~Chapter 28~|Reunion|

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Irene's POV:

Everyone was left speechless in the room,
having nothing to say.Except my father.Oh he has way too much to explain,and I will make him spit out every single thing.Ive still got my mafia "princess" spirit and i'm not afraid to use it.I was filled with hatered towards my father,I could do the unthinkable.

"Irene,that-that's not it.Of course I cared for you.You're my only child."
"Yes.I am your only child,father.At least you could've said something!"I don't know what's wrong with me.He's still my father at the end of the day.I've wishes he could come back every single day,and now that he's back I want him gone.Maybe it's just the fact that he left me in that small apartment,or that I didn't really get to grow up with him.
"Irene,you know I love you so much,I've always done what's best for you.I would've never kicked you out the mafia if it meant that you would be safe.But,at the time I had many enemies,and i was afraid you'd get hurt."

Afraid?My eyes widen.My father has never been afraid of anything,ever.He was afraid he was going to lose me?
"You were...afraid?Father please be realistic,you've never been afraid of anything!" I couldn't take it anymore.If he would still keep lying to me,I might just let him rot in that basement.

"Irene!He's your father!Never forget that!"John said,coming towards me and grabbing me by the shoulder.
"John?" I whispered.
"Get yourself together!" John started yelling at me.I couldn't hold the tears back anymore.My eyes started to fill up with water,my vision getting blurry.
"I'm sorry..." I whispered.Then he got silent.
"Irene,come here." my father said.

I didn't hesitate and went straight to him.I got to my knees hugged him tight.Even though he was covered in blood from the beating,he still had that good smell of his favorite cologne he always used to wear;mother would put it on him.


"That smell brings back memories"I said smiling.We were now in a couch,father was sitting on it and I was on the floor,my head in his lap,while he was stroking my hair.I always used to do this when I was younger.Everytime father used to come back from work.
"Hmm? Really?I can't remember putting it on today."he said.
I looked at him in surprise and busted out laughing.
"I wish mom could be here.At least she's make sure you had your cologne on"I said and giggled.Father chuckled and said:
"Irene,why don't you tell me what has happened since I was gone.Seems like you got some friends... and a boyfriend." He said the last part under his breath.
"You don't like him?"I said teasing him.
"Well,he used to be my enemies son.And now he'll be my son-in-law.Who would've thought?"he said signing.
"Must be tough." I replied barely holding my laugh.

"Hahaha.Youre such a pain"he said chuckling.
"Okay,now I'll tell you what has happened since you left."
"Mhm.Go on"he said suddenly sounding interested.


After I had told my father everything that has happened so far,we left for Sebastian's mansion.He also wanted to speak with his "son-in-law".He said it was about the mafia and me.I wonder what he'll say to Sebastian.As we were getting in the car,I saw someone at the corner of my eye.He looked the same as that guy I kept seeing at Sebastian's mansion.I didn't get in the car,but looked more where I saw the figure.
"Amore, what's wrong?"Sebastian asked getting out the car.
"N-nothing.I was wondering if I could get a flower from the garden."I said,not telling him the truth.

Maybe it's just my imagination.

"Sure,amore.But I want you here in 5 minutes."
I nodded and headed towards the garden.
Since I told Sebastian I was going to get a flower,I might as well get one.

I was more into red roses.I sat on my knees to get a rose. I was careful not to get hurt,the thorns were very sharp.As I was struggling to,I heard a voice behind me say.
"You need help?" i turned around to see someone I'd never expect.
"You..." I whispered.I indeed saw someone in the garden,and at Sebastian's mansion.It was also the cashier at the marker.
"I'm guessing you recognise me."he said.He was sitting on a bench at the garden.
"Yes"I said lost in thought.
"Irene!" I heard someone yell.It was John followed by Sebastian.

Sebastian's ran by my side.He grabbed me bridal style.
"You okay?" he whispered in my ear.
"I cut my finger."I said pointing at it.I realised I had cut my finger when Sebastian had picked me up.
"Who are you? What bussines do you have with Irene?" John said pointing a gun at that man's face.
"Don't shoot!" I heard someone yell.It was father.
"He's not an enemy!" father yelled.

Everyone got confused,including me,as to why he's defending this man.
"Let me introduce myself.Im Nace Quinn.Or Irene's stalker."he started.
"I've been ordered to watch her for quite a while,but I made sure she never saw me.But I guess she has seen me from" the corner of her eye".
I was left speechless.So I never was imagining things.

John looked at me for a split second and back at the man in front of him;Nace.
"And who hired you?" he asked.
"The man behind you."he said smirking.He turned around and say my father.
"Yes,it's true.I was the one who hired him.I was planning on getting Irene back after all."he said rubbing his neck while smiling nervously.
"You almost gave me a heart attack,old man." John replied.

"Well,now that that's solved let's go." Sebastian said,tightening his grip on me.
As we were leaving name came next to Sebastian.
"So,Sebastian,what are you planning on doing with Irene?"
"Wifing her up"Sebastian replied pissed at him.For some reason he really didn't like this man.

*2 year later*

I gave the cashier the money for the boquette of flowers,and headed back to the car.
"Got them?" Sebastian asked.
"Yes,do you think he likes these?"
"Honestly,i think he will"he said smiling,starting the car.

To think it's been 3 years already.Time really flies fast.

We got out the car,and headed to Max's grave.
His grave was somewhere near the middle of the cemetery.I saw his grave,and pleaced the flower to the plaque.
"Hello buddy."Sebastian said rubbing Max's grave.
"It's been two years,huh?Lorenzo didn't come since he already came yesterday and said he was too busy.I couldn't make up his mind,sorry."he stated lightly smiling.You could tell just from that light smile how much me missed Max.

I was standing behind him,as he was saying what he wanted to say to his best buddy,looking up at the sky.It was a beautiful sunny day,the sky painted pastel blue.I signed looking at my pregnant belly,patiently waiting for it to grow more and more.
"Irene,we can go now"Sebastian said.
"Okay"I said nodding.
"Is the baby giving you a hard time already?" he said,gently touching my bumpy belly.
"No,not yet.Its only 7 weeks old".i complained.

We headed to the car,heading back to the mansion.
"Te amo"Senastian said kissing my cheek.
"Anch'io te amo"I replied also kissing his cheek

The end

Well,this is the end of this amazing story.Thank you so much to all the people who read and voted my story.
I really appreciate it!❤️❤️❤️
It's kind of sad that the book ended... Ngl I loved this book! It was also my first book that got published and got attention!I really loved making every single chapter of this book,until it's last one.I hope Sebastian and Irene the best,and also a happy life to their baby! Haha 😂!
I also wish a happy year to you guys,and wish that the next year will have the best of things in its way for you!

See you!

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