The Last Truth...

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Louisa's p.o.v

Jack's eyes widen at that, so I continue "the Chosen One is an ice-wielder... she has to protect the world from a polar opposite of her. A fire-wielder, that fire-wielder will go against everything the Chosen One is here for. Protecting Elementals, saving the world- everything... at least until the Chosen One touched her heart. Not literally, they had a bit of a clash.. but it was all talked out, that's all you need to know." Jack nods in understanding saying "go it, is that all you can tell me" with that I softly smile.

"I... can't wait to see you in the future" I say with a smile "can't wait to know you, little one" Jack says as he pats my shoulder. With that I go out and catch up with Renet "that's it, now let's go back.. I want sleep." She smiles and nods, but we start to go through the time portal... when we're back I see Donnie stressed. He was looking around as he tried saying my name, not loud to gain others' attention, but loud for me to hear. "Don't worry, I'm right here" I say which made him turn to face us- his eyes widen at Renet.

Donnie walks over here as he says "what happened?! I was worried" Renet smiles saying "oh, we just had some.. Chosen One business to take care of." I smile at this and nod in agreement, Donnie chose not to question it as he softly chuckles. "Of course..." "it's time to tell them though, Louisa" Renet tells me which made my eyes widen. "W-What?!" I whisper yell at her, she chuckles saying "you heard me" with that she left without another word. Donnie was confused as I say "the show" his eyes widen at that "oh no..." he mumbles, so I nod once.

We go back inside and the group is all apparently ready to go home, but I tell April and Casey to come back with us. They were confused, but on the walk home I say that I have something important to say when we get back to the lair. Hazel stands by my side as she whispers "is this what I think it is?.." I soflty nod and her eyes widen. "Come on, Weeza! I want sleep" Sam says annoyed "yeah, we earned it!" Raph agrees annoyed. Dezzy just adjusts her glasses saying "I want some water before going to sleep."

When we reached the lair I breathe in and out saying "for those of you who.. don't know, please don't get mad" they looked confused. Well, everyone except Donnie and Hazel since they know what I'm about to be saying. "Is this going to be like the last time you said this, dudette?.. you know we won't get mad! You're family" Mikey reassures. Leo and Raph's eyes widen as they pieced it together in their heads on what I'm about to be saying. Nervously biting my lip I say "the truth is... my home dimension is very different than this one."

Baxter chuckles saying "of course it is" April nods saying "yeah, it's actually normal with no mutants or Kraang and stuff." "That's not all.." I finish which made Sam's eyes widen as she just now realized what I'm about to do. "Weeza, you better know what you're doing" "of course I know, they have to know, Sam. That and Renet said it's time that they know" I answer and look to the side "you talked to Renet?" Leo asks confused. I nod saying "I had to do elemental stuff, but the thing is... I knew of you guys before I fully met you."

Mikey tilts his head as Casey's eyebrow furrow "is she telling the truth, red?" Casey asks April, she lifts her hand and used her powers. Leo stepped up saying "she is..." Raph groans saying "I don't wanna be here for this, Shorty." "Yeah, well you are - in my dimension this entire world.. is just a cartoon" I say as I hold myself. "WHAT?!" Baxter asks as he takes a step back, Kit was next to say "you're kidding me..." I shake my head. Dezzy steps up saying "the only one's that watched the show are the girls in here... me, Sam, Weeza and Hazel."

Donnie wrapped his arm around my shoulders saying "before you ask, everything happened because it had to... everything." Mikey was the one to say "no way!.." then he looks down "even Master Splinter?" He quietly asks. The tone in his voice tore at my heart as a few tears build up "y-yeah, Mikestar... even sensei. He knew of the show and when I wanted to protect him he didn't want it as he knew it was his time." April didn't look all that happy at this as she grunts a bit with her eyes closed- and now she screams and her powers come out of her head.

My eyes widen as she points it at me and it made me fly back and into the wall, I scream in pain as this goes on before her scream died down. When it did I groan as I drop to the floor "Louisa!!" Raph and Donnie yell out worried and I look up to see them there. Dezzy and Sam were yelling at April as she dropped to her knees, but I power up and feel better. "I'm sorry... but I knew you'd be angry with how much I could stop and can't stop" I answer out. Casey breathes in before saying "I get it... some things are just out of your control."

I softly smile at that saying "thanks, Case..." Kit shakes her head saying "what was I then?!" "Some things happened that never did in the show. Me being here, elementals, any of my family or Dezzy!.. Baxter never switched sides either. Since he did Shredder needed a new brain, so you weren't either until I basically came in. So some things... could be changed, and honestly - it was probably for the better" I say a bit happily. Dezzy nods saying "true, Sam's arc was amazing.. not to mention the Powers arc" I smile at that and the group just said they'd think on this news.


Okay that's it, but not forever~ Now I hope I can come out of my shell to write you another chapter soon!


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