Chapter Eight: Nandini

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I sat outside on a wooden chair near the pool, the sun beamed right at my face but I didn't care. The tears from my eyes wouldn't stop, cabirs words didn't hurt me as much as the fact that this will stay with me forever, I won't stop flinching and getting scared at things like this.

I hear footsteps approaching me as I use the back of my hand to quickly wipe away the tears but it was too late, manik came and sat beside me before I could completely wipe them away. My body tensed up.

He clears his throat "Don't think about cabirs words too much"

I look at him as he also turns his face towards me, there was something about him that made me feel safe around him even though my natural body reactions that I couldn't control.

"I'm sorry for ruining your breakfast" I apologise

"You didn't ruin anything, we've had far more worse shit happen when we are together like this" he confesses "some of them even resulted in broken bones"

Damn. I mean these 4 brothers probably play fight and it gets so intense that they end up breaking each other's bones.

He brings his hand near my face as I move back a little not knowing what he was actually going to do, he stops from bringing his hand further closer seeing me move back. He stops for second but then moves his hand to my cheeks and gently brushing away the tears as I gasp and felt my breath stop for a second.

"Nandini you have to start trusting that whatever happened in the past and is the cause for your constant flinching and feeling scared around people, I assure nothing like that will happen here." He moves his hand away from my cheek "my brothers are hot headed they can be rude at times but they would never do anything bad to you"

I look away "i can't help it, these reactions come naturally to me no matter how much I try and trust that person"

"I get it but, my brothers and I are no harm to you Nandini" he tells me keeping a straight face on, the amount of information I've shared with manik just in these couple of days I don't think I would ever have the guts to talk to anyone like that about it.

"I know" I give him a small smile. "Thanks"

"Wow I didn't know I could be good at this" he randomly says.

I turn around looking at him confused "huh?"

"Consoling a woman, I've never done that before" he tells me. I look at him for a second then burst out laughing hearing his words, manik looks at me weirdly as I was laughing and it's probably because he's never seen me laugh before.

"You did a good job" I tell him as I stop laughing

"Say that in front of Ahaan because he fucking thought I wasn't capable of handling this"

"You came here because Ahaan told you?" I ask

"Yeah I didn't want to because I didn't know what to say but I guess I know now" he says. Oh I thought he willingly came here because he felt bad but I guess that's okay, at least I know I'm surrounded by good people. "Anyways, if you want I can order more food for you since your salad bowl fell"

"No, it's okay I'm full—thank you though" I decline politely, I had genuinely lost my appetite and I never ate much anyways in the morning it would always make me sick.

"I'm going to be out all day, so do you want to finish the two questions now?" Manik asks me, oh yes those two questions—I completely forgot about that. I don't know why manik was so eager to know about what happened to me but he wanted us to be decent with each other which I didn't mind, it was definitely better than fighting everyday.

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