19. Tryst

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Are you ready?


"Are you sure, no one will find us here?"

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"Are you sure, no one will find us here?"

"Of course I am!" He whirled around to give his partner a look. "This is my house!"

"Right." He could feel the exasperated sigh on the back of his neck.

"Here! Come." He tugged the man forward by the help of their adjoined hands. "Get in."

His back hit the wall of the door to the tiny room they had shuffled themselves into, the dim moonlight coming in through the lone, barred window allowing him to see his lover's expression change from hesitation to amusement.

"Finally." He raised a hand up to caress the line of a strong jaw, allowing it travel to the back of a slender, tanned neck. "Thought it'd be easier for us to meet once the ruckus party left, but I guess they were more distraction than hindrance."

"Ruckus party?" His companion chuckled, moving in closer to the younger man. "That's the most endearing term you've ever had for your brother."

"Stepbrother, you mean."

"Potato, potayto."

He pulled the man towards him by tugging on the unbuttoned flaps of his livery. "You've seen the bastard naked." He trailed his lips to a ear that he knew had reddened under his warm breath. "So, is he bigger than me?"

"I've never seen his cock, if that's what you're wondering." Came the answer.

"You find him prettier than me?"

"No one," Was whispered onto his lips. "is prettier than you, my lord."

"Don't call me that." He rebuked, but blushing still. "You're not serving me if you're loving me."

"Being allowed to love you is a service you've done unto me." A hand tightened on his waist. "You are the most beautiful thing that's ever happened to me."

"You and your words."

"May I kiss you?"

"You don't need to ask." He chided breathlessly, pulling his lover down into a passionate kiss with urgency.

His hands roamed throughout the bulkier body pressing into him, greedy with promised pleasure. It wasn't long before he was tugging at the lapels of a pristine livery.

"We shouldn't..." Came a weak protest against his lips.

"Please." He wasn't as prideful as people thought him to be. He wasn't against begging for the things he wanted, things he needed. "Don't deny me." He pleaded, looking at his beau with large, artful eyes. "We may never get away like this anytime soon."

"But like this? Here?" In this dingy place.

"It doesn't matter. I need you."


"You should only worship me." He whispered. "Worship me, please."

Wet lips descended onto his again and he moaned, a low, quiet sound. Clothes were shed without any further words. When bared to his skin, he turned around, back to his lover.

"Just put it in." He whispered, hiding his reddened face in his arms even though all his expressions were veiled by the dark. "I... prepared myself. Earlier."

One wouldn't think him a virgin by his words.

A groan against the back of his neck, and arms had encircled his waist to jerk him backwards. He felt the dripping, thick rod on his cheeks and bit his lips in anticipation.

It didn't come.

Instead, he was turned around again to face the older man who looked at him like a parched man would look at a mirage in a desert.

"I wish to face you." Was all that was said as he was pulled forwards into the tiny room, and placed gently against a high wooden stool.

He preferred it. He could even see the lustful expression better, mirrored on the chiselled face, illuminated by the moonlight.


The sturdy, utile body moved between his legs and so he spread them, as wide as he could in invitation, which was accepted promptly. And now, he could really feel the length pressed against him.

He breathed deeply as it was eased into him. His lover groaned into his neck quietly, hands trembling where they held his thighs with barely contained passion.

"Move. Oh heavens, move." He pleaded, squeezing himself around the hotness inside him. There would be no pain for him tonight, he had made sure of it in his solitary bath.

"Gods." And then there was abandon. Sounds of skin slapping against skin echoed in the room as they tried in vain to quell them, only to be drowned out by the sounds of their own pleasure. They couldn't stop, they couldn't possibly slow down. Not until they reached the end.

He was there first. He came, tainting their torsos in spurts. A moment and three erratic thrusts later, his lover arrived as well.

When he had sunk back against the cold wall, relishing the feeling of his beau gushing into him still, the unthinkable, yet the predictable happened.

The door to their haven burst open.

Let it be known that Mr. Wilhelm Frazier has been seen by his grandfather in all states of shame and squalor throughout his years, but nothing could have prepared him for this.

There the old baron stood, face unmistakably enraged even in the dark, standing in the doorway with his formidable form, and the ghost of the head butler behind him, glaring daggers at their conjoined bodies.

And here he was, shock shutting down every system in his body except for the dread that had replaced the blood in his veins, and speared on cock still.

Over him, John had gone as white as the shirts he put on Alvin every day.

Wilhelm was truly, utterly fucked.


Who saw this coming? Or them coming? XD

Did you guess who it was before the reveal?

What is John doing?! Will he be fired? Does he and Wilhelm actually love each other or are they being horny and having their fill of forbidden fruits? [In case you don't remember, John is Alvin's valet at Frazier house.]

Vote and Comment! <3333

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