~Chapter 22~|Resque|

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Irene's POV:

I walked in the office and saw Mr.Pacce sitting on a chair.He was on his phone talking to someone,but as soon as he saw me,he ended the call.
"Hold up,I'll call you later... Yea... I've got bussines to take care of".he said with a chuckle in the end,which send shivers down my spine.
"So,did you make the tea,amore?" he said looking all happy.I didn't respond.
He knew I wasn't going to say anything,so he got closer,crossed the room with two steps,until he was now in front of me.

He was looking at me like I just commited a crime.
"I shall repeat once and never again,did you make the tea....amore?" he said.
"Only Sebastian calls me that"I said referring to the word 'amore',and he wasn't happy about that at all.
"Well,now ill be the one calling you that,so you better get used to it,or would you like me to call you something better,princessa"

"I would rather die"I said to him straight in the face,I didn't even care at this point.He stayed silent,looking at me,more like glaring searchin
for something in my eyes.
"Interesting"he whispered,more to himself.
"Put the tea there"he said pointing with his eyes a tiny coffe table,in the corner of the room
I hesitated for a moment,but did as I was told.

Then I heard a knock on the door.
"Come in"Mr.Pacce said with a confused look.
It revealed that guard from before.
"Andrea,what brings you-"he didn't get to finish his sentence,when Andrea fell on the floor.
I gasped.In the room entered John.
"I needed him to show me your new office,"he said looking up at Mr.Pacce"thanks buddy"he said then looked down at Andrea's dead body.
"You bitch"Mr.Pacce cursed under his breath.

Then John took out his gun,ready to shoot Mr.Pacce.
"John,no!"I yelled.
"Don't interfere,Irene!" he said.
"John,let's take it easy,no need for weapons in front of a woman!" he said in his Italian accent.
As John lowered his gun a bit,Mr.Pacce punched him in the face.
I gasped putting my hands in front of my mouth,covering them.
As they were punching and kicking each other,Mr.Pacce managed to get John knocked out.
"John!" I yelled. Then Mr.Pacce looked my way

After that,he suddenly came towards me,grabbed me by my waist and smashed me in his office counter.I screamed in pain.He grabbed my hands,and locked them on top of my head,
"I like this little dress you're wearing,amore"
Nononono,this cant be happening.
"Don't touch me!" I said trying to get off his grip,but it was no use.
He started to kiss my neck,leaving hickeys all over.

I cried and screamed for him to stop,and called for help,but no one would reply.Just when I was about to give up,the door barged open,revealing an angry Sebastian.He looked like he was about to explode by the scene he was looking at.
"Sebastian!"I yelled,my tears still dripping down my face.
He didn't say a word,but immediately shot Mr.Pacce 3 times,and he fell on the floor,dead.

"Irene!" he yelled as he ran my way.
"Sebastian!" I called his name.
As soon as he reached me he immediately hugged me,tight.
"I'm so sorry I couldn't come any sooner"he said.Then he took some of my hair out of the way,and say my neck full of hickeys.
He clenched his jaw,his eyes full of anger and sadness.

"Where are the others?" I asked.
Just then Lorenzo and Alex came in and ran towards me.
"Irene are you o-"Lorenzo started but couldn't finish as he saw the hickeys.
His eyes widen. Not wanting him to worry too much,I said:
"Don't worry I'm okay,thankfully Sebastian came in time"
Sebastian pulled me behind him,knowing what I was wearing,and John offered me his jacket.
"Thank you"I whispered to him.He just smiled at me.

"Boss!" one of Sebastians guards yells.
"What?" he says.
"Well... It's abt Mr.V.Rossi... "(Max)
The guard started to explain.My eyes widen at his words.No way...

We headed outside,and I could see Sebastian tearing up.
"Sebastian"I stopped him by grabbing his hand. He just looked at me,his expression broke me.He looked like he was about to cry,but was trying to keep it in.
"It's going to be okay"I said cupping his face.
There was a moment of silence,he looked at my eyes and then at my lips.
"Thank you"he said as he held my hands.
"You go first,I'll come behind you"I said to him.
"Now go"I said with a smile,reassuring him it's fine.
He pecked my lips and went with Lorenzo and Alex.

Some of his gang started whispering to each other,and I could hear some of them.
"Those two were together?" "Since when" "impossible,out boss wouldn't go for a maid"
Lorenzo heard them and gave them a deadly look. Then Lorenzo looked at me with a reassuring smile and went with the other guys.


Sebastian just left,i got another car set ready,and was going to go with John.He insisted on coming with me for some reason. We headed to the car but just then someone called out my name.
"Irene"he said in a calm voice,it seemed extremely familiar.
I turned around and saw the person I was least expecting.
"Dad?..." I said.I probably sounded crazy right now.My dad is dead... right? I was about to walk towards him,when John stopped me by grabbing my hand.Then some guards pulled their guns out ready to shoot.
"Don't shoot!" I yell. The guards nodded and backed away,but didn't take away their guns.

"You're seeing this too right?" John asked me with a concerned look.
"Yes"I nodded.
"How is this even possible?"
"What,you don't remember you own father,Irene?" he said as he pulled out his arms,waiting for a hug.I wasn't sure what to do,I froze in place.

"Don't move Irene,we don't know if he's your father or not yet"
"What do you mean,look at him"I said.
"Remember he had a twin brother?"
"I thought that twin died"I asked him confused.

Yes.My father used to have a twin.Identical twin.But he said that the twin died at a young age because of poor health.And of course I believed him.But now,what's in front of me is either my father,or my father's twin.

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