Chapter Thirty: Nandini

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The house was empty by time I woke up, although I knew aarav was at home. I head downstairs remembering the last two days, with me and manik. Those words that slipped out of me and not hearing manik respond, everytime I thought about it it made my heart race.

I grabbed juice out the fridge grabbing a glass from the shelf, as I was about to pour some juice in my glass but a voice startles me as I drop the juice out of my hand causing it to drop on the floor.

"AARAV!" It was cabirs voice, it sounded full of rage. I ignored the broken glass pieces on the floor for the now jumping over them carefully, my ankle still pained and I had to be careful. I was still limping too.

Cabir was followed by manik, Dhruv and Ahaan who looked equally angry.

"W-what happened?" I asked looking at Cabir then manik.

"Aarav get the fuck down!" Cabir ignores my question, shouting once again but it was more sharp. I looked at manik and there was something uneasy about him, he looked more worried than usual, like he had a lot in mind.

"AARAV GE—" this time it was manik shouting aaravs name but he stopped as we heard footsteps, aarav rushed down stairs to us.

Cabir without wasting any time raged over to him throwing a punch. I gasped loudly covering my mouth with my hand, aarav was almost in the floor but he managed to get a grip. I looked at cabir and I knew whatever it was there was nothing stopping him, did he find out?

"What the fuck were you thinking aarav!" Cabir shouts at him.

Cabir continued to hit him throwing another punch and this time aarav was on the floor, but this didn't make Cabir stop he picked him by his collar. Manik, Dhruv and Ahaan weren't saying anything, it's like all of them were agreeing with what Cabir was doing but I didn't like it.

"Manik stop cabir please!" I look over to manik pleading him.

"No Nandini, aarav deserves it" manik replies as he replaces Cabir holding aarav now.

"How dare you go behind our back aarav?! Do you have absolutely no value for what we have done for you?!" Manik questions in anger. I couldn't stop Cabir but I can stop manik I know he would never try to hurt me.

"Manik please stop" I limp towards him quickly, holding his arm trying to pull him away.

"Nandini stay out of this!" Cabir moves to my side, but he said it almost calmly to me. I looked up at Cabir with pleading eyes seeing aarav, he was scared and hurting as much as his brothers.

"But aarav—"

"Nandini, Cabir is right!" Manik cuts me off "do you even know what he did?!"

I look at him gulping, his eyes met mine they only reflected anger for aarav.

"He lied to us, secre—" manik looked at aarav again for a split second before shifting his attention to me and at that moment my eyes narrowed as he paused "You knew."

And with that my heart skipped a beat. Manik's grip on aaravs collar loosened up as he looked towards me completely, it didn't take him long to figure out that I knew that aarav had gone out his way to meet up secretly with his mother. I couldn't face him.

"Nandini you knew right?" Manik moved towards me, I didn't say anything but looked down because the truth was that I did knew. I knew because the day aarav had met his mother, he looked disturbed so I had asked him what was wrong and he told him he saw his mother and when he told me that was his second time he saw her. He made me promise not to tell anyone because he wanted to tell his brothers himself, and with that I didn't speak to anyone about it although it killed me from inside having to hide this from manik.

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