~Chapter 4~ | My boss's best friends |

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I woke up like usual,it was 7 in the morning.I decided to play the violin,because I haven't in a while.I got the violin,unboxed it and decided to play,the song that my mom really liked.I started to play the violin and got lost in thought.

Some years ago I was living my best live,but now,im cleaning houses for a living.My mother always told me "Smartness is the strongest weapon a person can have,so study hard,and don't let anyone,walk over you"

I'm sorry mom,I just...wasn't good enough for that,I know but,I tried my best,I swear.Why did you have to take dad with you?I really needed him.But,even so,I'm still not alone,
Am I? I've met some wonderful people.

Ronald,Tony,Louis,Sebastian...they're all very nice people.Mom...?Did you send them for me?
My thought were cut off when I finished the song.It reminds me of my mother and puts me at ease.She really liked the violin.Well,I'm going to keep playing it for her.I remembered where I was and what I had to do,so I put the violin in it's place and headed to the bathroom.

I did my business and just left my room when I heard my name being called by someone.


"Goodmorning,mi amore"he said.
"Oh,goodmorning sir"I replied back with my head down.

"Look at me"his deep voice said.And so I did.
"Are you okay,amore?"he asked.
"Yes,thank you for asking"I said with a smile.
"Are you sure,amore?"he asked glaring at me with a serious look.
"Y-yes,I'm sure"I said.
"Hmm,can you bring my breakfast in my office again".

"Of course sir"

"Great,ill see you at the office."He said and left.

I went down,said goodmorning to Ronald,and then started making breakfast.I decided to make some eggs and bacon with a glass of orange juice.I,again was standing in front of his office.I was a bit scared to knock and see him,but in the other hand I wanted to just enter right away.Why do I have these mixed feelings?

I took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

"Come in"he said.I slowly opened the door,and saw him,as usual,sitting in his office chair.

"Here is your breakfast,sir."I said.
"Enjoy your meal,now excuse me"I said feeling a bit anxious.

With that I leave,again,he doesn't say anything.I felt a bit...disappointed?No,thats not it.

A few hours later I hear some noises downstairs,but I just guessed it was Ronald or one of the guards.The noises wouldn't stop so I went down to investigate.

I go downstairs and hear some noises in the pool.Yes,the pool,I didn't know they had one.

I take a closer look and see that some guys are there,3 to be exact,some are swimming and the other is just drying off.

One of them seem me and calls for me to come.

"Hey,maid,come here for a second"he said.I started to walk towards his.He was almost naked,so I could see all his muscles.He was blind with blue eyes,and almost as tall as Sebastian,but a bit shorter.

"Y-yes sir,what do you need?"I said with my head down of course,he was almost naked.When did they even come?

"You're the new maid,right?"
"Yes,sir"I say not daring to move my head.

"Okay,beautiful,can you get us 3 some juice,orange,preferable,those two are drunk in the middle of the day"he said and chuckled a bit.

"Of course sir,I'll go prepare them"I said and was about to go when he stopped me by grabbing my hand.

"Wait,tell me your name."
"It's Irene,sir"
"Beatiful name,like yourself"he says with a smirk wich made me blush a bit.
"I'm max"he said.I just smile.

Then he let go of my hand and I went to get the drinks.

Sebastian's POV:

I got a phone call,from one of my best friends,Lorenzo,that they were coming in the afternoon,to mostly play in the pool.I forgot to tell amore,she'll probably figure it out herself,they're coming in a bit anyway.

After the breakfast,I decided not to tell Irene,I wanted to mess with her a little.

The boys now came and I was heading downstairs to go meet them.Of course,they already went to the pool.As I headed downstairs I searched with my eyes for Irene,but I didn't see her.

I went to the backyard to head to the pool and what I saw made me somehow furious.

Max,my best friend,was kissing Irene's hand.
I know he's just trying to be nice,but,I don't like the idea of them interacting with Irene.

I saw Irene heading this way,great.

I grabbed her hand and pushed her against the wall.

"What were you doing with him"I asked her trying not to raise my voice.

"N-nothing sir,they just wanted something to drink"I heard her sweet,angelic voice say.Only if she knew what I wanted to do to her right now.But no,now it's not the time.I just stood there glaring at her for a while before letting go of her.

I had an idea.

Irene went to get the drinks ready,while I,went to the guys.

"Look who's here"Lorenzo said.
I smiled and said.
"Looks like someone forgot whose house he's in."I said and he chuckled.

I gave Max just a smile and he gave one back.

"Mind if I join,gentleman"I said and started to undress,right there.

They stood there like sticks for a moment then started laughing again.

I was now only in my pants when Irene came with the drinks.Lorenzo and Alex got out the pool and we started chatting till Irene came.

She handed over the drinks,with her head down of course.

The plan was successful.

"Thanks,amore"I said.
"No problem,sir"she spoke and started leaving.
Just then Max stopped her.
"Why don't you stay here and enjoy the show?he said and gave her a wink.

"I might as well go first"I said and immediately jumped to the pool.

"Nice jump,Basti"Alex said.That's the nickname he gave me a while back,still calls me that.

I got out and the guys were chatting while Irene's eyes where on me.I smirked.

When she spotted me she immediately put her head down.

Just then Ronald came.
"Hey boys"he spoke to them.Those guys are really close.He brought some towels for us to dry off with.

But one thing that got me pissed off was Max,he kept glancing at Irene.
End of chapter four

Tada!!!Thats another chapter finished.This one took me a while lol.I couldn't find any ideas of what the characters would do,but I got some ideas,dw.😉😂.Now as you may have noticed we got some new characters in the story.At chapter four I present to you,Alex Martini,Max Martini and Lorenzo Giovanni.Yes,they're all Italian duh.😆 But that makes them even more hot.Now what do you guys think about Maxs attraction to Irene?She can attract any guy,without even trying 😒,she's a lucky one ☝️.But I mean,can you blame her?Based on your imagination,god knows how beautiful she might me.I've got some looks pictured in my mind.Anyways,thats it,bye!!!


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