18. The Calm

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A shorter chapter for this week, because y'all are not ready for what I'm about to throw at you in the next one :)


"Are we sending an invite to the Bridgertons?"

Duke Presley looked up from his seat at his desk where he had been signing off invites.

Amelia waved her copy of the guest list. "I don't see them here."

"Ah, yes, the Bridgertons." He put his quill down. "I was not planning on inviting them, no. I've never been to theirs, so naturally I didn't think of hosting them either. Different circles." He hesitated. "That would not be a problem, I hope?"

"Oh no, not at all." Amelia shook the concern away. "They're quite a rowdy bunch." She picked up her teacup. "And scandalous. We'd be better off without them."

"Well, I hope we won't be the cause of any scandals of our own." Vincent smiled secretively at Alvin.

Alvin returned the smirk, sipping at his tea.

There would be a scandal, alright.


"May I speculate on your favoured colour palette?"

"You may, your grace." Alvin rolled his eyes.

They were promenading through the rose gardens, languid paced and warm from the gentle sun shining on them. Here and now, a gust of wind would flow by and hit them with a fragrant whiff of pure rose.

Alvin felt like he could lose his way in the dense shrubberies and still be content living there forever.


"Couldn't be further, actually."

"Can I have a hint, then?"

"Giving up so quickly, duke?"

"No, I would just like a hint."

Alvin grinned. "It's a colour that would clash horribly against my colouring, but looks divine on yours."

"Divine, huh?"

"Oh, shut it." Alvin swatted him feebly. "I've practically given you the answer."

"Hm." Vincent seemed to ponder. "Is it green?"

"What! Green looks good on me, alright!"

"I'd never doubt that." Vincent grinned.

"Okay, here's another hint." Alvin halted and turned to look directly into the duke's eyes. "It's famously regarded as the colour of love."

"Then..." Vincent lowered his voice. "Is it the hue of eyes, the palest shade of blue to have ever been? Since I've never seen such ardour reflected I anything else."


"Or could it be the flush of your lips, crafted by Cupid himself?"


"Or that colour of pink you turn as I say these words to you, travelling down from your cheeks to your neck and disappearing down your shirt?"


Alvin gasped as he was pulled by the waist in an instant, brought flush to the duke's chest to feel his formidable form pressing against his own, hidden from the world through a frame of roses.

"Could it be the hue of fire as it burns aflame, same as that of my heart as I hold you so close, as I yearn to make you mine?"


Their lips met in a searing kiss, open mouthed and unbearably hot, lust barely restrained in their movements while ardour pushed through with passion. Alvin clutched at the broad back of his suitor, wishing to somehow merge their souls together while Vincent's hands left burn trails wherever they went on his body, even through his multiple layers of clothing.

Vincent pulled away a hair's breadth and attacked the pale skin of Alvin's jaw, travelling down to the sensitive expanse of his throat, eliciting a fervent moan out of the younger man.

Without meaning to, Alvin arched, and was rewarded when Vincent hitched his left leg over a hip, pushing their cores together.

All of a sudden, Alvin broke off from the older man, leaving him in a state of alarmed disarray.

"We should stop before... it becomes... too much of a noticeable problem." Alvin explained.

Vincent coughed, gathering himself. He smoothed his jacket out and fixed his cuffs. "You are right. Forgive me."

"I'm only respecting your boundaries." Alvin felt the need to point out.


Alvin turned to walk back to the hall. "By the way, it was just red."

Vincent smiled at the retreating back of his beau.

"I know." He whispered under his breath, amused.


So, do we like the little barb at the Bridgertons?

ALSO, did y'all see the new trailer for Bridgerton season 3?! I'm so excited and can't wait! Netflix is so wrong for breaking up into parts and then putting a gap between them!!! They're edging us!! 😭

Anyways, vote and comment! <3333

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