24. Amelia

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Feminine rage.


A shrill sound of a slap resounded in the Frazier living room, and the very sound of it felt feminine in nature.

Hell hath no fury than a woman scorned.

"Look at you, following in your late father's footsteps." Amelia spat at her biological son, her voice laden with enough contempt to poison a wild rabbit.

And Mr. Wilhelm Frazier had found himself to be stuck in quite the ineluctable snare.

"You have shamed everyone with your actions." She continued, her back straight and fingers interlaced in front of her abdomen, chin stuck up in air. "Laying with a hedge-born is in your nature, courtesy to the blood that flows within you;" Her lips curled with disgust. "But to get caught doing it, is beyond stupidity. If there was one thing you could've gotten from me, I wish it was my cunning!" She turned away to heave a breath out. "But alas! You are just like your father!"

Wilhelm choked on a sob.

"That is quite enough, Amelia." Old baron spoke up, having remained quiet for the entirety of the disceptation. Elizabeth and Alvin stood quietly to the side; the tiredness of their journey back home had not worn off yet.

"This is my son, you forget, Lord Frazier!" She cried, her anger redirected. "A son I entrusted unto you! And you failed me yet again, as you failed me twenty years ago!"

Lord Frazier stared ahead, his shoulders cowed.

"You sit there on your high and mighty throne and let your offsprings do as they wish, whilst others suffer as collateral!" She scoffed. "I wouldn't be surprised if I happen upon some of your own bastards running around in Bloomsbury, impoverished and forgotten."

"You cross the line."

"Well, I hope you are darn happy with the situation, sir, because my son's reputation has been tarnished forever and my daughter's prospects have been compromised without reparations!"

"It is my title that is also at risk, lady." The old man reminded gravely.

"What title? And what heir? You care about neither, sir." Amelia accused, her voice croaking as her anger gave way to despair at last. "It was I who fell to her knees before my husband's bastard and begged him to save this family! Sir! Your title! Your heir! It is him that anchors your house now!"

She turned around, wiping at her face in the most unladylike fashion Alvin has ever seen her in. "I hope you are darned happy, sir, making me indebted to the bane of my existence."


Later that day, Alvin and Elizabeth lounged in the living room, the brother laid on his back on the sofa, staring up at the ceiling blankly, while the sister sat slumped in the armchair. Lord Frazier gone out on business, Lady Amelia shut up in her room, and Wilhelm imprisoned in his own.

"So, how do you feel?"

Alvin raised a tired eyebrow at Elizabeth, who moved her hands around to elaborate her question. The long journey home and the screaming spectacle at home had made them both exhausted, in body and mind.

"How does being engaged fare you? Does it feel different?"

"Hm." He pretended to think, though the answer came naturally to him. "I would say, no. It's mostly a vague anticipation that I will be changing homes very soon."


"Although, I suppose it'd be different for women."

"I suppose so." She hummed back.

There was silence for a moment. Then,

"A little birdie tells me that you won't be too far behind in the matrimonial race, sister."

Turning red, Elizabeth snapped, "That little birdie is full of shit, brother."

Alvin threw his head back and laughed.


She kinda snapped, ngl.

Bruh Lord Frazier catching mad strays lmao

Anyways, a bit short this time, because I'm planning something big ;)

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