~Chapter 3~ | My strange boss |

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Hello!!!!Before you read this chapter I want to let you know it's a bit long,a lot happened on this one.But I promise it's a good chapter and not all the chapters are going to be this long lol.So yea and tell me what you thing abt this chapter in the comments!!! Tyyy and byeee!!!!😂❤️

Irene's POV:

After I ate my breakfast, I cleaned the table and washed the dishes.I sat down to rest a little.I checked the time and it was almost 11.
"Wow,how fast time flies."I thought.

I was thinking about what happened these past 2 days.I realised I'd met 3 people already.Tony,Ronald and Sebastian.I thought I would barely see anyone because they'd probably be out or would just ignore me.And I haven't seen any girls so far.Why,do people here not like girls?

I haven't seen any one night stands either.I bet he has a lot.I wish I was one of them.I mean,I'd never be a nightstand,I wouldn't put myself that low,but... Never mind.I know I'll never have a chance with him.Come on,he's a CEO and I'm just a maid.There's no way he'll even think about that.Or would he?...

I didn't realise I was deep in though until i heard a deep voice say:
"Hey amore,mind to wash this too?"he said.
I immediately got up and saw it was Sir.Sebastian.
"Oh,of course sir."I quickly got up and took the dishes from his hands.I smelled his cologne,it had a strong and good smell,I could smell it all day long.

I got the plates and carefully put them in the sink.I got the sponge and the soap and started to wash the dishes.

"Wow,he ate all of it"I thought,and a small smile escaped from my mouth but I quickly removed it.

Before I could react,I felt his presence behind me.
"So,amore...you like being called that?"he said and he put his big veiny hands around the sink trapping me in.I felt my cheek brush from how close he was with me and from the word he just called me,so I stopped washing the dishes for a moment,then started to wash them again.

But just then he suddenly grabbed my hands and turned me around,and I gasped.I finally could take a closer look at his face.And I met those brown beautiful eyes again.His long eyelashes decorating his eyes making them look sharp.

"When I ask,you answer me,amore,I want an answer from that little mouth of yours."

"Yes,sir"I answered looking down to his neck.I nodiced he had some chains and a gold heart necklase,I'm guessing the ones that you put a photo in.

I think he noticed me staring and then let go of my hands.
"Good" he said even though it sounded like he was going to add another word and then just left.

I sat back trying to process what just happened.Why did he get behind me?Why does he call meamore?Did he get mad?Before I could think I noticed where I was and I had to still wash the dishes. I got up and continued washing the dishes.I felt like somebody was still watching me,but no one was there so I just brushed it off.

Unknown Person's POV:

I watched he as he whispered something to her and then left.I saw the girl as she sat down surprised by what just happened.I hid behind the wall so she wouldn't see me.I then got the waki-taki out and said:

"Hey,it's me,the girl has arrived over"
"Nice,what is she doing over ?"
"Uhhh...she's washing the dishes,over."I said.
"Good,as planned we're taking her soon,till then report to me what she does and what that moron does with her,over"he said forcing his voice at the end.
"Okay boss,gotta go now,over"I said and closed the waki-taki and signing a bit.

I took off my mask to take a good look at her,now that you take a close look,she isn't that bad either.
"Hem"I said with a smirk and put my mask back on,leaving the area.

Irene's POV:

"Thanks so much,Tony"
I said smiling.
I finally got all my stuff thanks to Ronald and Tony helped me take them to my room.

"No problem,if you need me I'll be outside"

"Got it"I said smiling.He returned the smile.
"Okay well,ill be leaving now"he said.
I said okay and with that he left.

It was already night time,I just finished dinner and ate,and now I have to fix the room.
"But,I'm too lazy to fix the room now"I said waining like a child.

"I'll help you"I hear a voice say behind me.
I turn around and see Sebastian leaning at the door with both his hands on his pockets.
He was wearing just a grey shirt that still showed his muscles,the necklaces in his neck,wich made him look so atractive,and some matching grey pants.I'm guessing that's what he's going to sleep with.It was already 11 o'clock and dark outside.

I think he caught me checking him out and he smirked before coming closer with his hands still in his pockets.

He was now towering over me,looking at me with piercing eyes.

"You like what you see,amore?"he says still smirking.

"I-"I said but didn't finish my sentence,what could I say?I just put my head down and blushed.With his fingers he lifted my chin up and kissed my cheek.

"That's a reward for all the hard work you did today"he whispered in my ear,then grabbed some of my stuff and started placing them somewhere.I just froze.I didn't know what to do.

"No,sir,thank you for trying to help but it's okay,I can do it myself."I said embarrassed.

"Hmmm...What do you think?"he asked pointing at the wall.

I saw that he was already done putting everything in place and it looked really good.

"Oh my"I said looking at the wall.
It wasn't anything special but it looked really good. I suddenly remembered.My violin.

I started searching the room with my eyes for the violin and soon found it.

"What's that?"Sebastian asked as I was unboxing the violin.

"It's a violin,it belonged to my mother,who passed away"I said remembering my mom.

"Hmm.Play a song for me"he said with a curious but sexy look while crossing his arms.

"Okay sir"I said and started playing the violin.It had been a few days since I'd last play it,because I used to play it every night.

Soon I was done and he looked surprized.

"Wow"Sebastian said wich made me blush.

"T-thank you sir."I said blushing.
"Well,I have to go now,I'll come again,don't worry"he said looking at me and then left.

"G-goodnight "I tried to say but he already left so it sounded more like a whisper.

I just stood there surprised at what just happened.
End of chapter 3


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