Chapter Fourty Seven: Manik

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It was 8am as I walked in my company and straight to the IT room with Cabir and Ahaan.

"Anything yet?" I ask as they all were about to stand up but I sign them to stay sitting.

"Yes, we identified a call that was made to uhm Ajit Saxena but it's an unknown location but unfortunately there's no cameras or any stores nearby to capture his image" one of the guy tells me.

"Whoever that person is knows what our company does, he knows how we track people down and he has taken advantage of that" ahaan speaks.

"So this is going to take longer than expected?" I look at my employees.

"Yes, we are sorry sir we are trying our best"

"It's not enough!" I get frustrated

"Manik relax, they are trying" Cabir tells me off.

"I can't Cabir! I can't rest knowing that there's someone out there still that wants to hurt Nandini, that has had contact with our mother and Nandini's uncle—it means they must know everything about Nandini. She's in danger still"

"I know that, but we all are trying and we will get to that person until then you need to calm down. Nandini is going to know something is wrong in fact she probably already does, she came up to me this morning asking if everything's okay with you" Cabir tells me, this was bound to happen I was so stressed yesterday about this.

I take a Deep breath "yeah she's smart she catches on. What did you tell her?"

"Nothing, just that it was work related" Cabir says, thank god he didn't tell her I mean he never would but still Cabir is getting unpredictable these days.

"Manik go home" Cabir says firmly.

"What? Why?" I look at him.

"You're getting too stressed about this, it's not good. If you keep too close to this you'll become even more frustrated and stressed and I don't want it effecting your relationship with nandini. She needs you to be the same manik you were." Cabir advices me, damn never thought it would be him.

"I won't let it effect me, I have pending work to do before I go with Nandini next week to Austria"

"I'll have it handled, take todays day off, and do not keep contacting here to find out what's happening. If we find something important I promise I'll call you first but just take this day off spend some time with Nandini and relax the fuck out man. Seeing you stressed is getting everyone else stressed here"

"Cabir is right, go home and stop thinking about all this." Ahaan agrees with Cabir.

"Okay, but if there's anything they find out—"

"You will be the first one we call!" Ahaan cuts me off finishing my sentence.

I wasn't convinced but I nodded "Fine"

I leave from there and head home, honestly kind of feeling relieved that I can spend the whole day with Nandini. I'm not going to let all of this get to her.

I enter my house but no one was around, I know Dhruv was out for work related thing which leaves aarav and Nandini.

I went to the other TV room and of course I spot aarav there.

"Hey" I tap the back of his head as he takes his gaming headphones out.

"Manik?? You're back early what happened?" He asks me, I didn't want to tell him either not that he would get upset but also because he would spit it out to Nandini which would cause more problems.

"Just there wasn't much work to do, anyways what the hell are you doing? Aren't you supposed to be studying you have exams coming up" I tell him off, he's becoming so unserious about his studying.

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