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Louisa's p.o.v

"Uh, no.. at one point, maybe" I answer which made her say "that's because they weren't brought here by the Kraang. Not like you and Hazel" "but.. if Sam isn't able to do that because I brought her here... that means someone brought the elementals too." "Exactly! Man, you are the bees knees with this" Renet says happily and we land at the park in New York. I look around confused "woah, when are we?" I ask as I try to recognize anything. Renet sets her scepter down saying "exactly a few years before you met Kash and Haven."

Realization hit as I look back at her "wait, so we're doing this now?.." she nods once and says "do your grokkin cold thing, Louisa." I playfully roll my eyes and say "remind me to teach you better lingo, you're not the best with it." She looks at me confused, so I just start using my powers- both of them as a portal opened up. "What the heck?!" I hear a random voice on the other side, with that I power up more with my ice ones. Basing it off of earlier I can suck people through if I'm powered up enough "wait wait wait- AHH!!" He yells out.

Once he was through I grab Renet and quickly run to an alleyway, we peer our heads around the corner, from the portal I'm guessing he's an ice-wielder. We had to go through this a few times before I recognized these two, they're a duo. One jumped right in after the other, so I narrow my eyes to try and get a better look at the two. My eyes widen as I realized that it's Kash and Haven, I smile at this and make an ice-cover over my face. "I'll be back" I say to Renet, before she could stop me I use my speed and grab Kash before going to a different alleyway.

He shakes his head a bit as he looks at me, so I smile saying "hi there" his eyes widened as he looks at me "w-what?!" He yells out. I smile and say "nice to meet you, I'm... the Chosen One" Kash looks me up and down. "Don't you.. have a name?" He asks as he accepts my hand, so I let my tail wrap around my waist. Smiling at him I say "you'll find that out when you meet me again" he tilts his head. "My name's Kashton, but people call me Kash" he introduced himself before finally noticing my tail.

His eyes widened as he takes a small step back "y-you have a tail?!" "Yes, but let me tell you something... you are a fire-wielder." Kash looks at me confused, but I power up my hand saying "I'm an ice-wielder, like this." He looks at me a bit amazed, he went to grab out his notebook- but I gently grab his wrist. With that I say "write exactly what I'm about to tell you if you're taking notes for this" his eyes widen at this. Kash nods though which made me tell him that the Chosen One is meant to protect any other elemental.

I had to tell him that Haven is an earth-wielder, but I told him that not all mutants are bad... 'that's gonna be needed. They get deceived by Tigerclaw' I think to myself as I finally got done, so with that I nod once. "Now, try to find your way around... besides that, just stay with Haven - she's gonna need you" I say as I move some of my hair. Kash nods in understanding, so with that I power up and quickly take him back to Haven. While still using my speed I go back to Renet and just tell her I told Kash the bare minimum on what he'd need to know.

She smiles and nods once saying "I completely get it" with that we get the rest of the elementals here and they all go their different ways. "Think they'll still make Elemental land?" I ask as we watch the last elemental go into town. Renet smiles saying "knowing them... yes" I smile at this and was about to say we should go. Though I remember one last thing and say "hold on, I forgot a few things" Renet was confused. With that I fly around looking for Kash and Haven, it didn't take long as I use my speed again.

I kept the ice cover on before I got Kash and pulled him aside one last time "there's one person who knows about the Chosen One. His initials are J-K, remember that" I say, so he blinks before writing it down with a smile. "Got it... why can't I know your name again?" "Because that can mess with a few things. Byeee" I answer and bring him back to Hazel before going back to Renet and tell her that we need to find Jack Kurtsman. She nods and we head to his apartment before I softly knock on his window, it was quiet.

I share a look with Renet, she shrugs before I was pulled in and shoved against the wall by the window "who are you? How did you find me?!" He yells at me. My eyes widen as I say "I'm a friend!.. please listen" Jack was hesitant before dropping me. A bit of a shiver goes up my spine before I say "okay, I feel like I can tell you everything, Mr Kurtsman." "So you know of me" "yes, I come from the future" I say before starting to write this down. "You'll learn of a few things, don't go searching until a few scientists go missing, alright?" I answer him.

Kurtsman nods slowly as I say "you'll learn of the Kraang, they're the reason for a lot of things later on... but there's one thing I can tell you. It's that they end up bringing a certain person here in the future" Jack has his eyebrows furrowed as he's focused. "That girl is known as the Chosen One of all Elementals; the Elementals were brought here. Not by the Kraang though, but the Chosen one is destined to protect all other Elementals." "What are Elementals?" "Kids brought here from a dimension outside this one, they have elemental powers... fire, water, ice, air and earth."


Okay that's it, but not forever~ Now I hope I can come out of my shell to write you another chapter soon!


2012 TMNT The Big Blowout (including a new character)Where stories live. Discover now