~Chapter 19~| My best friend |

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Irene's POV:

I woke up in an unfamiliar place.My hands and legs were tied up,and I had ducktape over my lips.I tried getting up before realizing that I was in the back of a car.I felt the car was moving meaning we were somewhere on a road.I innocently looked around thinking of what to do, that's when I heard voices,male voices.Mr.Pacce and John.I couldn't really focus on what they were saying,and started panicking.I tried making noises and moved around to get their attention,and it looked like it worked.

I felt the car take a turn and stop.

Then the tailgate opened revealing John.
"Irene,you're awake?" he asked.
I looked at him in fear and started to shake around,not wanting to look at him in the eyes.
"Hush,it's okay,I've got you"John said trying to calm me down.Then he ripped the tape off my mouth causing me to squeak from the sudden move.I looked at him with teary eyes afraid of what is going to happen,where they're going to take me. He cupped my face and said:
"Irene,don't worry. Everything's going to be fine,just please don't make this hard for us,okay?" he said looking at me with the same eyes he used to back when we were little.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked shaking my head for him to take his hands off me.
"You don't need to know that"he said with a smirk,pinching my cheek.I looked at him with a confused look. Then we had a moment of silence.
"What happened to you?" I asked looking at him straight in the eyes.
"A lot"he said.

"Hey,John, what's taking so long?" I heard another voice speak.Mr.Pacce.
"Oooh,look who's awake"he said with a smile on his face.
"Now now, don't get all teary,you're going to make me cry."he said putting his finger below his eye,fake crying.I was disgusted. I looked over at John and he just had his head down,while holding the tailgate with his arm.

"Well,we don't have time,so how about you go to sleep?" Mr.Pacce spoke as he took a handkerchief out his pocket,spilled that same liquid as before and placed it in my nose for me to smell. I moved back and forth trying not to smell it,but it was impossible.And I soon blacked out again.


This time I woke up with a headache.I opened my eyes,and this time I was placed in a room, on top of a white soft bed. I looked around confused and saw John sitting on a chair at the corner of the room,by the window.His legs were spead open,he was crossing his arms,his sleeves rolled up revealing his vains.
"You're awake?" John asked while looking at me. I just nodded my head.
He came toward me and sat beside. He carefully took the tape off my mouth revealing my pink lips.

"Remember when you asked me about where I've been?" he said.
"Yes"I replied not taking my eyes off him.
"It's just as I said. I've been through a lot.
After I left town,it was like I got a new life.New house,new school, new friends, new everything. But my mind was stuck at you. I never stopped sending you letters,but they just never got send to you... "He said.
"My parents were the ones who send you the letters, after they died, there wasn't anyone who could."he stated.My eyes widen.
"They... Died?" I asked him. He just nodded his head.

"Then,I became homeless,nobody wanted to adopt me of course, but then came Mr.Pacce.
He said I was perfect for a role he wanted me to act. And that role was... A Mafia Man."He said.
I was shook,I couldnt say anything. I just sat there looking at those eyes of his,which I couldn't get a glimse at for years.
"After that,I was basically part of the mafia,but I never liked it.They only killed,and used people,even woman for their sexual needs.
Irene,Sebastian is one of them,can't you realize that?"He said cupping my face.
"No,no way"I said shaking my head.
"He's got nothing to do with Mafia"
"Yes he does,Irene.So please,just come with us,what do you think?He could eventually kill you,and wouldn't even care"
"I told you,he has nothing to do with th-"
"Irene!"he yelled. Then the room became silent. He sighed as he told me:
"Irene,I know you're in love with him,but he's just using you!" he said.

Just then I heard a knock on the door and someone entered.It was Mr.Pacce.
"Now now,why don't you leave the girl alone"he said. I immediately got scared.I remembered what Sebastian said about him.
"No no no no"I said more like a whisper and John noticed.
"Irene don't worry,I won't let you alone with this bastard"he whispered back to me.I looked at him and he gave me a reassuring look.

"Mr.Pacce,who gave you the right to enter?You know this is my room,and without my permission you're not allowed to enter,no?" he said as he got up,crossing his arms.
"Ah yes,but I got something in here that belongs to me so,I just came to take it."he said with a nervous smile,looking at me then back at John.
"Well,im afraid you can't take anything. Whats in this room belongs to me." John said full of authority.

Mr.Pacce looked like he was about to explode.
"Then can I just talk to her?" he asked.
"Hm?How come you talk to objects,Mr.Pacce?"
John asked him.
Mr. Pacce just laughed nervously.
"No,I meant the lady here"he said pointing at me. Why is he scared of John?
"As I said before,Mr.Pacce, I'm afraid you can't"he said.
"You-"Mr.Pacce said under his breath, while rolling his fists.
"Okay, then, I'm guessing another time!" he said with a smile,like nothing happened.
And with that he left the room.
End of chapter 19

Words: 1039

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