~Chapter 15~| Not whats mine |

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Sebastian's POV:

I was in my office when I got a phone call from someone.I decided to pick up the phone,thinking it's going to be one of those clients again,asking for money,but no.It was my ex.My day couldn't get worse.I decided to answer the phone,curious of what she had to say.

"Hi,Sebastian.How are you?!"She said all happy.
"You ruined my day just now,you know that.Just say what you have to say."I said annoyed.
"So aggressive,just like I remember"she said in a flirty way.I just know she winked.
"Yeah,whatever,what other lies do you have to say?"I asked her.
"Just wanted to let you know,I'm coming for dinner with Mr.Pacce,and some other guys.Mostly for business stuff"
"Why Mr.Pacce?You know I hate that guy"I said.
"I didn't choose to,he did of course.And...watch out for you maids,of course,if you even have maids"she said and then laughed.
"Shut up"I said and hung up.
"And this was needed too,of course."I said sighing,putting my hands in my face,and leaning on the chair.

I have a lot of work to do today,and now this.Great.Why would Mr.Pacce come anyway?
We hate each other.Probably because he heard I got a new maid.Irene.I can't let anything happen to her.I then called Ronald and let him know,and told him to make sure to tell Irene and the guards too.Everything has to be perfect
After that I continued to do my work until I had to get ready.


They were coming in an hour.I luckily finished my work just in time.I went to my room and took a shower.Then I wore the suit that Irene bought me.I hadn't really taken a good look at it until now.She has good taste.I happily wore it,and checked it out in the mirror.I smirked,I should tell her to buy all my suits.I fixed my hair and wore my favourite watch,put some rings,and my best cologne and then headed downstairs.I met Ronald on the way,he said everything was done and the food was ready to serve.He would just tell Irene what to do.

I reached the end of the stairs and there was Irene.She was just standing there.I went up to her and said:
Good afternoon,amore"taking my hand out.
"Good afternoon to you too boss"She said blushing a bit as i kissed her hand.
Just then the doorbell rang and Ronald went to open it.I never let go of Irene's hand.I was rubbing it reassuring her it's all going to be fine.

Then everyone entered.Mr.Pacce,Adele and the twin brothers,witch I don't hate but I just never really spoke to them.
"Hey maid,show us where the Kitchen is!"Adele said.It's dining room,actually.She doesn't even know that.
"Yes,immediately!Irene said.
I greeted them as Irene took the guests in the dinning room.I stayed behind with Ronald.
"I hope he won't try to do anything stupid."I said to Ronald.
"To be honest,I would be surprised if he didn't.
Let's just hope for the best."Ronald said.Just then I caught Mr.Pacce talking to Irene.Just what the hell is he telling her?It was very quick,like he just asked her a question.I clenched my jaw.I wanted to beat him right away,but he already left.

I entered the dining room and I saw Irene standing next to the wall,and Ronald came next to her.I sat to the nearest chair on Irene's side so I could see her,not realising I sat next to Adele,and Mr.Pacce sat on a chair so he could face Irene.I tried to keep an eye on Irene,every time I'd look at her,she was already looking at me.Then Adele started clinging onto me like a baby,so annoying.I kept pushing her away,but she wouldn't stop.
"Can you not?"I finally asked her.
"No I can't,we're going to be work partners and you won't even look at me"she said sounding a bit annoyed.
"No,you've got it wrong,I would never work with you,get that in those two brain cells you have left."I said pushing her again,this time she didn't speak and stopped clinging onto me.

Just then Mr.Pacce called Irene.My heart stopped for a moment.Everyone got quiet,he asked her a question,witch I couldn't really hear.I saw her eyes widen a bit,that got me a bit worried.She came back with a expensive vodka.
"Throw it in his face"I said like whispering,but I'm guessing Adele heard,as she looked my way
Like I care she did.

Then Irene went back to her place.And then MrPacci,called Ronald.He asked him a question,and Ronald shook his head,so it's a no to whatever he asked.That got him pissed off.
I almost smirked.

"So where were we?"he asked with a smile on his face.With that acting he should be an actor,not a mafia boss.


That piece of nothingness kept looking at Irene.He then dropped a spoon just to see Irene from the back.That.was.it.
He called her again but I didn't bother waiting.I pushed Irene away,and got her to stay behind me.
"Excuse me,Mr.Pacce,but you may not take her with you.I've already bought her."I said.
"Oh,well,you know god damn well you can't decide that."That bastard replied.
Ragazzi,the dinner is over,you may leave now.You too,Mr.Pacce"i said.
"Oh,why end it so soon?I haven't finished my food yet"he said getting up fixing his suit.
"Oh,you want the food?Here."I said as i  threw the plate right at his face.Irene and Adele both gasped.

Such disrespect,Vitorio!"Mr.Pacce said as he was cleaning his suit with a napkin.
"You can't disobey me,and I'm taking the girl with me!"He said.Then the whole room went quiet.I went furious.
"Boss,what's going on,am I going somewhere?"Irene asked me.I looked at her  and my expression changed into a more soft one.
"You're not moving an inch,you hear me?"I told her with a low tone,and she nodded in response.

Then we kept discussing,until Irene wasn't behind me anymore.Just then she showed up,from the kitchen.
"Where were you?Didn't I tell you not to move an inch?"I told her.
"I-I'm sorry,boss"She said with my head down.
End of chapter fifteen

Hi guys!!!!End of chapter 15!!!What do you think?I mean,it's basically the same story but Sebastian's pov.(spoiler:next chapter is also going to be Sebastian's pov).Anyways...I don't have anything else to say,so that's it.Byee!!!❤️❤️❤️


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