6. Proximity

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Oh, this chapter is goood ;)


As soon as he had woken up that day, Alvin Frazier was feeling positively rubbish. The anticipation and anxiety of the dreaded luncheon had been weighing on the back of his mind and as a consequence, he had been tossing and turning all night, unable to go to sleep. The lack of sleep was only going to add to his nasty temper, he was sure. Fortunately for him, it would make his task even easier.

"Sir? Your bath is ready. Do you have a preference for the salts today?" John asked, ever so dutifully standing at the foot of his bed.

"Lavender, please. I can feel a headache coming." He replied, sitting up against his fluffy pillows and stretching his arms out, bare chest flashing to his poor valet, the other half of his body obstructed by his silk sheets. In his defence, he had never quite been the foreman of modesty. And John was more than used to it by now, having had to deal with him for more than two months now.

"Very good, sir."

"And thank you, John."

The black-haired valet nodded and left to prepare his bathwater, silently urging Alvin to follow.

After staring at the ceiling for a moment too long, wondering if it was still too late to take back his words, Alvin got up, naked as the day as he was born. He slipped on his underpants, so as to not shock his valet into an early grave, and ventured into his adjoined washroom.

Ah, the pleasures of being a noble.

Sinking into the cool bathwater was one of his most favourite moments in the day. Despite the more popular preference being for warm water, he did not hold much love for it, probably because he hadn't grown up with it. The only baths he had growing up were rushed, with freezing cold water at the earliest hour in the morning. If he had been feeling especially motivated on a good day, he would dare to take a dip in the nearby lake, even though it had been horribly polluted by the washerwomen.

Alvin sniffed deeply as he sank down deeper into his shiny bronze tub, relishing in the scent of lavender as it slowly calmed down his nerves. He smiled gratefully at John, and the young valet smiled back, his warm brown eyes lighting up.

Honestly, he was very fond of John, and thought of him as more of a friend than anything else. Even if the man was working for a salary, he was very good at being the most perfect companion Alvin could ever ask for. John did not resent him for rising up the ranks, he did not make him feel bad about his upbringing, he never asked any questions about his less than noble habits, never spoke out of turn, and also managed to be a wise advisor whenever Alvin needed him to be.

"What did you think of the man who called yesterday?" He asked casually, feigning innocence as he looked up at the valet through his lashes, pretending to inspect his nailbeds.

"Oh, I'm afraid I missed him, sir, I was not stationed downstairs yesterday." John explained, and bless his heart, looking apologetic.

Alvin immediately felt bad. "Oh, I am sorry. I did not..."

"It is not a matter, sir." John assured.

Alvin nodded. "You may see him today at luncheon." He dropped casually, trying to get something, anything relevant out of John.

"I'm afraid I won't be on footman duties today either, sir." Oh, he forgot. When footmen get promoted to valets, they did not go back to their previous posts. Suddenly, Alvin felt very silly.


"Forgive me if I am being impertinent, sir, but I must remind you that you can speak to me freely. I would never betray your secrets to anyone but my own ears."

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