~Chapter 6~ | My boss is a serial killer?|

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It was now night time.Sebastian left right after I found that weird letter.He hasn't come home since.I'm starting to get a bit worried now.But I'm trying to convince myself it's nothing,and went on cleaning.

After cleaning,I headed upstairs.I sat on my room.I waited for him for hours.He still wasn't coming home.

I was getting worrried now.I wanted to ask someone,like the guard or Ronald so I headed downstairs.I quickly left my room,and got down the stairs,tripped twice,but that doesn't matter.

I knocked on Ronald's room,hopefully he wasn't asleep.Thankfully,he opened the door.

"Oh,hi Irene,anything wrong dear?"he asked me.
"Oh,uhh,am I disturbing you Ronald?"I asked him.
"Oh,no,not at all,tell me what's wrong."
"Well,The boss,he hasn't come home yet,do you,by any chance...know where he is?"I asked him,hopefully he knew something.
"Oh,I don't know where he went,but,I think he said he had a business to take care of.But don't worry,he'll be back soon.It's not unusual for this to happen."Ronald said with a smile,reassuring me it's okay.
"Okay,thank you Ronald,and goodnight"
"Goodnight dear"he said and with that I left.

I was climbing the stairs when I heard some noises coming from downstairs.Maybe,he finally came home.

And I was right.

He opened the door,I saw he was covered in blood,and that terrified me.I couldn't move for a second,my legs gave up.I quickly got myself together and took the few steps left of the stair case.

As soon as we made eye contact,I think his eyes...soften a bit.No,maybe he's just tired.

"A- are you okay,s- sir?"I asked.
"Just tired,make me something to eat,I'll go take a shower"he said and with that he headed upstairs.Some drops of blood from his suit were dripping down.I was still shook on what I just saw.Did...did he kill someone?No,no way.But then how???

Suddenly i remembered Tony's words.
"Just so you know,the boss would never hurt you".That relaxed me a bit,but then how..?

What if he's a serial killer?Did Tony know about this?I had so many questions but then remembered I had to make him something.I had some spaghettis and I warmed those up and up them in a plate.I sat down and waited for Sebastian.

Is this man...dangerous?What if he's a murdered?No way,he's a CEO.He's nothing close to that,right?

Or so I thought.

I heard his footsteps down the stairs and prepared myself for the worst.

Sebastian's POV:

After I took a bath I kept just a towel on,I didn't want to wear anything,I'm more comfortable that way.Plus Irene can see me,I can imagine her expression just now.I smirked at that thought.When will I be able to touch her.Her petite figure,and she even wears that cute little costume that fits her body so well.

My thought were cut off when I arrived at the kitchen.

My smirk faded when I saw that Irene looked scared.Scared of...me?That broke my heart.Why does she look so scared like she's about to die?

"Irene,what's wrong?"I say getting closer to her.
"N-nothing,sir."she said in her sweet little voice.I sat down,still looking at her.She's definitely scared of me.Wh-... My thought were cut of when she asked me:

"S-sir,may I ask why y you were covered i in blood?"she said.
"Blood?"I replied and started laughing.Did she think I was covered in blood?
"Amore,is that why you were scared?"
"N-no!Im n not scared.I it was just a question out  c curiosity"she said with her hands
behind her back and head down.

She thought the wine was blood.Ridiculous.
I decided to play with her a bit,let's see where this is going.

She was talking so fast.I got up,grabbed her by her hips and pinned her against the wall,and locked her arms up with one hand,and with the other holding her hip.

"Are you...scared of me?"I asked her.My heart hurting at that thought.She should never be scared of me.

"N-no,sir I d don't want to disturb y you while you're eating"she said stuttering.Why is she stuttering?

"Don't lie to me,amore"I say getting closer and closer to her face.

"N-no!Im not l lying to you,sir!"she protested.
"Good girl"I said with a chuckle.

Now she looks confused.My heart was filled with love.I leaned in till our lips were touching,but didn't kiss her.I closed my eyes,and just let out lips touching for a while.I opened my eyes to her hers where closed.She wants it.She wants me.

But no,she can't claim me,not yet.

I let go of her,even thought I really didn't want to,I wanted to kiss her right there and then,to claim her mine.But not yet.I have to make sure she's safe before I do anything.I won't let my guard down.

If anything happens to her,I don't know what I would do.She doesn't know she's in danger yet,and I'll make sure she doesn't.

With that I sat in the counter and started to eat the spaghetti quickly.

I thanked her for the food and headed downstairs.My mind was on her the whole time,I'm sure her mind is on me too.

Only I can make,and will make her feel that way.
                        End of chapter six

Another chapter donee!!!!This chapter was a romantic one.I know it's short but I had nothing else to add.So sorry about that.So,now we know they both have feelings for each other.And what danger is Sebastian taking about??Does this have something to do with the letter that Irene received?I don't know,we'll see in the upcoming chapters!Bye!!❤️❤️❤️


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