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No one's p.o.v

The group ran back to the lair when Leo decided that Shinigami and Karai shouldn't be a part of this mission on saving the world. Karai wanted to argue, but Sam's eyes glowed red which made her just silently agree and they leave. Baxter and Kit end up being by Donnie's side as they ran into the dojo, Donatello just followed. "No one come in!!" Baxter yells out as he shut the lab doors loudly, the group sat a bit scared for her. In the lab though Kit and Baxter were about to get to work as Donnie's hands are trembling a bit.

Louisa's body softly growled before it isn't her that's talking- it's Powers "don't touch her... me?.. just step off" she says loud enough. Everyone was shocked, but Donnie's entire body froze as his hands stopped trembling. Slowly he looks at Louisa's face "Pow-... no, it can't be" "what can't be, Donnie?" Donatello asks confused. Baxter put his hands over his mouth as Kit softly growls at this "I'm always a part of Louisa. Just wait for her to wake up, if you haven't noticed her body's healing all on its own as I speak."

Donatello was thrown for a loop before slowly lifting up Louisa's shirt to notice her stomach is healing as her blood dries on her skin. "See?.. I'm helping her, kinda like a guardian angel-" "give me one good reason why I should believe you!!" Donnie yells out. He slammed his fist on the table by Louisa's body and her face softly smirks a bit. "I haven't done anything yet, have I?.. that's because I can't be anything but a voice. Ask her yourself" Powers says before going back to the mind and Louisa groans before she heals up quick.

"Her ice powers were its own being inside her... it tried to take over" Kit explained for Donatello and his eyes widened at this. Louisa on the other hand groans as she sits up, her dog ears drooping on her head as her tail flickers a bit.

Louisa's p.o.v

"Anyone get the number of that bus?.." I ask out loud as I shake my head and power up, with that I don't feel hurt anymore. Softly sighing I smile and notice that the doctors of the team are in front of me, so I tilt my head. They're all either looking shocked or a bit afraid "Louisa... are you hiding something?" Donnie asks me. That question got to me "you.. didn't call me honeybee-" "I know, just answer the question." I try to read the look in his eyes, he genuinely looks scared and a bit upset, so I look down.

Breathing in and out I let my tail wrap around my waist saying "I.. I've been more scared on what's happening lately. I'm having worse and worse close calls-" "that is not it, hermana!!" Baxter yells at me and his eyes are glossy. I flinch at that as Kit's tails flickers in annoyance "Powers talked" my eyes widened at that. "Okay, that I can explain-" "yeah, please tell us why the terrible being that terrorized you for so long IS BACK!?" Donnie yells upset. Hard swallowing I feel tears building up 'Donnie barely yells at me out of everyone...' I think as my tears fall.

Donatello set his hand over mine, so I try to remember they're waiting for me to answer- the rest of the team came in though. "I-I... sometime when I found the counterparts at the park I closed my eyes to hear where Bebop could be. Turns out I heard a voice tell me what to do- so I listened to it" I say as I don't look at anyone. "Shorty, what's going on?" Raph asks as Donnie shushed him and just told him to listen. "I-I didn't know!.. whatever it was it helped during battle, all I had to do was close my eyes."

Leo was next to ask "Louisa?.." grabbing the sides of my head more and more tears fall as I say "when we got back I could finally think. I was finally curious on what the voice was- it was able to talk to me like it was an actual person. That's what really raised my curiosity" "you really are one of a kind" Raphael says a bit shocked. I ignore that comment as I say "it turned out to be... P-Powers" the room went quiet at that. "WHAT?!?" Mikey and April yell out as Casey says "you gotta be kiddin!!" I shake my head as I focus on breathing.

A hand was set on my leg which made me look up to see Leonardo right there "go for a walk or a fly... you look like you need it." I hug him as I cry into his shoulder, he pats my back before I float up above the group. They're all looking at me a bit worried/shocked, but I just say "she says that she's basically just a sixth sense. She's been helping me with trying to help out the team" with that I fly out of the lair through the garage door. Hard swallowing I go through the sewers with my eyes closed, Powers was actually telling me which turns to take.

No one's p.o.v

"Why did you do that?! We need her!!" Donnie yells out as he glares at Leonardo, he slightly glares at Donnie for that. Poking at his plastron he says "hey, I can tell when someone on the team needs a breather. Whatever that was it was clearly bothering her!" Leo nods saying "Leonardo's right. Don't worry so much, Donnie - Louisa can take care of herself" "yeah, just like all the other times she put her life on the line. Leo, she's not in her right mind! She's reverting back to protecting us no matter what it does to her."

Louisa's team shares a look as Hazel facepalms saying "I'll go look around for her" Casey nods saying "I'll be your backup, Haze." The two share a look before going out and towards up top to look around for where Louisa could be. The rest of the team (except for Dezzy, Kit and Baxter) end up trying to use the tracker to find the Technodrome. Though they aren't having the best of luck as Leonardo puts his hands to his hips and Leo has a flashlight in hand. "Well, we know the Technodrome is down here somewhere" now he's tapping his chin a bit in thought.


Okay that's it, but not forever~ Now I hope I can come out of my shell to write you another chapter soon!


2012 TMNT The Big Blowout (including a new character)Where stories live. Discover now