4. Alienation

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The Frazier family chart had always been an uncomplicated one. The current head of household, Lord Baron William P. Frazier had been an only son, and he had also sired a single male child with his wife before she had passed away. His son, named Hank H. Frazier, had two children with his wife, Elizabeth, the oldest, and Wilhelm, the youngest.

That was, of course, until Alvin had entered the picture.

As it turned out, William Frazier had had quite a salacious affair with a maid that had worked under the family in his bachelor days. Horror had struck him when she had fallen pregnant with a child, and fearing the worst for his image in society, he had banished her to the outskirts, never to be seen again. And she had gone, because even after being betrayed, she loved him the most.

Alvin had been born on the twentieth day of February, just as the weather was turning its head towards spring. When doctors had feared that the little one would not make it, Alvin had proved everyone wrong, emerged as the victor in the first battle of his life, a flushed-red, healthy baby. Pale blond hair inherited from his mother, blue eyes from his father.

The illegitimate grandchild of Baron Frazier.

Brittany Bleigh, his spinster mother, brought up her son with love, care and gentleness, even after being scorned by the people around her throughout her whole life. There was no one and nothing that could have made her give her little baby up. And she had dedicated twenty-four years of her life into her son, being his mother, father and guardian, all in one, working odd jobs and starving herself on alternate nights in order to make ends meet. And if you'd asked her on her deathbed, she'd do it all over again.

Alvin Bleigh had worked every single day of his life as soon as he'd been able to. He had worked on farms. He had worked as a hall boy. He had worked as an artist's muse. He had... tried to work as a cook, but it didn't work out, and he'd rather not try again, lest he goes to jail for arson. Really, anything to get by, he had done it.

But now, his mother had died, his grandfather had suddenly realized his responsibility to his late father and here he was, paying calls to uninvited suitors.

What an upgrade.


"Do you realize the extent of what you've done?"

Alvin flinched inwardly at the words harked at him, but outside he put on a brave face. "Grandfather, I wish we would not fight about this..."

"Alvin, you have quite possibly turned out the most eligible bachelor of this season, and no mistake, we shall fight about it." Lord Frazier all but shouted, his tone harsh and unforgiving.

"Well, and how do you know if he's even serious about it?" The young Mr. Frazier countered.

"The man proposed marriage to you, for God's sake!"

"Yes, and you don't find it even a little bit suspicious? What if his... estates are in trouble and he's looking for a quick remedy?" It would be clear to any bystander, although there was none, that Alvin was grasping at straws to defend his actions.

"And how would he ever achieve that, when marriages with men don't receive dowry?" The baron fired, disbelief and indignation prevalent in his voice. It was a wonder that he still remained seated. "Oh, and not to mention, he's a bloody duke!"

"Oh, just say that you care about more about titles than me!" Alvin snapped, slapping his palms on the oakwood table in frustration.

"Alvin..." Old baron's voice softened suddenly, his eyes drooping with fondness for his most neglected grandchild.

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