A Hundred Percent

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No one's p.o.v

"Like Raph said, it's a long story and if Shredder and Kraang have the Kraang crystals... it's going to be one with a sad ending" Donnie speaks up. Hazel clenched her hands tight as her eyes glow green with anger "they didn't get those dumb crystals." The turtles and April looks at her shocked for that, but Casey looks at them now. He has a bit of a sad/worried face as he says "Weeza said she destroyed them. For whatever reason they took her instead" Donnie softly gasped as he put his hands over his mouth.

Tears brim his eyes before he breathes in and out 'she won't die... this is a kids show, she won't die - you can think of something. Any kind of weapon to help' Donnie thinks as he actually calmed himself down a bit with that way of thinking. Donatello then says "they have the transmat chip and possibly Louisa to power it. There's nothing stopping them from opening a portal to Dimension X!" April looks at Donatello a bit hopefully. "Come on, there's got to be something we can do!" She says as she hits her hand a bit.

Leonardo then speaks up with "well, they'll have to go through the surface to do it" Donnie put his hand to his chin at that instead. "But when they do, we'll be ready for them - I have an idea" Donnie says before making his fingertips touch eachother. A bit of a crazed scientist smile that he ends up having at times surfaced onto his face. Then he says "a really awesome idea!" With that he starts to think as he still had that smile on his face. Michelangelo then says "uh oh, your Donnie gets that crazy look too, huh dude?" Mikey just smiles at that.

Back at the Technodrome, Rocksteady's still carrying Louisa as he and Bebop follow Shred-Head in to try and talk to Kraang-guy. "Kraang! Where are you!?" He yells out, so Kraang-guy comes out of the bathroom saying "sorry. I just got out of the shower" he has a towel wrapped around his robot's waist as his robot is dripping wet. Then he says "I wanted to look good for this! The final victory" Bebop covered his eyes at the sight. Rocksteady on the other hand averted his gaze as he looks the other way, all Shred-Head did was notice the bottle in Kraang-guy's hand.

He grabs the bottle from him as he glares at him saying "I told you not to use my shampoo! I have to order it special." Kraang-guy glares right back at him saying "Kraang uses whatever shampoo Kraang desires." Bebop and Rocksteady were a bit awkward at hearing this, so Rocksteady remembers his and Bebop's plan. "Uh.. we have some bad news, shiny crystals of Kraang were destroyed" Rocksteady explains. Shred-Head glares back at him saying "you have to be kidding me, you dunderheaded buffoons."

Kraang-guy just narrowed his eyes at them as he says "then why do you have her?! She was not part of the plan!" Bebop steps up at this. "That's the thing, dawg - she says she was a bit of a Kraang experiment, you seen how powerful she is. Maybe you can make something and she can power the ship!" Bebop offers as he takes Louisa from Rocksteady. Then he holds her out as she groans while finally starting to wake up and open her eyes.

Louisa's p.o.v

"Let me guess... captured or almost died again?" I ask as I look around, the only one's around me are Kraang-guy, Shred-Head, Bebop and Rocksteady. Kraang-guy taps his chin in thought as I say "ah, so captured... great" I roll my eyes at this. Though he says "well, we could make a torture device and hook her up to the ship. She has to stay powered up to fully power the ship though" Shred-Head smiles at this saying "I got the perfect idea." With that he and Kraang-guy got to work and it looks like they're making something to contain me.

It didn't take long for some reason as Shred-Head ordered for me to get out of the pink goop, so they shot a laser at me. I yelp as the goop melted off of me, barely I stand up just to get grabbed by the back of my shirt. Rocksteady held me over the containment and it held my legs and waist in their spot before he forced my arms into place. They're now stuck in their spot too as the only things that are free is the top half of my body and my hands. Kraang-guy laughs a bit saying "once I push this button it will be set into action."

(A/n this is my FIRST drawing, it's of this scene

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(A/n this is my FIRST drawing, it's of this scene. I always wanted it drawn after I wrote this 💜)

The look in his eyes didn't give off a good vibe as he says "these containment devices will be able to handle your power as it gets used for the ship." I side smile at this saying "what if I decide not to power up?" He chuckles a bit saying "it's your funeral. Find out for yourself" he says and pushed a button, I waited for anything to happen at all. When nothing did I chuckle- that was a bit too early to feel happy as I start to be electrocuted. I scream in pain as I power up to not take all of the pain, some alarm starts to go off a bit at this.

The ship even shakes a bit before Shred-Head happily says "yes! We're at one hundred percent!" I finally realize how this is gonna work. 'If I don't stay powered up they'll basically electrocute me to death... if I stay powered up I help destroy the world. Great' I think as I softly whimper "now, to the surface.. this is it! We're really going to do it. Woohoo!!" Kraang-guy says happily before both him and Shred-Head are laughing a bit evilly/happily. I hang my head in shame as I realize I'm basically helping them just to stay alive 'it would be better if I wasn't here.'


Okay that's it, but not forever~ Now I hope I can come out of my shell to write you another chapter soon!


2012 TMNT The Big Blowout (including a new character)Where stories live. Discover now