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Louisa's p.o.v

Before he could do anything though Slash shouldered him and the rest of us out of the window and we're all free falling now. At least until I noticed the suitcase a bit away, so I smirk as I notice that Slash and Leatherhead have Bebop and Rocksteady handled. "Keep them distracted, I'm going for the suitcase!" "Gotcha, sister!" Slash yells out as he kept punching Bebop. Powering up again I fly over to the suitcase and grab it before getting all my energy into my right hand. Opening the suitcase I basically throw- 'ooo, Kraang crystals' I think a bit happily at the sight and remember what they can do.

Cupping my hands together around my mouth I do the signature yell sound and got the crystals to explode, so I chuckle at this. Going back to the ground I see across the way is Rocksteady on his back with Slash and Leatherhead standing over him. They notice me before the suitcase was grabbed from my hands, so my eyes widen as I look up to see Bebop. 'Good luck with an empty suitcase, sucker' I think to myself as I narrow my eyes at him to act a bit. "That's right, baby! Can't stop the Bop!" Bebop says a bit happily as he tries to skate away with his tech shoes.

Slash ran a bit before throwing his weapon at Bebop, it was a perfect hit as Bebop dropped down to the ground. Smiling I run over and stand right under where the suitcase would fall- just to get shouldered away. I yelp as I fly a bit and scrape my shoulder, hissing a bit in pain I power up and the bit of a cut heals. Standing back up I see that Rocksteady was the one who hit me out of the way and actually got the suitcase. Leatherhead wrapped his arms around Rocksteady though which made me run over.

Quickly I grab at the suitcase and get my feet on his chest as I try to pry the suitcase out of his hands as I have it by the handle. "Just hand it over!!" I yell out as I put unmeltable/breakable ice over my hands to keep a better grip. Rocksteady doesn't answer though as I'm guessing he hurt Leatherhead in a way since he roared out in pain. I softly gasp "Leatherhead!" I say a bit worried before Bebop comes out of nowhere with something beeping. My eyes widen as I realize what it had to be as Leatherhead swallowed it- it was a bomb and it went off in him.

All he does is cough a bit as he falls back, so Rocksteady narrows his eyes at me - he went to punch me, so I kicked his chin. He grunted before I jumped back with the suitcase in my hands and I melt my ice with a smirk. "Good luck with getting crystals now, boys - I made them explode" I say as I open the case. They see that it has nothing inside as Bebop hits me with that goopy stuff he has and I was encased in it. I grunt as I wiggle in it "if you're an all powerful being, maybe we can just use you to power up the ship, g."

Bebop's words got my eyes to widen as I stop moving "excuse-a-what now?" I ask as I look at them, that's when Hazel and Casey got here. "Goongala!!" Casey yells out as he hits over hockey pucks with firecrackers on them. Hazel on the other hand tried to hit the two with a bit of big rocks, so Rocksteady picked me up. "Good plan b, Bebop! Kraang power to power up Kraang ship!!" Rocksteady says happily. Doors open up which got all of us to look over and see EPF workers with Mondo, so I smile at this.

"Mon-bro, have I told you how awesome you are?" I ask as I look at him "don't thank me yet, sis - get 'em my EPF bros!" He yells out. Then he adds on "attack!! Don't hurt the human looking people though, they're the good guys." Bebop got on Rocksteady's back as he runs away to avoid them which got me back to struggling in this stuff. Leatherhead and Slash got in the way before Hazel noticed the car coming, so she acted quick. Using the ground she moved them from getting hit by Shred-Head's vehicle, so I growl.

He glares at the two saying "get in, you meandering mutants!" With that they get in as I still struggle in Rocksteady's hold. "Quit squirming, little dog!" Rocksteady yells annoyed, then he hit my head on the side of the car. Groaning I feel my vision getting spotty as I basically fall into the darkness... 'you should've let them leave with an empty case.'

No one's p.o.v

Michelangelo stuck his head out from a manhole a bit ahead of where Shred-Head was driving, he noticed and ducked down. Shred-Head laughed as they got away, but Michelangelo got back out saying "woah! I was almost roadkill there, dudes. Come on, the coast is clear" Hazel was on her knees as she looks down at the ground. Casey was trying to console her, but all the turtles and April get out of the sewers as they run towards Slash and Leatherhead. Mikey was the first to run over to them as he says "Leatherhead! Are you okay?" He coughed a bit more.

Then he holds his stomach saying "I am fine, Michelangelo.. just angry that they got away" Slash was the one to notice all eight turtles first. "I musta got hit in the head harder than I thought! I'm seeing double turtles here" Slash says as he looks at them. Mikey smiles a bit big at this as Raph is the one to say "it's a long story - see, these are the turtles from another dimension." Then he realized he'd have to explain a bit more than he thought he would as he looks at his hand. He was a bit annoyed at that as he just finished with "it's a long story!" Donnie slightly nods.


Okay that's it, but not forever~ Now I hope I can come out of my shell to write you another chapter soon!


2012 TMNT The Big Blowout (including a new character)Where stories live. Discover now