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Louisa's p.o.v

The elementals already left before people could start coming, but once Donatello got done Leonardo was the first to start talking. "It was one heck of a team up... even if your team is a little weird" were his words which made me cross my arms. Raph took a step forward annoyed saying "we're weird?!" Leonarsam and I held him back from attacking. Leo smiles up at the group saying "thanks, Leonardo - you guys were awesome. If you ever need help in the future... you know where to find us" with that they fist bumped.

Donatello then says "ready to go, guys?" Michelangelo wrapped an arm around him before throwing his other arm up. "Heck yeah!!" He says happily, with that Donatello starts to turn on his machine and a portal opens up. Mikey was the first to say "later, dudes - cowabunga!" With that they go through the portal. Michelangelo went in last as he waved to us and he pulled Shred-Head and Kraang-guy in behind him "booyakasha." With that the portal closed before April looks back at Bebop and Rocksteady now, so I smile at this.

"So, what's next for you guys? No more robbing banks and working for supervillains, right?" April asks them in a specific tone. I playfully roll my eyes at this, but Rocksteady nods saying "da, being henchmen is no good for us. Maybe we become superheroes instead! Very hot right now" I held back a chuckle at the way he worded that. Bebop smiles at Rocksteady "yeah! We save some cats from trees, stop some muggins and bingo!" He says happily. Then he adds "next stop; talk show appearances, sumptuous apartments, movie deals!" He also twirled April a bit.

Sam crossed her arms saying "well, we got the Big Apple covered - try Jersey" Bebop jumps onto mine and Donnie's back. I narrow my eyes up at him as he didn't step back "and cars with rims so big, there are no tires. Just rims you drive around on! Sparks everywhere!!" Then he slightly pushed me aside and does his Michael Jackson impression. Softly shaking my head I make sure that Mondo is okay before setting him down, Raph leans against my shoulder at this. "Or better yet, Beijing" Raph mumbles a bit as Bebop kept going off on his own rant kind of thing.

I clear my throat saying "you two do realize we just neutralized basically every threat here in New York, right? Ya might have to find your own place." Rocksteady looks down in thought saying "da, little doggie girl is right, Bebop." Bebop taps his chin in thought before pointing up at the sky saying "on to Jersey!!" Then he used his shoes and went off. Rocksteady followed after which made Casey sigh in relief saying "thanks, Weeza. Who knows what they would've done to accidentally annoy us" I just shrug saying "I just told the truth."

Leo crossed his arms saying "so, what's gonna happen?" Sam softly smirks saying "well, I feel dead tired.. so I might go to sleep." Donnie softly chuckles saying "understandable, but I think Leo meant more conceptionally. I mean, we kinda just saved the world again!" Mikey smiles big saying "we also got rid of the Kraang, dudes. Not to mention Shredder!! This is the biggest day of our lives!!" I feel my tail swaying a bit as I feel like I'm smirking. "Is it?.. I thought it was Tuesday" I joke and the group laughed a bit at that, so I softly chuckle too.

Slash smirks saying "Mikey's right, party at our place!!" We all cheer a bit at that as we start to make our way to the Mutanimals' hideout. Though out of everything Raph said he'd go to get Dezzy, Kit, Baxter and Hazel for the party too. Casey said he'd go with him, but with that we're at the Mutanimals place as we order a bit of pizzas. Mondo and Mikey are putting on the music before I throw my arms up happily with a smile. Donnie smiles as he picked me up by my waist and spins around a bit with me up in the air.

We laugh a bit as I look around at everyone having fun, Leonarsam is dancing as they are probably saying a few jokes to eachother. April is talking to Rockwell about what he missed out on, Slash and Raph are dancing together as Dezzy has a slice of pizza. Hazel is teaching Casey a few of her dance moves as Kit and Baxter just stayed in a corner as they talked. Leatherhead has an arm up as he nods his head to the beat of the music, Donnie finally set me down. Smiling up at him I say "I love you, Don Don" "I love you too" he says and pecks my forehead.

Pointing up I say "I'm going to get some fresh air" he nods in understanding and lets me go, so I go to the roof and look over the town. Sighing I smile at the sight of everything starting to get back to normal, some buildings need rebuilt though. A futuristic sound got my attention, so my dog ears perk up before I get in a fighting stance. Growling I get out my bone kunais and glare at whatever's behind me... turns out it's just Renet. That confused me as I stand normally saying "hey, what're you-?" "Ice Elemental, we need to go."

That confused me as I look at her "for what?" "You are the chosen one for a reason, Louisa - I'll explain on the way, come on!" She answers. With that she takes my hand and makes another portal, I yelp as she pulled me in with her. "Okay, what's going on?! Everything's taken care of now, right!?" I ask as we go through the darkness of this place. Renet doesn't look back at me as she says "the Kraang brought you to this dimension. Along with Hazel, but have you ever wondered why the other elementals can't make a portal?" I furrow my eyebrows at that.


Okay that's it, but not forever~ Now I hope I can come out of my shell to write you another chapter soon!


2012 TMNT The Big Blowout (including a new character)Where stories live. Discover now