1. The Mayweather ball

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"Alvin, what should I do? My dance card has never been this barren before!"

The said man looked over at his step-sister sheepishly, guilt written all over his face. Forearms linked, the duo was making their rounds around the dance ball.

They had yet to be greeted by a single soul.

"I believe it might have something to do with me, Lizzie." He said, looking sincerely apologetic. "You know that most nobles can't stand the sight of me."

"Well," Elizabeth said, putting her chin up higher. "Then I must consider myself to be the most fortunate, brother, to be deprived of such vile and judgemental company."

Alvin smiled fondly at her. He was truly grateful for his step-sister's presence since the day he had been introduced to Aristocracy. She was the one person who had truly stood by him through everything, sometimes even against their grandfather. All that for him, after he had so cruelly tarnished her and her family's reputation in the noble society.

"Oh, but sister, surely you cannot mean that everyone here is an undesirable company. You are most fond of one Mr. M's company, if I'm not mistaken." He finished his sentence with a subtle wink and grinned mischievously, knowing he had hit the nail on its head when she turned red. He only knew the man who held his sister's affection by name, but her descriptions had been enough to know that she was bewitched by the gentleman.

"Alvin!" She swatted his arm in retaliation. "You devil."

"Did I say anything untrue, dear sister?"

"Certainly not, brother." She smiled, although her eyes turned a little sad. "Unfortunately, he has not asked me for a dance either, so." She shrugged.

"Can you not ask him?"

"What? That is out of the question! A lady cannot ask a man to a dance!" She spluttered indignantly.

"Yet a man can?" He raised an eyebrow. "That is what I would say in commoner language," He leaned down to her ear in a mock stage whisper. "-utter shite."

She gasped in surprise at his rude cursing and then covered her mouth with a gloved hand as she started laughing. He patted himself on the back mentally for being able to make her feel happy for the first time that evening.

"Well, sister, since I am the reason for this unfortunate predicament of yours." He unlinked their arms and stepped back a bit. "May I, as your most remarkable dancing protégé, have the honour of your first dance today?" He asked, putting his palm out in invitation

"Why, Alvin." Elizabeth smiled coyly. "I could have mistaken you for a gentleman for a moment there. Someone has been taking their lessons very seriously."

"My lady, you wound me."

"Oh, shush." She laughed. "And since you are the only man here that I can ask this to, I shall." She put her hand out as well. "Will you do me the honour of your first dance?"

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