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Louisa's p.o.v

Mikey kept jumping out of the way as he jokes with "dude, he needs an antacid, bruh" I kept watching as Traag shot out the lava. Leatherhead comes out of nowhere punching him in the face though which made me softly chuckle. "I gotta ask though, Louisa... how do you always keep trying?" Bebop asks as he looks up at me. I look down at them as Rocksteady nods "da, things just keep getting worse and worse. How does little dog girl... have hope?" He asks as he takes off his helmet, so I hard swallow at this.

"Because knowing my family and everything we've accomplished... we can do anything, the world has been threatened many times. My own life.. has even been threatened, and yet we're all still here - that is why I have faith. Though I want to ask you two something" I say as I feel my body trying to become limp as I stay powered up. They look at me confused for that "do you really think you can live with yourselves... after the world is destroyed?" I ask. That caught them off guard, so I continue "there's a lot of great things here to try and save."

Rocksteady turns away from me as I hear screams coming from the camera, so I look over and see that Kraang-guy and Shred-Head are out. Shred-Head hit Leonardo saying something before Kraang-guy starts laughing and jumps down onto the street. People are screaming in fear at the sight, but that's when up above I see movement. "W-Wait!.. move the camera to look up" I say as I move a bit to get comfortable since I'm still just stuck here. Bebop did as I said as he moved the camera and I see that it was Sam as her eyes are glowing red.

She's smirking as she says "I was told that we'd need some backup~" She says as elementals are now flying in which made my jaw drop. "What the heck, g?! There's more of you?!?" Bebop asks shocked as he keeps his stare on the screen. I chuckle a bit saying "they're my people, yes... but I'm the only one that was brought here by Kraang." The fire-elementals got onto the weird little rock gremlins and looked like they powered up. This even confused me as the earth elementals started using their powers to throw the rock gremlins at Traag and Granitor.

Some were looking a bit scared as they used their powers as others looked determined, but that's when a specific fire-elemental joins the fight. They were encasing themself in fire which made it hard to give any idea on who it is. Though when they land they were a bit crouched before standing up and the flame slowly dies down. When it did I feel a few happy tears build up as Kash says "wow, it's been a while since I was called for action." A piece of ground dropped down by him as I see that it has Haven on it with glowing eyes.

"You can say that again, babe" Haven says with a bit of a smirk before they joined in the fight- but that's when I noticed something. The fire-elementals that were powered up on the gremlins- they must've powered up and shoved their hands in between the rocks. None of them looked in pain as they were controlling the gremlins somehow and got them to fight other gremlins. "Man, you guys are not one's to be messed with!" Bebop says as he takes a small step back. Though he moved the camera to see that April used her powers against Kraang-guy.

It didn't work as he turns around and shoots some type of lasers at her making her gasp and scream before falling to the ground. My eyes widen at this as I felt my smile drop and my ears to pick up as I try to listen for anything from her. "April!!" Mikey and Raph yell out concerned as Casey was struggling to fight some of the gremlins. Traag finally grabbed Mikey though which made my eyes tear up and looking down I see Traag has Leatherhead under his foot. Mikey struggled as he says "let me go, stone bro!!" My tears fall as I see this.

Leatherhead finally speaks up "get off of me!!" He yells out as Raph was thrown onto both Slash and Casey, so I flinch at this. The gremlins were getting on not just Leatherhead, but now even Slash, Casey and Raph too. "Too many, Leonardo!!" Slash yells out as they were piled on "booyakasha!!" Michelangelo yells out. Leo then adds on "we got you, Shredder!" Shred-Head just throws down a smoke bomb. The two turtles stop running and out from the smoke comes some more of them gremlins.

Even the elementals were getting tackled on, so I felt my breath quickening at all of this-
"The ship doesn't swerve as it heard how big the iceberg is
Under the surface!
I think about my purpose, can I somehow preserve this!?"
 I sing out as I struggle in the restraints, but I couldn't get out. The two look at me again since I randomly sang-
"Line up the dominoes, a light wind blows
You try to stop it from toppling, but on and on it goes!-
But wait..."
 I sing as I realize if I just try to concentrate on my powers I could change the portal since it's here because of me... 'or I could just stop. Nothing more than what's here can be a problem that way' I ever so slowly start powering down.
"If I could shake...
The crushing weight~... of expectations"
 I sing as I feel the electricity starting to sting me a bit, but my tolerance is able to handle it.
"Would that free some room up for.. joy?
Or relaxation?~
Or simple pleasure?~
Instead we measure..."
 I sing as I power down more and see the portal closing, but I scream a bit in pain at the electricity now. "Louisa, stop!!" Bebop yells at me as he lifts up his visors, so I shake my head as I still slowly power down.


Okay that's it, but not forever~ Now I hope I can come out of my shell to write you another chapter soon!


2012 TMNT The Big Blowout (including a new character)Where stories live. Discover now