~Chapter 1~ | A new job |

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Irene's POV:

Currently I was getting ready to go to work.My new one.I've been hired and fired a lot of times,but not for a bad reason,because either the owner couldn't afford to pay me or they moved contries.Sometimes I quit myself because they were making me very uncomfortable.Hopefully the next owner won't be like "that".

I had to get a maid job,I didn't pick to,because with the money I made of other jobs,it just wouldn't be enough to cover all my personal expenses and pay the rent.Otherwise,trust me,I wouldn't be a maid.I'm not sure how long this will last,but I don't have to worry about that right now.

Since my mom passed away,I won't say things have been hard,but it's been better than this that's for sure.

But things have been hard when dad passed away.They told be my dad unalived  himself and some say he was killed.Well,one thing that keeps me going is them.I will try to always do my best and live for them.I know that's what they'd say too.

After I got myself ready,I put on my shoes and left my apartment and put on my earphones to listen to some music.It was almost lunch time,hopefully I didn't have to start work today.

It was almost lunch time,hopefully I didn't have to start work today

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And yes,a apartment.I saved quite some money and even starved myself sometimes just so i wouldn't sleep on the streets.When I was a maid,I never slept at their houses.They weren't rich like some people but I just helped around like daughter helps it's mother to clean the house.

The last person I cleaned the house to died a week after I left.They got in a car accident.I did  cry because I'd been cleaning that house for quite a while now,the man that owned the house had such a kind heart,I'm not going to deny that.I really felt bad.Hopefully he rests in piece now.I get a bit teary when I think about it.So many dear  people of mine have died,it's like I'm cursed.

My thought were cut off when I nodiced I arrived at the destination

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My thought were cut off when I nodiced I arrived at the destination.
I checked the address again to make sure I wasn't mistaken.And I wasn't.I knew this guy was rich,but his house,no,his mansion to be exact,was so big.

"How am I supposed to clean that by myself?"
I though.

I arrived at the gate  and there were 2 guards at each side of the door.The both of them were at least 6 foot tall each.They were wearing glasses even though the sky gates were closed by the big,gray angry clouds.They both were wearing the same outfit.A black shirt that still showed their abs and some black baggy-ish jeans,and some black shoes.

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