~Chapter 11~ | Finally |

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Before you read this chapter,there is a scene witch i recommend 16+.I know you don't care but,oh well.You've been warned!

Irene's POV:

After I gave Louis Sebastian's card back,we hopped on the car and we're headed to the mansion.I still don't know how he got the card.Or it wasn't even his card.Maybe it was his.But no,why would he give me his card?My thought were cut off when we arrived at the mansion.As we hopped off the car,and got our groceries,well mostly Louis got them all,I saw a beautiful girl at the gate.She was kind of yelling
At who?Me and Louis got closer to see what was happening and saw that the girl was screaming at...that's right,Sebastain.

She was full red on the face,did she cry too?
When Sebastian saw me and Louis he stopped yelling at her and just went inside.The girl turned to look confused why Sebastian just left.
When she saw me,she got even more mad,but acted 'nice'.She got closer to me,swaying her hips.
"Oh hello,and who may you be?"she asked me in a sweet voice all of a sudden.
"Oh hi,I'm just the maid here"I said acting nice too,hopefully she wouldn't scream.
"The maid,huh?"she asked under her breath.
"We'll I can't believe he went this low for someone like you"is all she said and then left.

I was so confused and so was Louis.Just then Ronald came and told us to get the food inside,and that we just don't mind that girl.I wanted to ask Ronald what was going on.
"Ronald,who was that girl?"I asked him.
"A nightstand of  Sir Sebastian"he said.There my heart dropped.A nightstand?Is that why we were late?Is that why Louis was acting a bit strange too?
"Why did she come here?"I asked.
"I think because he fired her"Ronald said.

After that I didn't say anything.Louis helped me by taking the groceries inside while I was still outside with Ronald.
"This hasn't happened before.Usually he never fired them here.I heard a phone call,I think he fired that one over the phone."He said looking around a couple of times,so he knew no one was looking.Who would be looking anyways?
"Wait,really?"I asked him.He nodded his head.
"But we shouldn't be talking about this anyway.
It's not our business"Ronald said.
"Yeah,well let's go inside it's getting a bit cold"I said.
"Indeed,let's go dear"he said making way for me first.I nodded my head and smiled a bit thanking him.When we were at the door,Louis was there.
"Irene,the groceries are in the kitchen"he said.
Me and him have a big height difference,its
"Okay,thank you"I said to Louis with a smile.
I saw a little smirk on his face.

After Louis left,I talked to Ronald a bit,and said that I had to bring the suit to Sebastian myself.That was...unexpected, and then he went to his room.He didn't have anything else to do today.That's what we're supposed to do.After you're done with work,go to your room,and the next morning,repeat.I was also saving some money,I mean I need them for my apartment,also I'm not gonna be staying on that apartment forever.But for now it has to do.I sighed and went to the kitchen to put the groceries in place.As I was unboxing everything
I found another letter.This time around it said:
"Come".Huh?This is weird.

Someone must be playing with me right now.Maybe Ronald or the guards?No,why would they do this?There isn't anything to joke about.I got the other piece out the drawer and tried to make a sentence,even thought with 2 words,it wouldn't make much sense.

"Come Dont"
"No that's not right."I said,it sounded like a whisper.
"Don't Come."That makes more sense.Don't go where?This is so confusing,and who is giving me these letters?It has to be Louis or Tony right?They are the only ones touching the bags.

I lined them up,and put them section-by-section,so I don't mess or miss any.After that I cleaned the counter a bit,and remember I have to give Sebastian his suit.I got the suit,and unpacked it just to make sure it's okay.I looked at it,and it was perfect.I think Sebastian would look really good in it.I blushed at that thought.
I quickly put it back in the box,but made sure that I didn't mess it,I folded it again,but right this time.I closed the box and headed upstairs.

I was at Sebastian's bedroom door.For some reason,I had mixed feelings about this.But I ignored it and knocked on the door.I didn't hear any "come in",so I waited for a second,before coming inside.
I looked inside,it smelled just like Sebastian.I hear the shower run,so I'm guessing he's taking a shower.

As I left the suit on the counter,I got the chance to take a good look at his room,again.Almost everything in his room was either brown,black or white.So he isn't a Color's person.I think blue or dark green would also suit him.The room was pretty big.I discovered another door,that you couldn't see until you were almost at the end of the room.I'm guessing it's the door for the closet.So he has a room full of clothes,and also a closet.That's uncalled for.

As I was just looking around the room,touching stuff,looking at paintings I heard some noises from the bathroom.The water was still running,but not that much.I got closer to the bathroom,until I was standing at the door.I put my ear behind the door to hear better.What I heard was not something you would expect.I was hearing some weird noises.Bit I couldn't tell what they were due to the water running.I leaned in close and heard some moaning.

Wait,moaning?Is he...Is he touching himself?

I leaned in more and heard my name.
He's touching himself while saying my name?

I kept hearing:Ahhhh...Irene...Hmmm"I blushed deep red by now.I heard the water stop,and got out the room as soon as possible.I didn't want to get caught.

I went in my room and sat down.I'm still in shock.Sebastian...likes me...too?
End of chapter eleven

*clears throat* Sooo....nice day today!Lol. What do you guys think of this chapter???And so sorry I haven't posted,I've been busy with school.3rd week and already exams.🫠Anyways...There's chapter 11 for you!And tysm for 100 views!!!We finally hit 100 views.Thanks to all the people who read my book,I appreciate it!☺️❤️
Anyways...hoped you enjoyed this chapter Byee!!!!❤️❤️❤️


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