chapters so you can get the idea of what the mansion looks like so please bear with me 🥹😩.And if you want give some ideas on what you want the characters to do next!Maybe I'll do one of you guys' ideas  and write your user for credit!!🥰


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