20. HoneyTrap

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Top of the morning to ya ladies <3

Here's the concept collages for their outfits! Elizabeth's will be next chapter!

Here's the concept collages for their outfits! Elizabeth's will be next chapter!

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Alvin Frazier, illegitimate, unranked.

Alvin Frazier, illegitimate, unranked

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Vincent Presley, Duke of Doncaster.


The morning of the ball started alike any other day of the visit at the Rosefair Hall.

"Brother!" Elizabeth near screamed in his ear. "Shall I wear the red gown? It brings out my eyes! Or do I match you with the white one?"

Except that it was simply chaotic.

"Wear what suits you best, sister. You look spectacular in everything." This is what Alvin should have replied.

But because he had woken up today with his mischievous bone itching, he said, "Why not wear your sheer nightgown, sister?" He grinned, lowering his voice for inappropriate joke. "I copped a look at the guest list. A certain Mr. M is in attending."

"Why! Brother!" Elizabeth gasped in mock offense. "The cheek on you! I ought to tell the duke he's planning on opening the ball with a heathen!"

"What! I thought he was opening with me!" Alvin gasped back. "Who invited Wilhelm!"

And they burst out giggling.

Quietly, so as to not grab the attention of Lady Frazier.

It was decided some time later, with the counsel of the dowager, that Elizabeth should don her red gown, which indeed, goes with the sharpness of her eyes very well.

The arrangements for the ball, under the guidance of the duke and his elderly butler, had been completed without any tardy. The flowers had been brought in and decorated, the refreshment tables set up, the dance floor furnished, and the lamps lit up.

Alvin had not put quite so effort in dressing up, dismissing the valet that had been sent for him. Given the gaudy theme of the ball, it was best to opt for simplicity, lest he embarrass the Frazier name further, or worse, seem an unsuitable candidate to open the ball with the duke.

He had gone down and perched himself on the edge of a fireplace mantle, waiting on the host and his family while watching the servants bustle around sorting out the last minute details.

He caught the eye of a maid who kept staring at him conspicuously, and arched an eyebrow at her, unabashed. If she was judging him for being who he was, it would be laughable.

She blushed, stared at her shoes and scurried away with her armful of things.

He felt annoyed at the interaction until his attention was captured by the sounds of footsteps from the doorway.

There was the host.

The duke, as he had promised, had met him in white adornments. In fact, Alvin would be bold enough to say that the only different between their outfits was that while Alvin's jacket was pure white, Vincent 's was accented by gold.

"Ah, at last." Alvin grinned. "The true duke."

"At your service." Vincent greeted. He looked towards the doorway. "I reckon the ladies shall keep us waiting for some time?"

"Most probably." Alvin nodded.

"I know something that can keep us busy, meanwhile." The duke suggested with an amiable smile. "Nothing indecent, I swear."

"Oh, how considerable of you!" Alvin rolled his eyes. "My innocence was exactly what I was worried about."

"Well, c'mon then."


"I cannot believe sometimes, your grace, how utterly self-assured you are of your abilities and charm." Alvin looked around the room in awe. "You are so sure that I will marry you, aren't you?" He looked at the duke who was smiling like the cat who got the canary. "So rest assured!"

"Why, this is merely a friendly gesture! I have no ulterior motives." The older man defended, crossing two of his fingers over his breast. "None at all."

"This is an art shrine!" Alvin gaped at the remodelled room once again, at its high walls painted a deep mahogany, the study table that resembled a painter's shop, at the huge easel that stood in the middle of it, and the sculptures that were strewn about to serve as models.

"Do you like it?"

"Do I like it?" Alvin exclaimed, walking upto the man. "You devil! You solicitated Elizabeth for this, didn't you?" He jabbed an accusing finger into the broad chest. "Do I like it, Duke of Cheekyland? The room was curated for me!"

"Is that a yes?"

"Of course it's a yes!" Alvin's eyes did not betray his excitement. "You even got my favourite colours on the walls and everything."

"Ever so grateful to Miss Frazier for that." Vincent smiled.

"It's... amazing." Alvin turned shy suddenly. "I don't know how to thank you because I can't possibly match a gift like this in equality, but... Thank you." He said, sincerity swimming in his blue eyes.

"A lovely little kiss would do quite nicely, I think." Vincent proposed, grinning, his inky hair falling into his eyes and taking years off his face.

"Come here, you."

Alvin grasped a bulky forearm and raised himself just as the duke leaned down, meeting the man in a sweet kiss that lacked their usual urgency for once.

In the back of his mind, Alvin feared, despite the butterflies in his stomach and the drunken feeling of love weighing heavily in his heart, that he had been caught in the sticky confines of a honeyed trap.


They're literally like-

Alvin- Piss off bitch

Vincent- I got an art room for ya


Anyways, I just started watched the first episode of Wandee Goodday on Youtube, and I love it! Its a new series by GMMTV that lacks the usual weirdness associated with BL. The male leads have amazing chemistry! They're also hella hot ;)

Butt, before you go, please vote and comment your thoughts <3333

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