22. Last Hope

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Before feminine rage, there's feminine despair.


The duke was nowhere to be found.

Anxiety ran amok throughout Alvin's benumbed body as he raced up the stairs to the east wing of Rosefair Hall where the guest bedrooms were, having searched all the common areas of the bustling place.

It seemed like the host of the ball, owing to his flashy habits, had vanished into the secret passages of his own residence, intending to only make an appearance when the dance started.

Meanwhile, Alvin felt dread gurgling in his gut, the absence of an outlet for his newfound information left him feeling stiff and heavy, dragging his feet on the carpeted floor till he reached his assigned bedroom.

Much like Elizabeth, he needed a moment to soak in the scandal that now surrounded his name, all because his idiot stepbrother was unwilling and unable to keep it in his pants.

Mr. McCallum's explanation felt lacklustre to him, although he understood why the man would hesitate to delve deeper into the matter after seeing Elizabeth's teary eyes.

He felt bad for all the parties involved, even Wilhelm, surprisingly. He was only a young boy still, green and all. No teenager should have their business spread on a newspaper like this. Grown adults should have no interest in what or who younglings put up with. It's pity that sometimes the price you pay for status is your dignity, yet the moment you lose one of them you lose the both of them.

He felt agitated on behalf of his grandfather, who was spread thin taking care of the children he shouldn't have to in a fair world. Alvin, who's mere presence reminds him of his son's mistakes. Elizabeth, who has failed in procuring a husband for herself despite having a devoted suitor. Wilhelm, who may have just wrecked the Frazier name forever, without repairments.

And the poor servant. The unnamed man who had been let go, deprived of his livelihood because one master of his tried to possess his body in more way that their good society allowed. It seemed like touching your body in the name of undressing and dressing and bathing you was fine, but the line was crossed when the intentions behind the touch turned romantic.

He wondered who the man even was. He dearly hoped it wasn't the grim-faced, surly butler that served them tea every morning, because that would be wrong in more ways than one. He shuddered at the thought as the bed sank beneath him.

Lost in his thoughts, he stared at the floor till a knock sounded on his door.

"I hope you are decent."

"You're already in." Alvin pointed out. Before him, his stepmother's face turned sour, painted lips thinning into a line.

"I endeavour to believe that you have already heard what has taken place in London."

"I have." Alvin sighed.

"You must find it ironic." Amelia stated, not in an accusatory tone, but close enough. "Humorous even."

"I don't." He really only felt bad for anyone who found themselves entrapped in the 'good' society's unrelenting clutches in the form of a scandal. He had not even thought of the contrast between Wilhelm's actions and their father's.

A resurging feeling of grief entered his heart for his late mother when he imagined her to be another unnamed servant, devoid of her job and saddled with a bastard in her womb. Strangely enough, there was also a newfound remorse for his father in his mind, as he imagined him as young and reckless as Wilhelm.

Dowager Lady Frazier felt nothing of the sort.

"I was a fool to think that the same blood that made you irresistible to a lavish duke would not turn around and make my own son a slave to his lusts." She continued, shaking her head. A mocking smile stretched her mouth. "History repeats itself. Yet I am surprised."

"Wilhelm is young. The Ton has a shorter memory than a flock of sheep. He will recover."

"But Elizabeth will not."

"Mr. McCallum-"

"Has not yet proposed." She cut in. "And he never will, at this rate. His father won't allow it."

"Where do we go with this pessimism, my lady?" Alvin asked, sighing. He suddenly felt tired and sleepy. "We have to go back and face the consequences. We can't escapes scandals, not in London."

"We can subdue it." She suggested, looking at him pointedly. "We can divert the Ton's attention; to a better, wholesome news. A fortuitous one for the Fraziers."

Dread seeped through Alvin's toes and curled into his stomach. "What are you suggesting?"

"Propose marriage to the duke."

"No!" He rejected the notion vehemently, standing up in defiance. "I will not be a pawn in your game."

"You're the queen." She placated. "Don't you see? You have all the power."

"I will not sacrifice myself for your sake, or Wilhelm's. What I share with the duke is none of either of yours's business! You don't get to push my relationships around because your son messed up!" He paused, took a deep breath in and turned away from his stepmother's crumbling face. "I'm sorry, but I will not."

"But you must!" She pleaded, her stoic face turned humble. "You simply must!"

"What, beg the duke to marry me and save my family from ruin? The family that has never accepted me save for one girl! So he can laugh in my face? Or worse, so that I can be forever indebted to him?" He let out a disbelieving laugh. "What makes you think he'd be willing to marry me after hearing of the scandal in the first place?"

"Compel him." Was the immediate answer. "Trick him. Seduce him. Anything that gets you engaged by midnight. You must."

"I cannot help you."

"Do what your mother failed to do!" She urged. "Secure your fortune, and our safety."

"Let me reiterate, my lady. I cannot, and will not help you."

"You can, and you must. Please!" She moved forward, grasping his hands in hers in a desperate hold, forcing him to look at her. "Please understand, child! You have all the power." She repeated, looking into his icy eyes with teary orbs of hazel. "Your grandfather's title, Elizabeth's marriage, Wilhelm's life. Everyone of us. Please understand, only you can help us."

Alvin looked down at her ashen hands that clutched onto him in shock, having felt the touch of his stepmother for the first time in his life. The shock soon turned to indignity.

"How very noble of you, my lady!" He mocked, yanking himself away from her hold and circuiting the room in self-righteous anger. "Just yesterday I would bet all my pin money that you thought me worthless! A leech with a whore for a mother!"

There was no answer to him.

"And today I'm supposed to be your saviour, when yesterday you would not touch me with a foot-long rod of iron! You're a bloody hypocrite, Amelia Frazier."

The woman stood in silence, letting Alvin walk off his aggression. And then suddenly, she had dropped to the floor beneath him, shoulders hunched over and hands folded in a servitude manner akin to a bonded. Her head was bowed, but Alvin could see the tears raining down her chin and staining her opulent dress.

"Please." Was all she said.

Before Alvin could say or do something, she had left.


I hope one day we're able to see the perspective of women like Amelia, who are the other women even when they're held secure in a pact of marriage. I've meet a lot of bitter, mean, sour-faced Amelias in my life, and I feel for most of them.

Anyways, what do you think Alvin will do? Will he relent?

Where is the duke?

Vote & Comment, it's only more and more drama from here ;)

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