Chapter Fourty Nine: Nandini/Manik

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"Manik! What happened to you being organised?" I ask him, he has all his clothes laid on the bed like a tornado just went through our room.

"Sorry baby, I'm trying to find my coat it's my favourite" he tells me.

"What colour is i—" I stop and realise "of course black or dark blue"

"Good guess, now help me find it!" He stresses

"Okay okay" I say, I go through our wardrobe to check where his coat is. We had a walk in wardrobe it was big that's why it was harder to find his clothes.

I go through his winter clothes which he has put separately.

I see his coat hanging at the very end, I grab it go outside near the bed where manik was standing "here you go"

He looks at it surprised "you found it?!"

"Of course it was right there with all your winter clothes" I hand it over to him.

"Thank you" he kisses my cheeks.

"Are you becoming old manik?" I tease him.

"Yeah seems so, you put me through so much stress I'm aging quickly"

"Very funny" I roll my eyes

"It is" he smiles

"I'll go get make us some coffee" I tell him.

"Yes please, I'll finish our packing"

I leave from our room, and as I was going down I notice the light was still on in Aarav's room. It was 1am usually he doesn't say awake till this long.

Manik and I stayed awake because we have to finish our packing as our flight was at 9am.

I knock on Aarav's door and I hear his voice "w-wait I'm coming" his voice sounded worried.

As he opens the door I smile "are you okay aarav?" I look at him, he seemed tensed.

"Come in" he tells me as I go in his room, he had bunch of papers on the bed.

"What happened aarav? Why are you still awake? Everything okay? Should I call manik?" I ask him.

"Relax relax Nandini I'm okay—actually there's something but" he stops and looks away

"But what?"

"But I'm not sure if it's the right time—I mean you and manik are going on a honeymoon I don't want to ruin that" he says.

"You aren't, just tell me what's wrong" I ask him and make him sit on the couch with me.

"Well the day I met your friend rishi at the mall, I felt like I had seen him somewhere so I tried to find out where I saw him from." He tells me.

Where did Aarav see rishi? And why did he get that feeling?

"Turns out that not only I've seen him but I have talked to him—Nandini I think he was involved in dealing drugs to me. That day there was a guy with a mask and I think it was rishi" he tells me and then walks over to his bed getting some papers.

"What's this?" I ask.

He shows me some sketches "this is what I sketched of what I remember the guy looking like, see if it matches rishi's face"

Aarav was good at sketching, I looked at his sketch and he was right. This looked similar to rishi, the same eyes and forehead.

I'm shocked, I felt goosebumps all over me. I could not believe the only friend I made in university is not even who I think he is. He has been cheating me the whole time, saying lies to me and possibly even lying about his identity but why is he doing that?

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