~Chapter 26~ |Together|

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Irene's POV:

I woke up by the sun shining from the window to my eyes.It was a beautiful sunny day.I lifted my head and tried getting up,but couldn't.I realized Sebastian was holding onto me tight,still asleep.Then,what happened last night came to mind.I blushed from the though.Last night was amazing.

Just then I felt soft kisses on my neck.

Sebastian had woken up,and started kissing my neck,planting small kisses on it.
"Good morning amore"he said.
"Good morning"I replied smiling,putting my head back on the pillow,letting Sebastian leave hickeys on it.
"How are you feeling now?" I asked him.
"A bit better"he said in a low voice.
"I just... need to get my head off things for a while"he said,and with that started kissing me.
I replied by kissing him,cupping his cheeks.


Sebastian decided to go to the garden,to get some fresh air.He said he needed some time alone.I took a shower on his bathroom,which meant I had to go back to my room;in just a towel.
I slowly opened the door,just a bit,to see it anyone was there.Thankfully,the hallway was empty.It was awfully quiet and somehow relaxing.To finally be at piece after all the things that have happened so far.On my tippy toes,I went to my room which was at the other side of the hallway.

As soon as  i arrived,i quickly closed my bedroom door.I heard some voices from downstairs, but assumed it was Ronald or one of the guards. I got dressed in my spare maid outfit,and headed downstairs to do the cleaning for today.I opened the door,revealing the hallway,and Sebastian's room came to vision.I blushed,but quickly got myself together.

I headed downstairs,and went to the kitchen,where I saw Ronald and Sebastian.
They were talking together,it looked like they were talking about something serious.
As soon as he saw me,he whispered something to Ronald,and headed to the garden.
"Good morning Irene"Ronald said turning my way.
"Morning Ronald"I replied.
"Why did the boss leave?" I asked him.
"Irene,are you and Sir Sebastian in a relationship?" he asked me out of the blue.
"What?" I asked confused.How did he know...
"Never mind,go to the garden.Sir Sebastian and his mates are waiting for you there.
What? When did they come?
"Okay"I said and headed to the garden.

And there indeed was Sebastian,Lorenzo and Alex sitting by the closed pool.
"Good morning Irene"Sebastian said.
"Good morning boss.You needed me?" I asked.
Then Alex suddenly spoke:
"Irene,are you and Sebastian in a relationship?" he asked honestly,getting straight to the point.What? Why is everyone asking about that? Did Sebastian tell them?
"Be hones, please"he asked me.

"Yes"I replied back.

I put my head down,not wanting to see anyone's faces.How did they find out?Maybe from Sebastian's reaction when we were at the hospital? Silent filled the garden,not hearing a sound.I started to get nervous,almost sweating.
Are they going to punish me for having a secret relationship with Sebastian?

"Sebastian!" Lorenzo yelled,putting an arm over his shoulder.
"I knew something was going on between you two!" he said grinning.
I stared at them with a confused look.
"You guys are okay with it?" I asked surprised.
"Of course,I'm happy for you Sebastian!"
"Yeah!" Alex added,putting an arm over Sebastian's shoulder.
"Hahahah"they all started laughing,and i happily joined too.

Once we were done laughing,I got us some drinks.Lorenzo wanted strong alcohol to celebrate his buddy for getting a girlfriend.
"So... since when?" Alex asked.
"Don't ask such questions,Alex. Besides I don't think they have been together for long"Lorenzo interfered.He was already drunk from all the hype.
"Well,we better get going now.Before this guy causes an accident"Alex said getting up.
"What?" Lorenzo said looking at Alex,with a bottle of alcohol still in his mouth.

I giggled looking at them.They can be very scary and ruthless sometimes,but in others they are just like little siblings fighting with each other.I find that just so cute.Looking at them brings back memories.I wonder what it's like to have siblings.I have to get to John at some point,he said he'd come...
"Irene?" Alex asked.
"You okay?"
"Oh yea,I'm okay"I said.I completely zoned out.

I looked over at Sebastian and he was already looking at me.He had a worried expression written on his face,but it disappeared when I smiled at him,it was almost like his gaze softened.
"Alright we're leaving,oh and...." Alex started.
"Max's funeral is next week.". Alex said more like whispering,looking down then up at us again.
"Right... We'll all be there"Sebastian said putting his palm in Alex's shoulder,assuring him.Alex nodded his head and left with Lorenzo.

I looked over at Sebastian,he was lost in thought,remembering his dear friend.
"Sebastian?" I called his name.
"Yes,amore?" he said changing expressions.
"We'll make sure to go on Monday,I'll finish my cleaning faster,just in case"I told him,trying to get a bit off the track.
"Amore"Sebastian said:
"I've been thinking on firing you,and getting a new maid.I don't want you to clean anymore,I want you to be my proper wife"
"Wife?" I asked him,confused.
"Yes"he said grabbing my waist.

I blushed.

Sebastian was thinking of me as his wife? Sebastian was looking at my lips and dived in for a kiss,a hot kiss.After 5 minutes of making out,we let go out of breath.
We were both looking at each other,smiling.
Just then,Ronald came.

"Sir Sebastian,someone has come.Its asking for Irene. Should I let him in?"
"Oh,it must be John."
"John? Who's John?" Sebastian grabbed my chin,so I could look at him.
"He's that guy who said he's my best friend,
remember? "
Sebastian scrunched his eyebrows,his face had a sign of slight jealousy.

Sebastian looked over at Ronald and nodded in response.
"I don't really trust that guy,amore"
"Wait,are you jealous by any chance?"
"Hmmm"Sebastian let out a sound,his eyebrows still scrunched together.

"Irene?" I hear a familiar voice call my name.
I tuned my head to see John,as expected.
"John!" I called his name.He came towards me and Sebastian.He knows Sebastian's doesn't really like him.
"Hello,Irene."he said looking at me with a smile.
"Hello,and you must be Sebastian,Irene's boyfriend, right?" John asked.
"Yes,i am. It's nice to meet you"Sebastian said and took out his hand for John to shake.
Sebastian gave him a look,like he was scanning John from head to toe.

Then he turned to me.
"Irene,I've got some news"he said.
"Can I?" John pointed out.
"5 minutes"Sebastian said,looking at him with a weird expression while crossing his arms.
"Great,thanks"he said as he took me aside.

"Irene,than man,is indeed your father"
"What?" I asked,crossing my eyebrows.How is this possible?
                 End of chapter twentysix

Words: 1197

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