~Chapter 9~ | The garden |

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Irene's POV:

"I can see your panties,amore"he said and I could tell he was smirking.I blushed deep red and turned around forgetting I was in a chair.
I almost fell but Sebastian got me and pinned me to the wall.I gasped by the sudden action.
Both my hands were tied up on top of my head.

My eyes were open wide while his were still the same eyes.Those brown eyes that always stare at me like they're about to devour me.My heart started beating so fast,and so did his.All I could think about now was him,what's going to happen next.
"Be careful next time,mi amore"he said with a smirk and then let go of me.

I felt a bit...disappointed?Im not even going to deny it.I wanted his touch,his scent,his lips,his everything.Everytime I hear about him,my heart skips a beat.Why?Why do I feel like this?What did he do?
"Amore?"Sebastian asked  lifting my chin up.
"Are you okay?"he asked worriedly,I was probably deep red by now.
"Uhh,I h have to go"I said and ran to my room.
I was lost is thought I forgot about the situation I was in.How can I even face him now?Theres no way.I had to cool off my mind.

So I decided to go to the garden.

I slowly opened my bedroom door,and checked both sides to make sure no one was there.The back door is in the kitchen.I went to check and Sebastian was still there for some reasons.So I had to go from the front door.And I did just that.There I saw Ronald.
"Hello Ronald"I said.
"Hello dear,why are you outside,it's a bit windy out here"he said.
"Oh,I I just wanted some fresh air,I'm done with my chores."I said giving him a smile.
"Okay,well don't stay for too long"he said.
"Okay,I won't"I replied and went on to the garden.

I'd never actually went to the garden.It's been 2 weeks since I've come here,I just realised that.
2 weeks.Time flies fast,huh.I stepped on some grass and saw the view in front of me.One word.Amazing.This garden was so beautiful,probably the biggest,fullest most colourful garden I've ever seen.Why didnt I come here before?

I wondered around the garden for a while.Then I started giggling and twirling around having no care on the world.I again felt as if someone was watching me,but I,I didn't care.I was too focused on what I was doing.Just when I stopped I spotted Max.Wait,Max?What is he doing here?My smile immediately faded and I froze.Oh no,did he see me?Great,there's nothing worse that this.He was leaning on the wall,with his hands crossed,watching me with a little face on his soft,white skin.He was wearing a decent outfit.Maybe he has no work today?That might be it.My thought were cut off when he cleared his throat to get my attention.Oh no,did he catch me checking him out?

"Oh,I'm s sorry sir.Yes,how may I help you?"I asked embarrassed,I'm always embarrassed around them."Closer"is all he said.I just nodded and started getting closer to him,till I was facing him.He grabbed my chin to look at my face,and his turned into a serious one.Why?Did I do something wrong?
"Get me and Alex something to drink"he said and with that he left.It looked like he was going to say more than that,but I didn't question.
I couldn't question it.

I did as I was told.I got them their drinks.Alex had also a very serious face.The atmosphere was very dark.I really didn't like it,I wanted to know what happened.I had to figure something out.

After a while of chatting on the garden,they headed to Sebastian's Office.I quickly cleaned up and headed up stairs to his office.I was going to over hear them,just for a little bit.I leaned my left ear to the door and started listening to them.

"Then why's you even hire her?"I heard Max say.What?
"I told you,it was a while back"Sebastian added.
"I mean,why get a new one,when you have a sexy one at home?"Lorenzo said chuckling.
"Don't act like you don't know me,Lorenzo,I wouldn't go that low"Sebastian said.
Is what I heard.Then the whole room went quiet for a bit.Then I heard some nervous chuckling voices.

"When?"Max asked.
"Tomorrow,or the day after that,I don't want to mess around"Sebastian said.Just what in the world are they talking about.Are they talking about a girl,maybe a nightstand or...?Then I heard them talk again but I couldn't really figure out what.I just heard random words like:

"..Watch...Kill"I gasped when I heard the "kill" word.What?Are they gonna kill someone??Kill who?This is dangerous.I immediately headed downstairs so I wouldn't get caught and stayed behind a wall.I heard the office door open,and the guys' voices.I decided to just ignore it.I forgot I had to go to the supermarket today.We were low on food.I talked with Sebastian,so when I have to go shopping,I'll just inform Ronald,and I must get a guard with me.All those rules just to go shopping.

I informed Ronald and told Louis this time.Tony had the day off today.He agreed to go with me and so we went to the store.For some reason,I felt safe with Louis.Like,if I was with him,I didn't have to worry about anything.I don't get this feeling.

I entered the shop with Louis with me.He was being very protective wich gave me butterflies.As I was searching for the food Louis and I were chatting a bit till we started asking for our personal questions.But not too personal.

"So,do you have any sibling?"he asked me while he was also checking some products.
"No,I I'm an only child"I said while getting some products and putting them in the shopping cart.
"Hmm,interesting"is what he replied with.
"What about you?"I asked him.
"I have a younger sister"
"That must be nice"I added.
"And why do you think that?"
"No,I'm saying it must be nice to have a ku sister,or to even have a sibling.
"Yes,it is"he added.

I just nodded and got our products.Then I started to pay for the products.It was the same cashier,looking at me weirdly and Louis knew it too.I could see from his expression.The atmosphere was very weird.I got the products I needed and then left.
                        End of chapter nine

CHAPTER 9 REEDITED!!!i made some changes because it didn't really match with the rest of the chapters!

Hi guys!!!!Sorry that I didn't post!But here you have chapter 9!!!!And we got to know a bit more about Louis.He seems like a nice guy,doesn't talk much,fun to talk to,I wonder how old you guys think he is.Maybe we'll get to know that,🤷🏻‍♀️
But yea,and this whole situation is getting a bit messed up and very weird don't you think???This got me even more interested on what happens next?
But yea...that's it!Bye!!❤️❤️❤️


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