3. The proposal

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How do you do?


Alvin stared, shell-shocked, as his grandfather received their guest with an open smile and a big handshake. The old man glanced at him momentarily, as if warning him to be on his best behaviour. Even Elizabeth snapped out of her confused state and curtsied to the supposed Duke.

All the while he stood there, not knowing what to do or what to believe. The mysterious man he had met the night before was the Duke of Doncaster? Then why had he introduced himself as Mr. Newman? Why had he lied? Wouldn't his high post make him an even more attractive companion to the young men and ladies at the ball? Unless of course, he had only played a fool out of Alvin, with less than good intentions.

And dear god, the man had sought out his hand for marriage? How delusional was he to think that Alvin would actually accept after he had made a farce out of his own identity? The nerve!

"Alvin." Elizabeth's discrete voice brought him out of his thoughts. She urged him to take a seat by widening her eyes comically, glancing at him and then at the sofa rapidly.

And he knew, it was time for him to play the part of a humble second son of the family, lest the duke think of him as rude. So, he took his seat, pointedly staying away from the vacant seat beside the duke, instead sitting with his sister on the loveseat. If grandfather disapproved, he did not show it.

"Lord Frazier. Miss Frazier." The duke greeted the other two, before setting his eyes on Alvin, his gaze smouldering again. "Mister Frazier." Nodding once, he looked back at the Baron. "I dearly hope that I have not imposed by calling on you so early in the morning."

You sure did, Mr. Newman, you sure did. Alvin thought, somehow keeping himself from blurting his thoughts out, but barely.

"Not at all, your grace." His grandfather replied. "It is an honour to receive your company. I believe Alvin thinks so as well."

It seemed like the Baron was expecting a reply out of him, some reassurance to the statement, but he refused to succumb to the pressure despite seeing his grandfather's warning stare. He would not please the conman's ego with empty lies.

"I am hoping he does." The duke smiles, and while any other person would be beyond charmed by it, Alvin knew it was all an act.

Baron Frazier cleared his throat. "Your grace, I believe we have something to talk about, in private." Looking at him and Lizzie, he said, "Alvin, Elizabeth, you may retire to your rooms until we call on you." He stood up, making everyone in the room stand with him. "Your grace, if you may please follow me to my study."

Alvin gulped as he watched the two leave. They were going to discuss his future, his life, his choice without him present. It made him feel helpless and irritated at the same time. He looked at Lizzie with frightened eyes, only to realize that the girl was smiling giddily to herself.

"Elizabeth!" He called harshly.

She looked at him quizzically, as if to ask why he was shouting her name when she was right beside him.

"Lizzie, that is the man!"

"Man? What man?"

"The man that asked me for a dance at the ball!"

Elizabeth gasped dramatically, one hand flying to her mouth. "The Duke asked you for a dance? Alvin, that is-"

"Yes, but he introduced himself as-"

"Alvin, you little minx! You bewitched the Duke on first sight, on your first night!"

"What, no!" Alvin exclaimed, trying to get his sister to calm down. "Listen, the man lied-"

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