~Chapter 16~| The first kiss |

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Irenes POV:

Sebastian and Mr.Pacce kept discussing.I heard some of the guests say unbelievable things like:
"He's protecting that maid,why would he go that low?" or "Why does he even care for that maid he can replace her in a second."
Wait... He can replace me in a second.But I know he would never do that.

Just then they started to fight with fists.
"Everyone outside, now"Sebastian ordered. His eyes were sparkling but also wanted war.His breath was getting louder And louder everytime he would hear a word Mr.Pacce would say. .And he nodded my way for me to leave too. And I did I just that.I didn't want to... But I couldn't just stay there. We all stayed behind the door and could hear them fight, or cough out blood,they even broke some objects. I could hear them talk too, but couldn't exactly hear them. The guests were whispering right behind my ear.

Then someone grabbed my hand and pulled me aside.I saw it was Adele.
"The guests are going to enter. Someone needs to stop them"she said as she was looking at the door witch just opened, and the light reflected in her face.She was still holding my hand, she looked down and nodiced what she was doing so she let go of it.Her hand was so warm.
"Why did they start to fight like that?" I asked her.
"Isn't it obvious? Because of you." she said looking at me and then at the door witch was still half open.

"Let me kill the bastard"I head Sebastian say in a loud deep voice.
"Sebastian, we know but you have to relax."I heard the other say.
Then I entered the room.A lot of cups and plates were broken,the table was upside down,and overall it was a mess.
I saw Adele also enter.
"Dad!"She yelled and ran to Mr.Pacce.
"Mr. Pacce is Adele's dad?" I thought confused.

Mr.Pacce was laying on the floor,his face looked bloody.
I took a look at Sebastian and he still looked furious.The guests were keeping him away from Mr.Pacce and Sebastian was cleaning his face with a napkin. Just what made him go that crazy?

Then Sebastian looked my way,and immediately ran towards me.
"Amore,are you okay?" he said looking worried and with one hand grabbed my waist.
"Yes,I'm okay, but Boss-"
"Sebastian"he said angrily.
"S-sebastian what got you so angry to beat Mr.Pacce?" I asked not even thinking about what I asked. Immediately I realized.
"Oh, I I'm so sorry-"I started.

He then didn't speak.He looked down then at Mr.Pacce.
"I'm getting her Vittorio!And you can't stop me!Mr.Pacce said. Oh no.
Sebastian curled his fist,and I immediately nodiced.
"Boss?" I said looking at him.

Sebastian's POV:

That mutt got me furious.He thinks he can take what's mine. I punched him hard in the face.
"Sebastian!"Josh said."Keep in mind who he is!"Angelo added. But I didn't care. Even thought they were all here to discuss for the Mafia,to me,nothing was more important than Irene. Without even thinking I said:
"Everyone out,now." and looked over at Irene. I nodded for her to leave too.

After the door closed I looked over at Pacce and Punched him hard in the face again. He got up more fast than I thought and puched me. I coughed out some blood, turned around, and tripped him over,causing him to fall to the floor.
I took that as an advantage to kick him in the stomach. He started to cought out blood.
"Go on"he said. And I kept kicking him.
"No matter how much you kick me, I'm getting the girl."he said looking at me, with one eye closed from the pain. I started to kick him more.
He made a big mistake even thinking of getting my woman.

Then Josh and Angelo came from behind and stopped me.
"Let me kill the bastard!" I told them knowing they wouldn't listen.
I was looking at that bastard when Adele saw him and went running to him.
"Dad!" she yelled and went his way. Of course,she cares only about that father of hers, but doesn't know what he actually works. Neither Irene or Adele know that we,re in the Mafia.I don't care why he won't tell her,but I have to tell Irene somewhat soon. I know she'll.hate me but,I can't keep it a secret forever.But now it's just not the time.

Just then I saw Irene, she was scanning the room with her eyes, then she made eye contact with me. I immediately ran to her, grabbing her by the waist with one arm.

"Amore,are you okay?" I asked her worried.
"Yes,I'm okay, but Boss-"
"Sebastian"I said angrily.
"S-sebastian what got you so angry to beat Mr.Pacce?" She asked.Hmm... Interesting.
"Oh, I I'm so sorry-"she started.

He I remembered.I looked down at the floor then at that mutt.
"I'm getting her Vittorio!And you can't stop me!He said.I should've broken his jaw.
I curled his fist,and just them Irene spoke:
"Boss?" looking at Irene.

Then I dragged her with me and took her on my room.I sat her on the counter next to the mirror,and locked the door.The room was pitch black and the only light was coming from the moon outside. She put her hands on my shoulderes scared. I looked at Irene straight in the eyes.
"B boss?" she asked me with a confused and scared expression on her face.I smirked.
"Irene,have you ever wondered why I always call you amore?" I asked her already knowing the answer.
"Y yes boss"she said looking down.
"Eyes, up here"I told her.
"Do you know what Amore means? You know it's in italian right?"I asked her, my member rising from the minute.
"I just know it's in italian, but that's it"she said.

Hmm... Interesting.
"Then would you like to know what it means?" I asked her getting closer to her lips.
"Y yes"she said looking at me in the eyes.I started to slowly put my hands on her legs, slowly rising on her thick thighs.Her breathing was getting heavier, her heartbeat rising.
"It means... Love"I said as I connected my lips with hers.
End of chapter sixteen

End of chapter 16!!What do you guys think??? Rate this chapter from 1-10!And so sorry for not posting sooner but u guys know that its because of school. My dumb a$$ decides to make a wattpad book at the beggining of school. 😒🤧
But Yeaa... That's it for this chapter. Byee!!! ❤️❤️❤️

Words: 1126

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