10. Willful Wooing

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Greetings for the new year! Hope you have a wonderful, healthy and prosperous year ahead.


"Mr. Frazier, have I ever told you how I absolutely adore the hue of your eyes?"

"Elizabeth, stop it."

"Mr. Frazier, did you paint the sky red today? Because that is all I see."

"Eliza. Beth."

"Mr. Frazier, can you help me? I seem to have fallen down and cannot get up."


"Mr. Frazier-" The girl was cut off by a pillow in her face.

"That's it!" Alvin snapped. "He did not say any of that!"

"Not so much in words." Lizzie shrugged, putting the pillow in its rightful place on the bed. "But his eyes, brother, they speak volumes."

"Maybe too much." Alvin sulked.

"Oh, so you've noticed?" Lizzie crossed her arms, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes. Only a fool wouldn't."

"Alvin." Lizzie shook her head in exasperation. "That man is absolutely besotted with you!"

"It would seem so."

"Then, why, oh why would you deprive yourself of something as beautiful as love? Just say yes already."

"We have a month still."

"Oh, that's ridiculous. You're being ridiculous."

"I'm not! See it from my perspective for once!"

"I'll try, brother. So tell me, what really bothers you."

"Well, it's not the idea of him as a person, more so his intentions..." Alvin sighed and laid back down on his bed. "Doesn't he seem too good to be true? Be honest."

Lizzie stood in silence for a moment. "Maybe he is too good, but you deserve that, brother. You deserve good, Alvin. You deserve the best."

"Thank you, Lizzie. You're a treasure, truly." Alvin smiled. "But you are too optimistic and far from realistic."

"Oh, come off it!" His stepsister turned to leave.

"I'm just saying, sister, I've seen more world than you!"

"You're a novice in the world of nobles!" She said just as she exited the room.

"And he's not! That's the whole point, Elizabeth!" He shouted as the door closed behind the girl.

Turning on his side, Alvin glanced at his unfinished painting sitting in the middle of the room, covered by a white cloth. Inspiration struck him out of nowhere and he got out of bed. He walked to his vanity, forgoing his watercolours and oil paints once again. He opted for a stick of charcoal instead.

The red from the rouge had long since dried, and he set to work, defining the red background with solid black lines of charcoal.


Alvin took a deep breath and nodded to Wilhelm, who in turn, rolled his eyes at him. The young boy walked out with his back straight, nose stuck in the sky.

The older man sighed.

There was no saving to their brotherhood.

As soon as he stepped out the door, a carriage awaited him. The duke was not in it, evidently, he had sent his carriage to pick up his entourages. And what a carriage it was, big and bold and gleaming from polish, drawn by two brown stallions.

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