4 vs 2

14 1 0

Louisa's p.o.v

Rocksteady kneels a bit to look at it as Bebop tilts his head "so.. you're tellin me that you're powerful because of the Kraang, dog girl?" He asks. I nod saying "basically, yeah" I say as I stop using my powers, though the elevator stops. "Which will it be then, boys? Me or Kraang-guy and Shred-Head?" I ask with a smile as I switch Bebop spots. They're now standing by eachother as they share a look, my back is to the doors as I look at them. Rocksteady looks at me saying "promise da turtles will trust us after what we has done?" I had to think on that.

Before I could say that trust has to be earned- they took my silence as a bad thing as Rocksteady roars out in anger and punched me. I yelp as I fly back, while being on my back I groan as I barely sit up and see them walking towards me. Hard swallowing I try to keep crawling back as they look a bit upset now, but that's when a tail wrapped around my waist. It wasn't my tail though, so I shriek as I was pulled up to my feet and I notice that Slash is by my side. I softly smile at this and look back to see Leatherhead, so I try not to fangirl at this since it's been a while.

Bebop and Rocksteady look at us shocked as Slash says "well well well, two of them.. about three of us - it's a bit of a fair fight." Mondo comes out of nowhere saying "and Mondo Gecko makes four!" I softly chuckle at that as I make him ice-armor. "Now you make four, little man" I tease as I set him on my back and narrow my eyes at the two. Slash then says a bit awkwardly "uh, still should be.. pretty fair" Bebop puts his hands to his hips at that. "Since when are Bebop and Rocksteady the kind of chumps who fight fair?" Bebop asks a bit.

It's like out of nowhere those footbots come from behind us, so we all look back and my eyes widen at this 'that's what climbed up the building.' "Nice to see you both, but I wish it was under better circumstances" I tease as Slash slightly pushed me back. I stumble a bit to stay on my feet as both him and Leatherhead fight the footbots, so Mondo points back. "They're getting away, yo!!" He says as he points, so I with that I powered up and used my speed. I turn a corner and drop down as they start running this way, so at the perfect moment I jump on Bebop.

He struggled and squealed as I stay on his back "get 'em off me- GET 'EM OFF ME!!" Bebop yells out as he flailed around a bit. Mondo laughs as he stands on my shoulders, but then he jumped off as I still stay on Bebop. Looking over my shoulder I see that he was running around on Rocksteady's head/shoulders. I laugh a bit at this- but that's when Bebop got a hold of me "got you, ya dumb dog!" He says triumphantly. "Sis!!" Mondo says worriedly, then he screams a bit before I was thrown into the wall.

The wall cracked behind me as I groan and open my eyes to see Mondo get thrown at me and that made a hole in the wall as we fall back. I groan as I lay here and Mondo's on top of me before he tries to help me sit up. Closing my eyes I can tell that my entire body is sore- 'power up, you idiot!!' 'OKAY! OKAY!!' I yell back at Powers. Breathing in and out I power up and look at Mondo saying "nice, thanks for helping me up." He smiles saying "no prob, bob!" With that he gives me a thumbs up before I stand up and look around the corner.

Down the little walkway a bit is Bebop and Rocksteady before they went in a room, I pat the top of Mondo's head saying "stay here, Mon-bro." He nods once and acts like he's just hurt as he lays on top of the rubble, so with that I run to where the two were. Rocksteady easily punched the door down and they go in, so with that I stand at the doorway and cross my arms. They pick at the rubble a bit before I see they have a suitcase 'bingo' I think to myself. That's the one thing I can't let them get away with "this da big crime!" Rocksteady says a bit happily.

They turn around and notice me as I power up and get in a fighting stance, with that we're fighting as I had to jump back to avoid hits. This went on for a while as we even went past where Mondo was still acting like a limp body. Grabbing out my t-phone I call up Hazel since I know she always answers my calls, no matter what. Setting the call on speaker I still avoid Bebop and Rocksteady's hits as I try to do a few of my own. "Louisa, where are you?!" "Yeah, we've been looking everywhere yo!" Both her and Casey say on the other end.

Barely dodging Rocksteady's giant fist I say "a bit tied up at TCRI, get here quick! Bebop and Rocksteady situation." With that I was finally hit and I felt myself land on my t-phone, I grunt as I grab it and hang up the call. Turns out the t-phone survived that bit of a landing- though Bebop shot it and now it's destroyed. I growl as I stand up and keep running backwards before grabbing Rocksteady's wrist and throwing him onto some cubicles. Slash and Leatherhead are running this way as Mondo skates a bit ahead of them to get to us.

"I got this, dudes!" Mondo tries to reassure as he's on his way over here "dang! Little guy's got no quit" then he threw something at Mondo. Rocksteady threw me against the ceiling which made me yelp before I fell down to the floor. Looking up I see him about to stomp on me- but Leatherhead stood above me protectively. Again his tail picks me up and sets me on his back, he stares down at Rocksteady angrily. Though all Rocksteady says is "I will make of you suitcase!" Looking back I see Bebop glaring at us.


Okay that's it, but not forever~ Now I hope I can come out of my shell to write you another chapter soon!


2012 TMNT The Big Blowout (including a new character)Where stories live. Discover now