15. Rosefair Hall

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We have arrived, readers.


When Vincent had mentioned Rosefair Hall being 'one of his country houses', Alvin had brushed it off as a slip of the tongue.

But now only as the duke himself sat beside him on the carriage and described each of those country houses in detail to the Fraziers, did Alvin recognize his mistaken assumption and his stomach jolted at the abrupt realization of something that he had vaguely known for as long as he knew the older man, but had never actually given much thought.

The duke was rich. Filthy rich.

"Rosefair Hall is my darling house. It was given to me by my father when I reached adulthood. The name comes from its appearance, as you'll see in a bit. Its absolutely beautiful if I say so myself. The gardens are entirely rose bushes, and the scent as you walk through the paths is simply otherworldly. I would love to promenade there with you, Mr. Frazier."

"Of course." Alvin assented, smiling hesitantly.

"I inherited my uncle's home on his passing, since he lacked heirs, although he had daughters. It's called the Amberwood Abbey." He shook his head a little. "Its downright unfair though, I think, that the daughters can't inherit their birthright only because of their sex." He smiled. "It is more of a castle than a house, I'll grant you that. My uncle's family continues to live there, while I take care of the finances for them. They're a lovely lot, the daughters especially, they would absolutely adore you, Miss Frazier."

"Will they be coming to the ball? I fear, you've made me enthusiastic for a meeting now, your grace." Elizabeth said, glittery eyed.

"I'm hoping so." He nodded.

They were all quiet for a moment, and then-

"What about the third one, your grace, you have one more, don't you?" Amelia inquired, nonchalantly inspecting the lace trim of her dress.

"Ah." The duke seemed taken aback, but smiled at her, although weakly. "Right. The third house..." He hesitated, and Alvin couldn't help but think if it was a sore subject for the duke.

It was.

"Right, yes, I do have a third house." Vincent confirmed. "That is, if you don't count the London house, of course." He joked, shaking his head. "Right, it's called the Brackhampton Villa. It's relatively smaller than the other houses, but just as majestic, if not more so."

The carriage fell silent as the duke inspected his hands, voice growing quieter by a notch.

"It belonged to my late husband."

Ah, so it was a sore subject.

"We lived there on and off, throughout our marriage, until he passed. Then I moved to Rosefair, naturally."

Alvin would later swear a sentimental demon had possessed him in that moment, because he shot his hand out and grasped Vincent's where it lay tangled on his lap, squeezing it in hopes of imparting comfort.

When the duke looked at him, he felt emotion choking him in the throat and wished they were alone in the carriage so he could yank the man down into a kiss and suck all that misery out of those liquid inked eyes.

"Ah, it's a bit too early in the morning for me to be depressing you all with my gloomy chatter." Vincent chuckled, looking out the window. "Behold, everyone, we have reached the Rosefair Hall!"

The Fraziers looked out in curiosity, but everything they had imagined about the house from the duke's descriptions failed in comparison to what actually lay before them.

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