~Chapter 5~ | Strange |

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They left.Well,that was a bit exhausting.But they were fun people to hang out with.They laughed and played in the pool,almost fought once,I don't know why but thankfully nothing serious happened.

They orders almost like a full meal and wanted to eat it outside so I had to make and take outside,but Ronald helped me a bit,at least he helps.

I was now in the kitchen cleaning the counter and then I started to do the dishes.As I was cleaning one of the dishes with foam and I accidentally broke one. "God dammit Irene"I thought to myself.I started collecting each piece,making sure I dont leave any.Then I washed the dishes that were left,dried them and put them in the sink.I checked everything so I know I didn't forget anything.After I was done I thought I'd head out to my room,play the violin,or read a book.

I thought.

I checked the pantry and we were almost out of food.Great.Wait,the guards would never let me go,I can't go without permission...
So I had to ask Sebastian.For some reason everytime I think of him,my heart skips a beat,I don't know why I'm feeling this way.

Again,not wanting to go to his office I find my self standing right in front of it.I took a deep breath and knocked.

"Come in amore"he said.
"How does he know it's me?"I thought to myself.Only he calls me that nickname.

I slowly opened the door and went in.When he saw me he smiled a bit and immediately stopped what he was doing.He got up and stood before me with his arms crossed.

"What's wrong amore?"he asked in a gentle voice while looking down at me.

"S-sir,I wanted to ask if I I could go to the store,were almost out of food"I said.God,why do I always stutter when I talk to him?

"Hmm,well you can go with a guard.Do not- no- don't dare,to go alone,okay amore"he said.

"Sir thank you,but I think I can go alone."I said.His face immediately turned into a serious one.He leaned in and whispered in my ear:
"Try it if you can,amore"is all he said.Then he just sat back down.
"I want you back by 30 minutes"he said.
"Okay sir" I said and left.

I then got downstairs,wore a long jaket,I didn't want to be seen in a maids outfit,I made sure I got some money with me and go to one of the bodyguards.You already guessed,Tony.

"Hey,Tony,can we go to the grocery store?I got premission from se- the boss."I said.

"Sure,Irene,come on"he said.

We went to the grocery store and bought everything I needed.Tony followed me like a little puppy,it was kinda adorable.I caught him staring at me sometimes,but I just ignored it.

I was out the shop,but I had a bad feeling,the cashier was acting a bit weird too.Again,no one was with me except Tony.

"Anything wrong Irene,did you forget anything or..?"he asked.
"Oh,no,I didn't,let's just go"I said and kept walking.
"If you say so"he said and after that he didn't really speak to me.


He helped me to take the groceries inside.

I started to put everything in place,but then when I checked the empty bags it had a tiny piece of letter.I was confused on what it was.It definitely wasn't the shopping list.

I opened it and it just read:
Huh?Dont?Dont what?What is that supposed to mean?
Maybe it's just a prank.
I looked around and didnt see anyone.
Tony couldn't have put it there that's for sure,I was with him the whole time.
But then how the...?

Unknown Person:

I got the job as a cashier so I could give Irene the message.The boss decided to give it to her piece by piece,I don't know why.We could've just gave the whole message and ended it right away.

I overheard her saying food ran out from the big window in the kitchen,so I had to be here.

I saw her enter the shop,with a bodyguard,huh,at least he send a body guard.They got a lot of stuff,and I tried many and many times to put the letter in one of the bags,but the bodyguard kept staring.Finally I got the chance and put it in one of the bags,on one that was full.Hopefully she won't miss it.

I was again,in the big kitchen window,I saw her put everything from the bags to the pantry.Why does she have to do this alone? I feel like she's being tortured,or she cries herself to sleep?I swear,if he forced her to be a maid-

My thought were cut off,as I saw Irene find the letter,finally.

I saw her expression,that meant it was the right letter.

Plan completed.

I smirked at the thought that everything is going well,and then left.I can't wait for the boss to get her,she doesn't deserve to be here,not at all.

Irene POV:
At this point I knew something was going on.First,On my first day I find out I have to live here,I get mixed feelings when I see Sebastian,I feel like somebody's watching me at times,this is not good.

What does this person mean by "Don't"?
Is there anymore letters?I started to check every single one of the bags,double checked and checked the floor,I might've have missed one or two.But no.Nothing.

Should I tell anyone?I mean,who can I tell?
I'm starting to get stressed.Maybe I should tell Sebastian.They might do something to him,or the others,but maybe I'm just being dramatic,it's just a rule to live here,maybe for security reasons,there are a lot of guards,so they stare sometimes.But I have no explanation for the letter.Maybe some kid put it in or something.

It was a bit crowded in the shop too.Hopefully,I'm right,I'm just being dramatic.
End of chapter five

Hello!!! This is the end of this chapter.Now,what do you think is going on?Do you have any idea who is this "Unknown Person"?Im gonna let you figure it out.And this took me a while,sorry.I post a new chapter daily,but I messed the whole chapter up,so I had to do it again,then the draft was deleted somehow,it was tough.But now here we are!!!The new chapter is done.I'm a bit curious about the letter.Is there gonna be more???Or is that it??Keep reading to find out.Byeee!!!❤️❤️❤️


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