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Louisa's p.o.v

"This growing p-pressure...
Keeps growing!
Keep going!.."
I sing as I held in a scream before finally letting it out "da! Little girl, stop!! You're going to die!" Rocksteady yells at me.
"Cuz all we know is!-" "ugh, I'm having second thoughts on this plan, Rock - look around!!" Bebop yells out to Rocksteady. That got me to slowly power up as Rocksteady looks at Bebop for that outburst of words.

Rocksteady then says "but we are the supervillains now-" "you don't have to be!.. you may have hurt me, but there's still things here worth having." Bebop points at me saying "she has a point, what would we want to destroy the world for?" I softly smile at this. "We like the world! All we've ever wanted was some paper and respect, is that too much to ask?!" Bebop goes on. Rocksteady keeps his gaze on Bebop as he starts to say that they can't back out now. Bebop puts his hands on Rocksteady's shoulders saying "but Rock, think of all the things you'll miss."

I nod my head at that as I was about to start naming things off, but Bebop beat me to it "professional wrestling, Chris Bradford movies. And what about.. Mama!?" That last one confused me as it got quiet for a quick second after that. "Nyet! I love Mama!!" Rocksteady yells out before pushing past Bebop while screaming. Bebop looks back at me confused, so I just breathe in and out and realize I can probably overpower this machinery. Looking down at Bebop I say "join the fight, I can take down the Technodrome" he tilts his head confused.

"How are you gonna do that, g?" "Overpowering it, if it's power it needs... power it's gonna get" I answer with a bit of a smile. Bebop smiles and nods once before running out too, with that I close my eyes and clench my hands tight. 'Are you gonna stop being a solo-hero now??' 'One last time, this thing could explode with my power.' Opening my eyes I see that Rocksteady literally rammed through the wall of the Technodrome. Softly growling I just power up and watch as it looks like we're starting to win the fight.

Rocksteady basically hit Kraang-guy onto a building, so I nod once in respect for that type of brute strength since it'll be needed.
"Pressure like a drip, drip, drip- that'll never stop... woah~" I sing as I feel my hair floating up again as I stand here.
"Pressure that'll tip, tip, tip- til you just go pop!.. woah-oh-oh~" I sing as the portal starts messing up and things sound like they're short-circuiting. Kraang-guy yells out in despair as I see some of the gremlins getting sucked up to the portal. Bebop and Rocksteady are helping in battle now too, the elementals joined right back in the fight seeing this.
"Give it to your sister, it doesn't hurt
And see if she can handle every family burden!
Watch as she buckles and bends, but never breaks..."
 I sing as I power up a bit more and stuff starts smoking in here now. "Woah, they're fighting for us, yo!" Casey yells out shocked at the sight which made me smirk. "This is it! Go for it!!" Leo yells out right after to the group, so I softly chuckle...
"No mistakes" I sing before both Leo and Michelangelo jump up from under the rock gremlins they were under.
"Pressure like a grip, grip, grip- and it won't let go!.. woah~
Pressure like a tick, tick, tick- til it's ready to blow!.. woah-oh-oh~"
 I sing as the camera moves over to Mikey, who escaped Traag's hold. He also grabbed a mailbox, screamed and threw it up in Traag's face and that ended up freeing Leatherhead.
"Give it to your cousin, and never wonder!
If the same pressure would've pulled you under!
Who am I if I don't have what it takes?!"
 I sing as I notice the Donnie's fighting with ease now together too. They went into the Shellrazor and Party Wagon as I struggle with not powering up all the way to let them do their jobs.
"No cracks- no breaks!" I sing as they shot both Traag and Granitor, they both start going up into the portal now. Everyone's either saving people or straight up getting rid of what little their was of the rock gremlins. I softly smirk at this- even the Leo's both do a kick to the face to Shred-Head as I stay this powered up and Kraang-guy fell on Shred-Head.
"No mistakes, no pressure..." I sing before fully powering up to the best of my ability, it hurts not letting any of this power out though.

I scream in pain as I feel my body burning, the portal sounded like it closed before all I could smell was smoke as I do this. Coughing a bit I felt myself shaking before parts of the Technodrome start exploding. The camera even went out as I do this, but after a short minute I finally felt like my part of the thing exploded. I feel myself in the air as I go forward and land on the ground a bit roughly, so I groan as I finally power down. 'Well, you're just extremely sore.. at least you aren't on the brink of death' 'true...' I think to myself.

"Honeybee!!" Donnie yells out worried as I felt sat up "don't worry, she looks alright" Cora says and a cold hand waves over my forehead. It felt amazing as I softly sigh in relief and open my eyes to see Donnie in front of me. Looking to my left I see Cora with a smile "heya, Chosen One" she says with a small wave. A bit of a thud got my attention as I see that Shred-Head fell down unconscious, so I chuckle at that. "I've had about enough of you!!" Leatherhead yells while glaring down at him, so I adjust my glasses.

Donnie hugged me tight saying "oh my gosh- I was so scared for you!!" I smile as I hug him back saying "I told you I wouldn't die." With that April and Casey run over "you're okay!!" Casey says happily as he takes me from Donnie's hold. He held me a bit in a hug, so I chuckle as I hug back saying "no duh, sherlock" he playfully pushed me back at that. We chuckle before we start making our way to a rooftop and got Shred-Head and Kraang-guy tied up. Mondo jumps on my back, so I mess with his hat a bit as Donatello worked on the dimension device.


Okay that's it, but not forever~ Now I hope I can come out of my shell to write you another chapter soon!


2012 TMNT The Big Blowout (including a new character)Where stories live. Discover now