7. Resistance

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"So, when is he going to call on you next?" Elizabeth asked, a giddy look in her eyes. She was sitting on the couch in his room, uninvited and entirely too comfortable. It drove Alvin mad that no one in the house seemed to notice his misery.

"I don't know, Lizzie, when is Mr. M going to call on you?" He snarked, revelling in the hurt look that crossed over his sister's face before he felt guilt creep up in his stomach. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have-"

"Why are you against the idea?" Lizzie inquired with an exasperated tone. "Really, Alvin, with the way you are acting, one would think of Duke Presley as a man of vile character, when he has the greatest mannerisms I've seen in a gentleman."

"He's exactly like any other rich lord out there. They are brought up like that, for God's sake!"

"And how is that a bad thing? It only means that he is a well-bred man." Less could be said about you, went unsaid.

"You won't get it." Alvin looked away at the adjacent wall, wanting the conversation to end, but he couldn't help himself as he turned back to his sister abruptly. "And what are these great manners that you speak of? You're delusional."

"Hm, let's see." Lizzie pondered for a moment. "He has great table manners- he did not leave anyone out of conversation, he thanked the staff for their help, he complimented the cook, and he is not picky with his food, unlike you and Wilhelm."

"Yes, because great table manners are exactly what I'd look for in a husband." Alvin said, rolling his eyes upwards.

"There's much more- he pays utmost respect to grandpa, he never speaks out of turn, even though he is much more highly ranked than us, and he treats you the warmest I've ever seen you been treated in our society." She paused before letting out a smile. "Even Wilhelm likes him, and you know he barely likes his own family."

"Wilhelm likes him because he thinks of the duke as a sure way to get rid of me forever." Alvin said, crossing him arms where he was seated on his bed, bitterness hanging onto his every word. It still hurt him that his brother would treat him in such a way, despite the fact that the boy had clearly gotten the fairer share of circumstances.

"This is your home, Alvin. You cannot be rid of it even if you tried." Lizzie assured him.

"Tell that to Wilhelm, why don't you."

"I will." Lizzie nodded. "I shall even twist his ears if you want." She offered.

"Yes, please." He blurted out without a second thought and after a split second they were doubling over in laughter.

"Oh, that'd be a sight for sore eyes." Alvin said humouredly.

"Indeed." Lizzie agreed. She looked at him again. "You know, I don't believe Duke Presley would ever pull rank on you, if that's what's holding you back."

"Which might be exactly why I am so wary of him." Alvin begrudgingly admitted. "Say, you don't find it a least bit suspicious that out of everyone prancing about in that god awful ball, he approached me, an ill-reputed bastard? You said it yourself, Lizzie, what would be benefit from entering into a union with me?"

"You'd be surprised with how quickly things like status and reputation turn to dust in matters where love is involved, Alvin."

"We've had a total of three meetings, Elizabeth." Alvin pointed out.

"Three meetings are more than enough, Alvin." The nineteen-year-old shot back.

"You're unbelievably delusional." Alvin shook his head. "All those romance novels have gotten to your head and made it rot."

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